What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-54. Macho men stare at each other

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Even though BSAA joined the battlefield, the battle situation did not gain an advantage. It has to be said that the solid body and random mutations of the ghost zombies put great pressure on the BSAA troops led by Chris F. Holding the gun, he swept down a mutated ghost zombie hanging on the helicopter. Chris quickly retreated into the bunker and listened to the bullets hitting the bunker behind him, making a crackling sound. Chris pressed the communication button in his ear. The machine ordered loudly: Red! That's a mutation you've never seen before! Upload the analysis data to HQ.

Already uploading! Captain! Immediately, a reply came from the other side of the communicator from his teammates. Watch out! These bastards seem to be good at jumping!'

Don't relax! Keeping these bastards will only endanger the world! Cover them! Kill those evil zombies! With the continuous roar coming from the communicator, the fighting spirit of the BSAA soldiers became higher and higher. Under the leadership of Chris, they Relying on the complex and chaotic architectural pattern, they kept firing at the monsters from all directions. No matter how hard the skin is and how solid the muscles are, the ghost zombies are still flesh and blood. 8. After the attack of BSAA and the lower Kanan, Under the counterattack of Jack and Shirley, the number of ghost zombies who came to support finally began to decrease. With the last - the mutated ghost zombie whose head was hanging on the helicopter was shot down, the armed helicopter suddenly raised its height and it hovered in the air. Adjusting the angle, he fired the missile directly at Jack who was hiding behind the bunker below. Seeing the missile trailing smoke and flying towards Zi 2, Jack hurriedly rushed out of the bunker and jumped to the ground. The next second, the explosion of fire brought

The scorching temperature burned on his back. Accompanied by the rumbling sound and the fierce flames, the shattered bunker and the rubble on the old residential building fell cracklingly.

After launching the missile at Jack, without even bothering to check whether it hit the target, the armed helicopter turned around, rose again, and then flew away towards the other side of the building.

Their helicopters have retreated! Pierce, who was following Chris, shouted as he watched the armed helicopter fly away from everyone's heads with white lights.

It won't be that simple! Shaking his head at the little bit of white light blocked by the buildings, Chris frowned and said: Quick! Let's move on! Captain, we need to evacuate those three people. Go. Glancing at the three people stranded below, Pierce came up and whispered to Chris: Damn it, I'm afraid we won't be able to hold on for long. Mark, blow this door open. He patted his eyes gently. At the rusty iron door, Chris ordered his team members. While the BSAA soldier put explosives on the door, Chris turned his head and said to Pierce in a deep voice: We continue to move forward. Accompanied by a short sound With a blast, the iron gate blocking the road fell down, and the BSAA warriors immediately filed in. At this moment, one of the warriors suddenly whispered: It's so interesting, their legs are like grasshoppers . Recalling the ghostly zombies that had mutated their legs like grasshoppers and jumped between buildings, Chris said in a deep voice: I don't care what they look like, I only care about what they look like. , time to die.

Stepping on the metal stairs, making a dense thumping sound, Chris quickly led the BSAA people to the roof. Just as they were preparing to move forward along the road, suddenly, the roar of the propellers It sounded again, and then, a beam of white light shone down. Chris frowned and turned around suddenly, only to see that the armed helicopter that had flown away before turned back! The helicopter is back again! Accompanying Listening to Pierce's roar, Chris changed the magazine with a calm expression, and whispered softly: Oh, I have quite a revenge mentality.

Call HQ, this is Team A! The enemy's armed helicopter is targeting us! Hiding behind the bunker, one of the team members pressed the communicator to their ears to announce the situation loudly, while Chris rushed forward quickly. He set up the M4A in his hand and loudly ordered to the team members: Pay attention to me! Shoot down that armed helicopter! Hit me hard on the forehead!

Hmph, I thought I was going to spend the whole night here. Watching the armed helicopter fly away and the BSAA leaving, Jack gently dusted off the dust on his legs and said with some displeasure: Follow me. Point to Jack. Nodding, Shirley quickly followed Jack's pace. She could see that Jack's face was a little ugly. It was obvious that he had some prejudices against the BSAA hero. Compared to Shirley, who was following Jack closely. Nan's movements seemed a little unhurried. After all the enemies at the bottom of the building were cleared, she lit a cigarette for herself, then rested her arms folded together, and followed the two of them slowly. Behind them, the three of them climbed up the ladder in the rare silence and climbed over the haphazardly built shack near the old residential building. They arrived at the alley on the other side of the old residential building. As soon as they opened the door, Jack heard the sound coming from above. Hearing the roar of an incoming helicopter, he subconsciously raised his head following the sound, only to see the previously retreated armed helicopter circling back and forth above the building, engaging in a fierce exchange of fire with the BSAA on the roof.

Chris is trying to bring down that helicopter! Listening to the chaotic gunfire from the rooftop, Shirley, who was following Jack, raised her head and shouted loudly. It seems that their progress is not going well, isn't it? Looking at the hot night sky with Shirley, Jack sarcastically said with a curled up corner of his mouth: Do you want me to teach them how to do it? i

Jackie! At this moment, Kanan behind her stopped Jack. She blew out two streams of white mist from her nostrils, and then asked with a smile: I don't know if it's my imagination, but you don't seem to like Lei very much. That guy Durfield. After all, neither he nor his boy scouts are very likable. Jack shrugged his shoulders and said while climbing up the ladder in front: And you

You know, I'm a mercenary, and I really don't like that big hero's face. Speaking of it, Jack suddenly paused. He whispered: However, the look he gave just now was very good. It reminded me of Li. When Li shows that look, it means someone is going to be unlucky. Do you look like a boss? It's not that I can't understand... There was something cunning about the curve of the corner of his mouth. After Shirley followed Jack up the ladder, Kanan took three fierce steps towards the wall and ran directly along the vertical wall. When she got to the platform, she held a cigarette between her fingertips, exhaled white mist, then smiled at Jack and said: It might be a good thing if that guy can be more like the boss. As soon as he finished speaking, the black armed helicopter suddenly exploded. Immediately afterwards, the burning wreckage of the helicopter was spinning in the air, dragging thick smoke, and letting the rotor sweep past the old helicopter next to it. The building fell head-first into the open space below. Suddenly, the explosion sounded again, and the hot fire expanded rapidly, carrying the wind and burning the faces of the three people. Oh! Isn't this very useful! Looking directly at the hot flames, Kanan gently flicked the cigarette butt towards the wreckage of the helicopter, and at the same time smiled and whispered to himself, It's not in vain that the boss spent half a year. Thoughts. Beside Kanan, he stared at the burning helicopter wreckage. After a long time, Jack and Shirley looked away. They simultaneously raised their heads and looked at the roof. On the roof, they saw Chris holding the helicopter with one hand. Looking at the thick wooden frame, he also looked at them silently.

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