What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-63. Strong man, tiger and crane in double form

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HQ, this is the captain of Team A. Please tell me the location of King Ada. This is HQ. We have found her location. Ada Wang left the city and was heading south to the port. Accompanied by the conversation in the communicator, the BSAA soldiers guarding the ruins quickly began to move. Running through the flames towards the new target location, they did not see that behind them, a woman in red held a rope hook gun and quickly descended from the ruins above her head. Repeat, Ada Wang Zhengchao. Before he could finish his words, his white jade hand cut off the communication. The black-haired girl in white clothes with a long knife on her waist looked indifferent. She lightly jumped directly from the fault of the building more than ten meters away. After coming down, her white high-heeled boots landed firmly on the ground, ignoring the burning flames beside her, letting the temperature scorch her cheeks. With steady steps, Hitomi Shima slowly came to Ada. Next to her, a cold voice said: Did you hear that? They said you went to the port. This is not like a port. Looking around at the old residential buildings around her, Ada chuckled and said: They are holding a welcome party for me, but I haven't gotten there yet. That's good. A cold smile appeared on his lips, and Hitomi Mikishima said softly, The rest is to hurry up. Let's go to the party before the curtain falls, right? Gently tucking the black hair around her ears, Ada asked with a chuckle. That's right. Hitomi Mijima nodded and said, Let's go and kill her. Cross. The dark and old alleys ignored the tightly closed shops and the random piles of debris. Not long after, Hitomi Mishima and King Ada came to a garden that looked a bit like this old community. The community park is not large. The ground is paved with neat stone bricks, and trees are planted around it. There are also yellow and blue slides and a cute spring red panda. Looking across the front, the two people are walking on the stone. Road, bypassing the slide supported by the yellow metal frame, and walking towards the exit of the garden step by step. At this moment, Mikishima sleeps slightly, her eyes narrow, and then she reaches out her hand to stop her. He looked at Ada, who was walking side by side with her, and whispered at the same time: You can't get out from there. Hearing Hitomi Mikishima's words, Ada winced slightly and then looked towards the exit of the park in the distance. At the exit, she saw an armored vehicle belonging to BSAA suddenly blocked. Around the armored vehicle, several BSAA The soldiers were lingering under the trees. I Ms. Wang, given the current situation, I'm afraid you won't be able to meet with the BSAA, right? Hitomi Mishima asked softly, looking at the BSAA fighters in the distance.

Actually, I have never been able to meet with the BSAA. Recalling the experience of pretending to be a BSAA evaluator to conduct espionage activities in East Slavia the year before and being caught in the act, the smile on Ada's face showed a faint unnaturalness. If Simmons hadn't revealed the truth back then, she would have become an internationally wanted criminal. Although she didn't mind at all. On the other side, Hitomi Mikishima was still observing the situation outside the garden. She frowned slightly and said softly: It's so troublesome. Can't they give in a little bit? Or maybe, we don't need to go out from there. Turning her head and looking at the doorway in the ancient architectural style of the Celestial Dynasty outside the garden, Ada chuckled and said, Maybe we can go that way, although it will be a bit far away.

Fixing his gaze on the place Ada was looking at, Hitomi Mikishima frowned slightly and said: It looks so lively over there. If you go from that way, there will be no problem.

No, it's just that the lights are still on. In fact, most people have been evacuated... Ada turned her head and raised her eyebrows slightly at Hitomi Mishima: 'How about it? Can you jump over?' When No. Looking at the tens of meters long distance in front of him, Hitomi Inkishima shook his head slightly and said: It has to jump at least twice. As he said that, Hitomi Inkishima was slightly startled, as if he had realized something. She turned her head suddenly and said to Ada: Ms. Wang, are you trying to take this opportunity to run away again?

How could it be? I will wait for you. After all, we are good sisters, aren't we? She gently waved her hand to Hitomi Mishima, signaling her peace of mind. Ada chuckled and said, If Miss Mishima can't trust me, , then you can hold my waist, and I will take you with me. Scanning Ada's body back and forth with a scrutinizing gaze, after a moment, Hitomi Mishima closed her eyes and said: Hold my waist or something? Forget it. There was no response from Ida. Ada had a smile on her face. She held the debris on the edge of the garden with one hand and walked up to the railing of the garden. Standing in front of the railing, she raised the rope hook in her hand. The gun was pointed at the door beam of the tall doorway in the distance and the alarm was clicked. Suddenly, with a soft sound, the rope hook was nailed into the door beam. The tough rope instantly pulled Ada straight to the door beam. Go through the tall red doorway. Behind Ada, Hitomi Mikishima kicked the ground lightly with his feet, letting his figure suddenly fly out like a white phantom. The hem of his white leather coat rustled with the whistling wind, following the wind that flew through the air. The white afterimage crossed the elegant strong line, and then, at the moment when the afterimage touched the ground, she bounced up again, pressed straight over the towering fence, and landed steadily in the tall red doorway. Until Hitomi Mikishima stood firm and made a somersault in the air, Ada landed awkwardly. Miss Mikishima, I'm a little confused. What's the meaning of your question just now? Looking at Hitomi Mikishima who landed before herself, Ada couldn't help but chuckled and asked. Wait a minute, Wang. Miss! As soon as Ada finished speaking, I saw Hitomi Mikishima's expression - Rin. She quickly put her hand on the handle of the knife at her waist, and at the same time frowned and said: There is someone in front! This feeling... is strange. Hitomi Mikishima shouted a warning, and saw two ghostly zombies carrying machetes and wearing oil paint masks strutting out from behind the huge disk surrounded by wooden seats in front of them. One of them was wearing a red suit. One of them was wearing yellow clothes. After meeting Hitomi Mishima and Joda, they both raised their machetes at the same time and shouted words that neither of them could understand. Yes, even though he was from China, But Ada couldn't understand the dialect spoken by the ghost zombie at all. Seeing that the ghost zombie P found her, Ada took out her hand

The miniature charger on his waist was about to fire at the two ghost zombies, when he saw the yellow-clothed ghost zombie shouted and his center of gravity suddenly lowered. Then, the red-clothed ghost zombie jumped up and directly Climbing onto the body of the yellow-clothed ghost zombie, it stepped on the head of the yellow-clothed ghost zombie with one foot, and stepped on the shoulder of the yellow-clothed ghost zombie with the other foot. Then, he suddenly raised his knees. , standing on one foot above the head of the yellow-clothed ghost zombie like a juggler, and while shouting, he danced with a knife. This is a tiger and a crane?! Looking at the two ghostly zombies in front of him, Indoshima, who was holding a knife with one hand, couldn't help but turn pale and said in shock. No, it's just trivial matters. Ada raised her brows and pressed the alarm directly at the two ghostly zombies who were playing tricks. However, just as the gunfire rang out, she saw the man stepping on his companion's head. The ghost zombie actually jumped into the air and directly avoided Ada's bullet. It raised the machete in its hand high in the air, shouted and used its own gravity to slash hard at Ada's head. Really a tiger and a crane? Seeing the menacing zombies coming, Ada couldn't help but be stunned. She was about to hide away, but she saw Hitomi Mikishima standing in front of her one by one. Accompanied by a burst of cold light, Niangtian Kuanggu suddenly unsheathed, and the next second, accompanied by splashing sparks, a ding sound came from under the towering red doorway.

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