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After half a year, Chris Redfield and Jack Muller once again locked eyes. I have to say that although Jack could only see disdain, indifference and ridicule in his eyes, Chris still felt that it was a wonderful thing to look into Jack's eyes. For some reason, on Jack's handsome face, Chris I always felt like I saw something familiar, but if Chris really wanted to explore it, Chris would be a little confused. After a moment, Chris missed Jack's gaze and looked at Kanan, who was not far away from Jack. Kanan on the ground immediately grinned at Chris after noticing Chris's gaze, and she raised her head With his right hand, he stretched out his index and middle fingers together, gently pressed them in front of his temples, and saluted Chris and Pierce.

Strange gift. Looking at Kanan's face, Pierce frowned and thought. After a moment, his eyes suddenly widened as if he suddenly remembered something. Chris did not speak, but his facial muscles twitched slightly. Under his gaze, Jack lowered his head and seemed to say something to Shirley and Kanan next to him. Then he turned his head and left. Before leaving, Kanan did not forget to wave towards Chris. Waved his hand. Captain, we can't let them go! Seeing that the three people downstairs were about to leave, Pierce quickly stepped forward and frowned at Chris. He knew very well that among the three people downstairs, at least The two of them were targeted by N∈o Umbrella. Although I don’t know why, and although Pierce was unhappy with that Jack Mueller, out of duty considerations, the BSAA had an obligation to provide them with protection. While Pierce was waiting for Chris's order, he heard Chris, who was watching the three people leave, say in a deep voice: Our mission is to fight biochemical terrorism.

But Neo Umbrella is still tracking them! Are we... Pierce came up and wanted to argue some more, but suddenly, Chris turned his head sharply, and under the shadow, his pair of rich eyes were full of gloom. His eyes were fixed on Pierce. For a moment, Pierce felt as if there was a hungry wolf hiding in Chris's eyes, which would jump out at any time and bite the person to pieces. After swallowing 0000 water, Pierce subconsciously He swallowed all the words that came to his lips. Looking at the nervous Pierce, after a while, Chris suddenly smiled. He reached out his hand, patted Pierce's shoulder gently, and whispered to Pierce: Pierce, I know what you are thinking. Do you think I have been raped? Anger and hatred went to his head? I didn't, Captain. Pierce defended hurriedly, but saw Chris put his shoulder and came directly towards him, and listened to the Silver Blade Captain's words.

Pierce said earnestly: Pierce, many times, things don't develop as you and I see. We need to have the ability to see through the phenomenon to see the essence. Think about it carefully. Yesterday, Tall Oak City in Country A suffered a devastating disaster. Just one day after the bioterrorism attack, Lanxiang followed in the footsteps of Tall Oaks City.

Turning his head and looking at the wreckage of the helicopter below, as well as the rising fire and smoke, Chris continued with a smile: Pierce, think about it again, every ghost zombie we encounter along the way is speaking Chinese. This shows that they are all locals who have been infected. Secondly, they have a lot of firepower and equipment, and even armed helicopters. Just now, a friendly force discovered an old Soviet tank in a nearby neighborhood. , and then think about the equipment in the hands of the anti-government armed forces during the Etonian civil war half a year ago, now, what do you think this means?

Neo. Umbrella's power is extremely huge. Pierce replied subconsciously. Yes, that's right, their power is very big, very big. The corner of his mouth raised an imperceptible arc, and Chris continued to ask: How big is it?

Yes came to his lips, but he couldn't say it out. After a while, Pierce-Dandian's eyes widened, and he turned his head stiffly, staring at Chris. After a moment, he said with some uncertainty: Captain...what do you want? say what?'

You should understand that things have come to this point, Pierce... He turned his head and glanced at the team members standing nearby. After confirming that their positions were safe enough, Chris whispered to Pierce:' Admit it, since the civil war started half a year ago, our enemies are not terrorists who harm B0W, our enemies are state machines!

Shh, Pierce, keep your voice down, don't let the team members down. After turning his head again and confirming that the team members were still on alert, Chris came closer.

Pierce whispered in front of him: Hold on, Pierce, I also want to end this tragedy quickly, but the fact is that with the support of a behemoth, no matter how hard we try, this attack will not stop. I can even boldly speculate. , the enemy hiding in the shadows still has back-ups. No matter what we do in this city, it is just scratching the surface and cannot solve the problem at all. The team... Although I think what Chris said makes sense, Pierce inexplicably felt like he was being raped by logic. He subconsciously wanted to argue, but he heard Chris say in a deep voice: Listen, Pierce. , in the past six months, I have understood a lot of truths in Idonia that I didn't understand before. Now, I want to teach you this truth... Looking into Pierce's eyes, Chris looked serious and said slowly: Some Sometimes, it is necessary to adopt some special means. Only relying on aboveboard and aboveboard often cannot win against insidious deeds. Because of the individual, being aboveboard has a bottom line, but insidious deeds do not. If the aboveboard wants to defeat the insidious deeds, then It has to be more bottomless than underhanded actions! It must also be underhanded and underhanded! l So we have to do something underhanded? Pierce asked with a frown. No, you didn't understand what I said! Shake Shaking his head, Chris stared, and suddenly sped up his speech: 'What I want to say is that many times, creed alone cannot solve problems! And for

For people like us, efforts that cannot solve problems are in vain! So! In order to solve problems, many times we can't just rely on our creed! We have to be flexible! ... Pierce frowned, his eyes full of Tangled, and Chris quickly explained: So, what we have to do now is to move on. I have my own considerations. As for the two young men below, don't worry, the woman following them is very strong, very strong It's scary. If she can't protect those two young men, then there's no point in our whole team rushing forward! Is that woman from the Huanya Armed Forces? I just remembered that I met her half a year ago. It seemed that she was being His competitive spirit aroused, Pierce looked displeased and said: Is she really that powerful?

Quite powerful, she is an assistant instructor at Huanya Armed Forces. Chris replied. Squirt... He smacked his lips vigorously. Thinking of the Asia Armed Forces, Pierce felt very angry. He frowned and said: Captain, I forgot to mention it. Wait a minute, I will report to HQ. Report the details of this exchange between Idonia and the Pan-Asian armed forces. We need to ask the Pan-Asian armed forces for an explanation about the fact that they took advantage of your memory to hide you. What Fu Yi? What Tibetan area? His brows were raised slightly, and there was a smile on his face. Chris explained in a deep voice: Pierce, this is the bureau, this is me.

I have never lost my memory, and I have not been hidden by the Huanya Armed Forces. I deliberately let the Huanya Armed Forces fabricate the news of my death so that the people behind the Idonia Civil War can Did you understand that the man behind the scenes was so careless and exposed? Looking at the former great and upright Silver Blade captain Chris Redfield, Pierce's eyes widened little by little. At this moment, he only felt that It was as if I was being pressed down by a stone, and I was almost out of breath.

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