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With sparks and harsh sounds, two valuable cars were stacked and squeezed against the wall, emitting black smoke as if they would explode in the next second. Jack and Shirley were thrown to pieces. After tumbling, they lay side by side on the ground, letting out bursts of painful moans. For a moment, their hearing and vision were gradually fading away, but the pain on their bodies became more intense. At this moment, a vague call suddenly came from Jack. and Shirley's ears ringing. Gritting his teeth, Jack kept flexing his fingers, trying his best to hear the voices in his ears. Gradually, the voices became clearer. Then, a force pulled the car onto Jack and Shirley's car. Armbo pulled the two of them up from the ground. Fuck! Can you guys do it? He held Jack with his left hand and Shirley with his right hand. Kanan, who was also thrown off the motorcycle, moved the two of them together as if nothing happened. He walked towards the alley step by step, while As he walked away, he muttered: Our boss also said that you guys are about the same as us. If you fall down one by one, you will die and lose money. Isn't it far from the best? As he said that, Kanan shook his head hard. Jack, who was shaking his left hand, chuckled and said, You're not even half as strong as your dad. How embarrassing. It seemed that his competitive spirit was aroused by Kanan's words. Jack gently pushed Kanan away, and he pushed hard He shook his head and forced himself to wake up, then frowned and said, We're still far from it. On the other side, the scratches on the body healed at a speed visible to the inner eye. Not long after, Shirley opened her slightly squinted eyes. She stood up straight, and then nodded to Kanan. Thank you, I think. I'm fine. Oh, this is an amazing child. Finding that the scratches on Shirley's face were gone, Kanan nodded with satisfaction. She let go of Shirley's support and patted the snow with a smile. Li's shoulder: Also, thank you. Why are you so polite to your aunt? After a brief rest and letting his breathing calm down, Jack rubbed his shoulders hard, then turned his head and said to Kanan :' We should go. Wait, where should we go? Get in touch with my superior first! Shirley responded hurriedly, and at the same time turned her head to look at Kanan, her eyes seemed to be shining. It's okay to pretend to be cute. It’s useless, I won’t borrow it if I don’t want to! Pushing the half-exposed mobile phone back into his pocket with his fingers, Kanan smiled and said: “Kid, listen.

I really don't understand, why are you so resistant to contacting my superior? As long as I contact him, he will definitely send someone to deal with us. Frowning slightly, Shirley defended in a low voice beside him: Also. Yes, I'm not young, I'm 26 years old... Wait a minute, what did you say?! Jack's eyes widened and he turned his head suddenly and asked, as if he had suffered some cultural shock. Realizing that she had exposed her age in front of Jack, Shirley was slightly startled. She was just thinking about how to deal with it. Suddenly, there was a sound above her head, and then, a beam of white light fell from the sky and shone directly on the three of them. Click Nan looked up and saw another armed helicopter above his head! With the roar of the armed helicopter, groups of ghost zombies emerged from the alleys on all sides and quickly surrounded them. Gun and Machete wore various oil paint masks on their faces, and they were constantly growling from under the masks. Why are you still here?! He quickly pulled out the pistol from his waist, and Jack, who was surrounded by others, frowned. He moved his gaze upwards, staring at the armed helicopter that was constantly circling above his head. The armed helicopter flew right next to him. When he arrived at the residential building, Jack saw a group of BSAA soldiers standing on the platform of the residential building. The people standing at the front of the group of soldiers turned out to be two acquaintances! These two people, It was Chris Redfield and Pierce Nevins who were affiliated with BSAA! As early as half a year ago, Jack had met these two people in Etonia. At that time, he was quite unhappy with them. Unexpectedly, I would meet him here today! But, what's up with Redfield's combat uniform? It doesn't seem to be a BSAA uniform? Looking at the resolute-looking man from a distance, Jack turned his head, Pointing to the platform of the residential building opposite, he said to Shirley: Look, it's Redfield and his children.

Hearing Jack's words, Shirley and Kanan were both stunned. They quickly turned their heads to look in the direction Jack was pointing. After seeing Chris standing at the front, Shirley said excitedly, Great! Ke Reese's team will cover us! Compared to Jack and Shirley, Kanan's performance is much more exaggerated. Although the enemy is at hand, Kanan still turns around and jumps high while facing Chris on the platform. Waving his arms, he shouted excitedly: Yo! Isn't this Redfield?! I haven't seen him for several days! 00 Ha! Are you awake?

On the other side, on the high platform of an old residential building, looking at Kanan, Shirley and Jack who were surrounded by ghostly zombies, Pierce exclaimed: 'Those two people! They are still alive! Half a year ago, they were in Ito. Nia is missing! Having said that, Pierce looked at Kanan who kept waving, frowned slightly and said: Is that woman an acquaintance of the captain? I always feel like I have seen her somewhere. Yes, she is an acquaintance. After a while, Chris nodded with a complicated expression. He said in a low voice: I have received a lot of care in the past six months. Seeing the ghost zombies constantly surrounding the three people below, Pierce said to Chris in a hurry: Neo. Umbrella is looking for them! Really? That's really great. It seemed that he suddenly thought of it. What? A fierce smile appeared at the corner of Chris's mouth. He raised his gun and ordered loudly: Everyone spread out! Cover the three people below! Kill all these damn beasts! After all, those on the high platform. The BSAA members suddenly moved, and a BSAA soldier on the side looked for a suitable angle and shouted to Chris: Captain! This is Mark! They are coming - an armed helicopter! This is This is not a conventional weapon! Rushing down the platform, Chris went straight to the other side of the old residential building. In the communicator, a BS

AA warrior replied loudly: We must protect the three people below! Don't worry about the helicopter for now! Pressed the communicator next to his ear. Chris loudly said: We can wait until we kill those ghost zombies about the helicopter. !After that, Chris stuck out his head and opened fire at the ghost zombies behind the concrete wall bunker below. The bodies of those ghost zombies were extremely hard. Even if the entire magazine was emptied, Chris could only fire. Restricting their movements, it was difficult to inflict fatal wounds on them. Under the concentrated fire of the BSAA soldiers, the bodies of several ghost zombies began to spit out steam violently. Then, their legs mutated violently and were covered with barbs. Their dark red exoskeletons shredded their skin and flesh, growing inversely, turning their lower limbs like the hind legs of grasshoppers. Then, these mutated ghost zombies used their powerful jumping ability to jump directly onto the endless The armed helicopter poured firepower on the three people below, then raised its submachine gun in the air and fired at the BSAA soldiers on the platform. Captain! This is Keaton! The voice of a teammate came again from the communicator, named Keaton. The BSAA soldier reported urgently: I can't contact those three people with the radio! They didn't respond! What should we do? Let's go to hell with those monsters! Hide behind the bunker to avoid being shot from above. After receiving the bullet, Chris pressed the communicator to his ear and replied loudly: Let them solve the rest by themselves!

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