What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-64. The fierce queen is on the road

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Under the bright lights, Ada and Hitomi Mikishima, who had left the garden, ran as fast as they could on the chaotic streets filled with roadblocks. They faced the restaurant sign that was glowing with bright red light. Hitomi Mikishima looked disappointed. He whispered in a low voice: Just now, in the park, Hitomi Mikishima saw with his own eyes the two ghost zombies using the Tiger and Crane Double Form move. The sword that fell from the sky was as powerful as thunder! Then they were killed Hitomi Mikishima was so powerful that he couldn't even go through half a round. I said, it's just juggling. Running next to Hitomi Mikishima, Ada chuckled and said: If Miss Mikishima wants to meet a real Celestial husband, I think it would be better for you to go find Boss Li. Yakou-kun's is just a simple fighting technique, it can't be considered authentic Celestial Kung Fu, right? Hitomi Mikishima muttered in a low voice. So what do you think Chinese Kung Fu is? Ada asked with a chuckle. Chinese Kung Fu is just... Thinking back to the various fighting scenes he had seen in Lan Xiang's Kung Fu movies, Hitomi Mishima just wanted to say O. But he was speechless for a moment. Chinese Kung Fu is a fighting technique used by the people of the Celestial Dynasty. It's not that deep. Seeing Hitomi Mikishima was stunned for a moment, Ada curled her lips and said: But it's really a pity to say it. Now, this most traditional set of re-killing It is already difficult to learn the technique. It's a shame I still look forward to it so much. Recalling her excitement when she saw the two ghost zombies asking for Arhat, Hitomi Chishima whispered: I thought I met someone who has the same skills as me. Warriors with monster bodies came... I think it's best not to encounter them. Ada shook her head and changed the topic: Speaking of which, those monsters are the same as the monsters I encountered in Simmons' submarine before. It looks similar. It's similar to the monsters that appeared in Nagaye and the Caribbean Sea. Squinting his eyes slightly, Mijishima Hitomi's words had a hint of coldness. It was obvious that the past of Nagaye had a lot of influence on him. For Hitomi Mikishima, it was hard to look back.

As if because the topic became a little heavy, the two suddenly fell into silence. After crossing a road barrier and walking through alleys, suddenly, a group of civilians rushed out from the corner in front, screaming in terror. Then, gunshots suddenly rang out, and bullets from behind them penetrated their bodies. Amid the screams, the civilians fell into a pool of blood one after another like harvested wheat. A moment later , - A ghostly zombie with a paint mask on his face and a light machine gun in his hand walked out of the corner with a smile. Damn it! You actually massacred unarmed ordinary people! Seeing the civilians in Lanxiang City being massacred by monsters, Hitomi Mikishima's already sharp eyes became even colder, as if he was about to shoot out sword energy. The civilians who fell to the ground one by one, Being together with the members of the Inkishima group who died in order to protect the ancestral home of the Inkishima family in the record, Inkishima Hitomi was so angry that he just wanted to pull out the Sangtian Kuanggu from his waist, but he heard something in his ears. - There was a soft sound, and then, the ghost zombie carrying a light machine gun suddenly burst into pieces and turned into minced meat on the ground. Putting the mechanical crossbow that had just fired the explosive crossbow back behind her back, the expressionless Ada whispered: It seems that these monsters are just like their masters. Not only are they arrogant, they are also very classless. Looking at the expressionless Ada , Hitomi Mikishima couldn't help but be a little surprised. After spending so long with Ada, this was the first time she saw such an expression on Ada's face.

If Ada didn't laugh, that meant she was really angry. Let's go. Pulling out the mini submachine gun from her waist, Ada sighed softly, and said softly: It seems that many citizens failed to evacuate, but it's a pity that we are still having a party. Save Not everyone. Not knowing what to say to Ada, Hitomi Mikishima could only nodded. At this moment, she had a new understanding of King Ada, the legendary female spy. Kind, but extremely real. With Aida Together, Tatsu and Tatsu walked through the streets filled with roadblocks and crossed sporadic fire. An overturned bus blocked the way for the two of them, but whether it was for Ada or Hitomi Mishima, such a roadblock Neither of them could stop the two of them. Ada took out the rope hook gun, and Hitomi Chishima jumped lightly. With the sound of the rope tightening, the two of them jumped over the overturning Batu at the same time. Four high guns The boots fell to the ground together with a soft sound. Hitomi Mikishima was stroking the handle of the knife with one hand as before, while Ada was kneeling on one knee. When she looked up, she saw an earthy-colored human chrysalis blocking the way. In the middle of the street. Looking at the khaki human chrysalis, Hitomi Mikishima frowned slightly and whispered. It doesn't matter, we don't need to worry about it. Standing up quickly, Ada said softly. As soon as she finished her words, suddenly, it seemed as if the life contained in the man's pupa felt the surrounding living things. There was only a soft sound, and the man's pupa suddenly opened a tight crack. Then, the whole human chrysalis began to tremble violently. Vaguely, Ada and Hitomi Mikishima seemed to hear some sound coming from the human chrysalis. The sound was like a roaring engine. The sound became louder and louder. It grew bigger and bigger until it was clear. In the next second, the front of the pupa shell exploded, and the earthy yellow liquid splashed everywhere like mud. I saw something suddenly emerged from the pupa shell, and the hard pupa was blown away. The shell continued to be cut open, and finally, with a burst of explosions, the pupa shell that bound life was finally torn apart, revealing the full face of the monster. The monster's body shape was the same as that of a human being, with obvious limbs. The structure is just that the body is wrapped by a reddish-brown carapace like a carapace. The carapace is covered with barbs. The irregular carapace is divided by red cracks that expose the muscles, and it is constantly spitting out. Steam. Compared to the body, the monster's head is even weirder. Half of its head still has obvious human characteristics, but the mouth has no lips, exposing jagged sharp teeth. Its nose is gone, only It went down a trap, and that half of its face was covered with blood-red eyeballs. As for the other half of its head, it was completely occupied by blood-colored lumps and proliferated muscles. This kind of weird The deformity extends straight along its neck to its chest. Compared to its right chest, which is tightly protected by a scarlet carapace, its left chest and left arm seem to be covered by a large mass.

It looks like a piece of muscle twisted and pieced together without skin protection, connecting thick blood vessels and tendons directly to the left arm, and its left arm grows directly with the end of the right arm, as if It's like being handcuffed. However, what restrained the monster's arms was not hands at all, but ribs! That's right, I don't know what kind of malignant mutation it had gone through, but the monster's left rib actually grew completely on its left arm. The ribs were connected to the half of the spine and curved like a spiral, completely wrapping the monster's left arm in it, and on the half of the spine, a strange bone with a length of one meter suddenly grew. The bone structure is long, flat, and slightly irregular in shape. The triangular bones supported in the middle are strengthened and stabilized. The outer layer is covered with hideous barbs. Along with the burst of fire coming from between the ribs of the left arm, With the sound of heartbeats, the bone structure full of inverted bones started to rotate crazily, making bursts of roar like an engine.

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