What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-61. The achievement of the macho man folding the flag is achieved

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Accompanied by the explosion of sparks, the snake-shaped BOW, whose head was almost blown off, was hit heavily in the stagnant water. Its flesh and blood began to collapse and fester, and finally burned in the F bear and flames. After confirming that the monster was dead, he immediately turned his head and shifted his gaze to Mark, the BSAA blaster who had just been electrocuted due to forcibly connecting the power supply. On the high platform, BSAA soldiers surrounded Mark from all sides and protected him. Pierce said with a worried look on his face: Mark! Mark! Can you hear me?! °0.. I could hear the fingers twitching slightly , Mark, who still had some skin on his body, gritted his teeth and supported his body forcefully, and said with a smile: We did it, right? We completely killed that difficult monster, right? That's right. A familiar voice sounded, and Chris stepped on the debris pile and re-entered the platform. He squeezed through the crowd surrounding Mark, smiled and said to Mark: We did it, the guy died without even ashes. As he did, Chris bent down and stretched out his hand to Mark. At the same time, he smiled and nodded and said, Mark did a great job. Hehe... - He held the hand that Chris stretched out to him tightly. Reese stood up with a pull, his brows and eyes full of pride. After helping Mark, Chris turned his head and glanced at the surrounding team members. It seemed that because they had just finished a fierce battle, the team members' faces looked... A little tired, but despite this, Chris can still feel the high fighting spirit from their bodies. There is no doubt that as the operation progresses, the team led by Chris can ensure that no one is injured or injured. They achieved results one after another, which made their self-confidence so high. For some reason, Chris saw in these players the shadow of the BSAA team that was wiped out on the battlefield of Idonia half a year ago. Well done, everyone! Just now, we successfully wiped out a very dangerous BOW at a very low cost. After half a year, the BSAA fighters were once again mobilized before the war. Chris decided to use the method just now. The results obtained were used as the opening remarks, but then, Chris changed the subject and said, But, don't be careless! Because next, our task will be extremely difficult! Our next goal is: to find this biochemical The mastermind behind the terrorist attacks - King Ada!.

Facing the surging fighting spirit in the eyes of the surrounding BSAA soldiers, Chris put away the faint smile on his lips and frowned. He said in a deep voice: Just half a year ago, on the battlefield of the Idonia Civil War, N ∈o Umbrella's leader Ada Wang used BOW to indirectly or directly murder several BSAA teams. She is the most ferocious and cruel terrorist I have encountered since forming BSAA! She is cunning, ruthless, and cruel at all. There is no humanity at all, and what we have to do now is to find her and kill her! Wait, Captain... Hearing Chris's words, Pierce frowned subconsciously, and he leaned into Chris's ear and whispered Asked: Should we take her back for trial? Pierce, you are wrong again. Turning his head and patting Pierce's shoulder, Chris said seriously: Pierce, have you forgotten that woman? How terrible is it? Do you really think we will have a chance to capture her alive? No, no, even if we let her live for one more second, she will find a way to murder my team, so it is best to treat her The best way is to kill her directly without giving her any chance... As if he noticed the doubt in Pierce's eyes, Chris's lips once again raised a smile, and he whispered: What? You still think I am The order was issued out of personal hatred? How is it possible? Do you think I am a guy who is blinded by hatred? No, captain, I just... Pierce instinctively felt that something was wrong, but when he saw Chris looked at him with something in his eyes - After looking at Sifu for a while, Chris sighed softly and said: Pierce, I think if Finn is still here, he will definitely support my decision. Recalling the young blaster who set foot on the battlefield of Idonia with him and his captain Chris half a year ago, Pierce was speechless for a moment, and there was a moment of hesitation on his face. He turned his eyes vaguely, wanting to Observing the reactions of the surrounding team members, I saw that the other BSAA team members seemed to have been brainwashed by Chris, and the flames of fighting will almost burned to the sky. I understand. In the end, Pierce compromised, and he clicked He nodded, and then whispered to Chris: I think if we have a chance, we should arrest her as much as possible.

Of course, if I have the chance, I would of course prefer to arrest her. Nodding to Pierce, Chris tilted his head and raised a cold smile in a place where everyone could not see: Just However, I think this chance may be a bit slim. After perfunctoryly dealing with Pierce, Chris cleared his throat, and then continued to start his pre-war mobilization that was interrupted by Pierce. He frowned and spoke like a lecture - - The surrounding BSAA team members shouted: Anyway! In the next actions! I ask you to strictly obey my orders! Be vigilant at all times! A reasonable distance between teams needs to be maintained to ensure that any When one person is attacked, others can provide timely help and cover. There is no doubt that the next battle will be more dangerous. Even if you are vigilant enough, some of you may still die, but my duty is to avoid this as much as possible. This situation happened, do you understand?!.

Got it! the surrounding BSAA soldiers shouted excitedly. Very good! Let's start taking action! Turning around, showing tactical gestures, Chris said in a deep voice: The combat target, Neo. Umbrella leader, female

Following Chris's order, Team A of BSAAA moved again. They moved along the high platform and pushed aside the walls of the abandoned residential building.

They walked through the dimly lit corridor and quickly arrived at the red metal door on broken floor tiles. After the team was alerted, Chris and Pierce looked at each other and nodded to each other. The next second, Chris kicked The door was kicked open, and the team members who had been alert for a long time filed in and began to confirm the situation in the room. After confirming safety, the follow-up team entered step by step. Chris, who was walking at the end, closed the metal door behind him with his backhand, and then began to scan around. He saw that the room in front of him was extremely wide, but the corners and the ground were full of garbage and debris. Although there were no lights in the room, the room did not appear too dark due to the two huge windows 2 on the side wall. Under the command of Chris, the team began to advance little by little. In the middle of the team, Demoman Mark glanced out the window and heard gunshots outside. He subconsciously leaned over, as if he wanted to take a look, but the next step Seconds later, Chris, who was at the end of the team, shouted loudly: K! Remember what I just said?! Remember! Captain! Chris stopped him, and Mark trembled slightly and quickly returned to the team. . Nodding silently, he unknowingly broke the last death Flag. Chris clung to the end of the team and followed the team forward step by step. However, just as the team was about to leave the room, a voice spoke , suddenly sounded from behind: Chris Redfield, you really surprised me.

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