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It has to be said that at this moment, the strange monster standing in front of the street is far beyond Ada and Hitomi Mikishima's understanding of BOW. With the roar like an engine, Hitomi Mikishima lowered his voice little by little. She regained her focus, held the handle of the knife with one hand, frowned slightly and whispered: That thing is... a chainsaw? The electric saw... This is really eye-opening. On the other side, the corners of Ada's lips curved slightly. She turned her head and looked at Hitomi Mishima next to her, her eyes full of encouragement, as if she was saying to Hitomi Mishima: It's your turn. i RUAAAA!!!!”

Obviously, the chainsaw monster blocking the way forward did not intend to wait for Ada and Hitomi Mikishima to exchange opinions. It opened its mouth full of fangs, raised the bioelectric weapon in its hand and screamed at Ada and Hitomi. Hitomi Mikishima rushed over, and Hitomi Mikishima looked stern when she saw this. She took a step forward to block in front of Ada, and lowered her body again. For a while, it seemed that only the figure of the monster was left in the Silver God, even though it It was coming menacingly, but in Mijima Hitomi's eyes, the monster was full of flaws! One blow was enough to kill it!

As the distance got closer, the roar of the biological chainsaw became more and more violent, constantly lingering in Hitomi Mikishima's ears. The noisier the sound became, Mikishima Hitomi's heart became silent. When the monster rushed into the wild sky, Hitomi Mikishima felt silent. The moment the bone slash hit the range, a cold light shot out of Hitomi Mikishima's eyes. She held the handle of the knife behind her back and suddenly took action. The Odachi wrapped in a black scabbard fell to the ground with the cold sound of the iron chain. A bright spark suddenly tore out, and then, the sharp blade cut through the air, and struck the monster's neck hard with the sound of metal. A sudden heavy blow to the neck caused the chainsaw monster to stagnate and let out a burst of piercing screams. But on the other side, Hitomi Mishima and Ada opened their eyes wide at the same time, because Hitomi Mishima's determined blow turned out to be Couldn't cut off the monster's head. Feeling the blockage coming from the handle of the knife, and looking at the blade that only cut a quarter of the monster's neck, Hitomi Mikishima was stunned, but the electric monster once again raised the biological electric weapon in his hand and frantically The dance started, and behind Hitomi Mishima, Ada reacted faster. She hugged Hitomi Mishima's waist, and at the same time took out the rope hook gun from her waist with one hand, and shot the gun beside her. On the old building, the rope was tightened. Ada and Hitomi Mikishima stood up in response, avoiding the slashing attack of the bioelectric weapon. The two drew an arc in the air and landed steadily in front of the old building. on a two-story wooden frame. With both feet on the ground, Hitomi Mikishima lowered his head and looked at the telegraph monster still left on the street. He saw that the monster's neck was continuously spraying dark red blood outwards. As soon as the blood touched the air, it turned into At first glance, the sky was full of sparks, as if the monster's neck was spitting fire. The monster was screaming strangely and angrily. It was waving the biological chainsaw in its hand in a panic. It seemed that it was because of injury. According to reports, the monster looks even more violent. That guy's neck is so hard. His fingers clenched the Shang Tian Kuang Gu, and Hitomi Mikishima frowned. I can see it. He vaguely glanced at the Odachi sword in Hitomi Mikishima's hand, and saw that the blade was not curled or broken. , there was a trace of surprise in Ada's eyes, she chuckled and said to Hitomi Mikishima: Are you going to run away? If you run away, this guy shouldn't be able to catch up with us. It's not necessary, how can Taketsuchi have any reason to run away in front of the battle? Shaking his head at Ada, Hitomi Mikishima frowned and whispered: I can handle it. After that, without waiting for Ada's reply, Hitomi Mikishima jumped lightly and jumped back to the street. Wait a minute, you... Seeing Chishima Hitomi jumping down like that, Ada instinctively stretched out her hand to stop her, but Chishima Hitomi's speed was too fast. Looking at Ruona, the white warrior girl standing on the street Putting the Odachi back into its scabbard, Ada's brows showed a hint of helplessness. She pulled out the mechanical crossbow from behind, half-crouched on the wooden frame on the second floor, and while aiming at the electric monster, she whispered Next, on the street full of debris, the electric monster finally stopped the bleeding on its neck with its powerful self-healing ability. It turned around staggeringly like a puppet with uncoordinated limbs. The densely packed red eyeballs on Zhang's face were locked firmly on Hitomi Mikishima. Between the twisted arms, the strange and deformed bioelectricity was still spraying steam and making bursts of roaring sounds. A weapon made out of one's own body? Looking at the biological chainsaw that was constantly spraying steam, Hitomi Mikishima gently closed his sharp eyes and let the reorganized electric monster scream. Rushing towards her, she stretched out her left hand and gently opened her collar, revealing a delicate white patch of enchanting red lines. Then, the five fingers of her right hand, which looked delicate and soft, were pressed together like a knife blade against her chest. The red thread pierced hard, and immediately, the red thread was stretched open, revealing the tight muscles under the snow-white skin. The next second, fireworks flew, and Hitomi Mikishima immediately took a stance against the electric monster. drink!

