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Chris Redfield, you really surprised me. Sitting on the window frame, a dark-haired woman wearing a purple hip skirt had a faint smile on her face. She was leaning against the wall, holding a package. The foot in the brown boots tilted his head, staring at the back of the BSAA team, his red lips slightly opened. The moment he heard the voice, Chris felt that something in his blood vessels seemed to be awakened. , before the entire A team turned around to confirm the situation, Chris at the end of the team suddenly turned around and pressed the alarm directly in the direction of the sound. Suddenly, there was the sound of gunshots and a burst of dings. The jingling sounds collided together. Wow. Oh. It seemed that she was startled by the sudden shooting. The woman's eyes widened slightly. She retracted the arm in front of her and looked at her His sleeves were torn by bullets, and then he smiled and said to Chris: How decisive. Looking at the familiar figure sitting in the window in front of him, Chris smiled, smiling like a hungry wolf that had caught its prey, pointing his fingers Pressing the trigger, Chris was about to fire again, but Pierce suddenly reached out and pressed down the muzzle of Chris' gun. With another burst of gunfire, Pierce frowned and reminded loudly: Team B, we are going to arrest her!

Missing two shots again, Chris turned his head and glared at Pierce, only to see Pierce directly raise the gun and point it at the woman, and at the same time said sternly: Don't move! Put your hands up! King Ada !With Pierce's roar, the surrounding BSAA team members all raised their guns as if facing a formidable enemy, aiming at the woman sitting on the window frame. Although they had never seen this woman before, But before the mission started, they had all seen the woman's photo, and they were certain that the woman in front of them was the culprit of this terrorist attack, the Queen of Neo. Umbrella - King Ada On the other side, despite being pointed at so many guns, the woman named King Ada did not appear panicked at all. She leisurely swayed her legs from the window, and her slightly narrowed eyes revealed a touch of disdain. His eyes crossed the BSAA soldiers and locked on Chris. After a while, he whispered softly: It's been such a long time. Mr. Redfield, the hero of BSAA, I thought you were dead. Chris didn't say anything. He directly raised the gun in his hand and was about to fire, but was suppressed again by Pierce. Captain, we should arrest her! Pierce reminded again. Pierce, forget what I said? Chris frowned and said solemnly: She is too dangerous! We should kill her! Kill her and we can Finish

Captain! Seeing anger and madness emanating from Chris's eyes, Pierce finally realized that he had been deceived by Chris. From the very beginning, Chris had no intention of arresting King Ada. Chris just wanted revenge! Really! It is unbelievable that the great hero of BSAA, the incarnation of justice, Chris Redfield, would one day be dominated by hatred. This is really an interesting scene. Looking at the dispute between Pierce and Chris, feeling the hatred With the deep-seated murderous intent in Reese's eyes, King Ada or Carla Radames finally realized that her appearance seemed a bit inappropriate, so she smiled and took off her black leather gloves, revealing the silver-white mechanical arm. , and at the same time smiled and said to the BSAA fighters: However, I don't mind making this hatred a little more unforgettable. After saying that, Carla suddenly waved the mechanical arm at the BSAA fighters. , and then, a small silver-white ball suddenly flew out of Kara's sleeves following Kara's movements. This is a gift from me to you, I hope you will like it. The corners of her mouth were raised - without a smile, Kara Squinting his eyes, he jumped directly through the window. On the other side, he saw that the metal shell of the small ball was beginning to fall off. Chris knocked Pierce away, jumped up and pounced on the small ball. The next second, accompanied by a muffled sound, Chris's body slightly frowned. Captain! At this moment, Pierce's eyes were about to burst, and his heart was instantly filled with regret, and he rushed quickly. When he arrived at Chris's side, he wanted to check on Chris, but he saw Chris suddenly stood up with his arms, raised his gun and rushed to the window, constantly looking out. After a while, he suddenly He punched the window frame hard and cursed: Damn it, let this woman run away! Captain... Seeing that Chris was unhurt, Pierce was stunned. After a while, he rushed anxiously He came to Chris's side and while checking Chris' clothes, he said urgently: Captain, are you okay? Don't worry, I'm fine. Chris turned his head and said in a deep voice. He heard Chris's answer, including All the BSAA team members, including Pierce, breathed a sigh of relief. A BSAA fighter named Keaton walked up and squatted down to examine the white metal ball that was pinned down by Chris with a flying dive. The metal of the outer shell of the ball had fallen off, revealing densely packed needles. But at this moment, those needles were either bent or broken. It looked like they had been crushed by Chris' body armor. This is some kind of syringe. After a moment, Keaton stood up and reported to Chris: The function of this weapon is probably similar to a fragmentation grenade, except that it does not eject fragments, but one by one. The injection needle was full of viruses. Fortunately, the captain responded in time, otherwise we might have been annihilated. Sorry, captain, I... Upon hearing Keaton's words, Pierce's regret appeared directly on his face, - Thinking that the tragedy on the battlefield of Idonia almost happened again six months ago, he felt horrified in his heart. He was just thinking about what to say to Chris when he saw Chris turn around and pat him gently. Shoulder said: 'Forget it, Pierce, relax, we still have a chance. Looking into Pierce's eyes, Chris said solemnly: Now, you should understand, right? How dangerous is that woman? As long as she is still alive, Our team, even the entire BSAA

All operational troops will be exposed to danger! Therefore, the best way to deal with her is not to arrest her, but to execute her on the spot! Do you understand? I understand! Captain! Pierce responded loudly, even if He knew very well that Chris's purpose was almost entirely selfish and for revenge. But at this moment, he couldn't find any reason to refute Chris. That woman was indeed too dangerous, and it might be best to kill her directly. choice. Very good, don't make this mistake next time... 0 After hearing Pierce's response, Chris turned his head to look at the other BSAA members and said in a deep voice: Just now, you should all shoot. Yes, but you let that woman act, and she almost killed us all. However, we have more important things to do than pursuing your fault at the moment. We must find the woman and hunt that woman! Completely Calm down this chaos! Do you understand?

Understood! Captain! the surrounding BSAA players responded loudly.

Very good... Nodding again, Chris turned around and walked towards the front of the team while asking in a deep voice: HQ, this is the captain of team A, please tell me Ai The location of King Tat...

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