Accompanied by the girl's sweet shout, a cold light suddenly appeared, and the crystal bone blade with a trace of blood hit the bioelectricity barrage that was slashed head-on with a loud clang sound. In an instant, it was heartbreaking. The sound of friction instantly filled the entire street, and accompanied by flying sparks, Hitomi Mikishima raised his head, and his gaze collided with the electric monster, as if he was about to shoot out sword energy. Zeng Zazhong's right hand holding the bone blade trembled slightly, Hitomi Mikishima frowned, resisting the bioelectricity in the hands of the chainsaw monster, while on the other side, his arms grew with the bioelectricity. The monster was getting harder and harder, and the bioelectric weapon continued to press Hitomi Mikishima's bone blade amidst the roar. As if it was excited that its own power had the upper hand, the monster kept making weird laughs like a pig's snarl. Voice. Don't let me get carried away! Clenching her silver teeth, the white warrior who was pressed by the biological chainsaw couldn't help shouting in Japanese. With this shout, Mishima Hitomi suddenly rotated her body, letting the electric weapon comply. The blade of the bone blade slashed down with sparks. Then, she turned over and kicked the chest of the electric monster. Taking advantage of the monster staggering away from her, she quickly raised her right hand and kicked the bone The blade is held horizontally in front of the body, with the left hand

Holding the end of the bone blade tightly, she gradually dragged her left hand from the handle to the tip, and a raging fire suddenly ignited on the crystal-clear bone blade. On the other hand, Hitomi Mikanshima kicked him away. The chainsaw monster shook its head vigorously, looking more and more angry. It screamed strangely again and rushed towards Hitomi Mikanshima. It was about to raise the biological chainsaw in its hand. All of a sudden, a crossbow arrow pierced into the crack between the carapace of its shoulder with a sound of breaking through the air. The muscles were stuck, and the monster's movement of lifting the telegraph was stagnant. It turned its head subconsciously, but Seeing Ada kneeling on one knee on the wooden frame on the second floor, holding up a mechanical crossbow, she smiled at it. The next second, with the sound of the tip of the knife entering flesh, Hitomi Mikishima ran headlong into the arms of the chainsaw monster. The flaming bone blade was extinguished by flesh and blood, and the flames were extinguished from the back of the electric monster. RUA! ! !

The chest was pierced by a blow, and the chainsaw monster let out a hoarse scream. Hitomi Mikishima took a step back, and threw the extinguished bone blade with the blood on the blade on the ground. In front of her, the electric The saw monster kept staggering back, and the blood-red eyeballs on half of its face were moving randomly. Dong Yu, after taking several steps back, the monster finally softened and lay on the ground. It opened wide. With his mouth open, he kept breathing heavily and twitching violently.

Taking steady steps, Hitomi Mikishima came to the side of the chainsaw monster step by step. Looking at the monster lying on the ground, Hitomi Mikishima looked indifferent. She held the n in her backhand and pointed the tip of the knife at the monster. At the same time, he said coldly: Death. The next second, the tip of the knife tore through the air, passed through the monster's head, melted the asphalt road, and nailed the monster to the street.

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