What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-66. A macho man watching a plane

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Team A 0 calls HQ! We have seen King Ada and are in pursuit! This is HQ. It was found that King Ada was moving towards Yunhe. Team C and Team D established an encirclement net near Kucen. Repeat, they found King Ada. Da.Wang is moving towards the canal

Cutting off the communicator in her ear, Ada, who was dressed in red, turned her head with a smile, smiled at Hitomi Mikishima who was sitting next to her and said, Did you hear that? 'I' am heading towards the canal. So we didn't choose the wrong shortcut, right? Hitomi Mikishima, who put his hands on his knees and sat next to Ada, asked softly. Looking at the sign, it should be right. Turning his head After looking at the route sign hanging on the roof, Ada smiled and returned to Xia Dao. At this moment, Hitomi Mikishima and Ada were on a train traveling inside Lanxiang City. After killing the electric blockage blocking the road, After catching the monster, Hitomi Mikishima continued to move forward with Ada. It didn't take long for the two of them to arrive near the railway track. At this moment, Ada suggested that they could quickly reach their destination by taking a train. According to what they heard through eavesdropping, Information, Ada analyzed Kara's route of action, and finally concluded that Kara should go to Yunhe, Kucen-led Lanxiang, and finally arrive at the port of Lanxiang. In other words, she was ready to escape. If she wanted to catch up, Before she could escape, the train was undoubtedly a great choice. In this way, after the two reached an agreement, Ada hugged Hitomi Mikishima's waist and successfully entered using the rope hook gun as the train sped past. Inside the train. The windows of the train are not wide, and it does take some skills to jump in accurately. Fortunately, Ada and Mikishima are both in good shape. Being in an empty train, sitting neatly On the soft seat, feeling the strange pleasure of the wind hitting her face after penetrating through the broken window, Ada stood up and glanced at the lights passing quickly outside the window. She whispered: Miss Mikishima, it's almost time. We've arrived at the station and it's time to get off the bus. Is there a station nearby where trains can stop? Hitomi Mikishima asked, tilting his head slightly as Ada stood up. No. Ada shook her head and said with a smile: We got off the bus on the way. Got it... Qiandao Tuan softly responded, Let's go.... There was an inexplicable arc at the corner of his mouth, Ada Turning around, he walked forward step by step and murmured in a low voice: I can't wait to see my mysterious clone. Go through the train and jump to the train through the opening on the top of the carriage. At the top, the strong wind hit the two people's faces instantly, blowing Hitomi Mikishima's white clothes like a hunting pig. Facing the retreating lights and the splendid Kunlun Building in the distance, Hitomi Mikishima's expression changed. There was a hint of solemnity and solemnity, but at this moment, a loud noise suddenly sounded from the sky, as if a huge thing roared past. Hearing this sound, Ada and Hitomi Mikishima raised their heads at the same time, only to see above them. , a crooked passenger plane flew over their heads at a very low altitude, drawing two white lines in the sky. [... Chishima Hitomi gave a slight pause, and then turned his head with Ada, I saw the passenger sail slamming into the buildings in the distance, followed by a loud bang and a sudden burst of fire. The plane crashed. Hitomi Mikishima said with a slight frown. Old... The smile disappeared from her face, and Ada whispered: There are people in this world who really want to watch the world turn into a sea of ​​fire.

Outside the center of Lanxiang City, Jack Muller, Shirley Birkin and a certain tool man's aunt Kanan Mafal finally ushered in a short period of peace. After parting with the BSAA unit led by Chris, the three of them The ghost zombies chased and intercepted him all the way through several blocks. After a not hard battle, they finally got rid of Qi Bing temporarily.

Pushing open the red-painted metal iron door in front of them, isolating the burning street behind them, the tired Jack and Shirley finally had a breather and took advantage of this opportunity.

Huh? Hearing Jack's greeting, Kanan turned her head slightly dissatisfied. She held a cigarette between her fingertips, blew out a cloud of white mist, and then said with a slight frown, Everyone.

I told you to call me aunt!

Why are you asking again? How many times have you asked me this question? He stretched out his little finger to pick out his ears, and then blew it gently between his lips. Kanan said with some displeasure: Can't you just follow Shirley's example? I haven't asked her once during the whole journey. Aunt Mafal, I want to ask you, too. Shirley said weakly, raising her hands like a primary school student. She looked at her face full of displeasure. Jack and Shirley put on an aggrieved baby face. Kanan sighed deeply. She touched her forehead with one hand and said helplessly: Okay, actually it's not a problem that can't be discussed. I plan to take you there. The southern port. Meet your other three aunts. The other three aunts? After hearing Kanan's words, Shirley subconsciously widened her eyes and said, Do I have so many aunts? That's too many? Counting me, there are only four. The corners of her mouth widened. With a wicked twist, Kanan smiled and said: One of them is your Aunt Bai, you have already met her, the other one is your Aunt Griffith, Jack should have met her, and the last one is your Aunt Qiandao , I just don’t know if it’s accurate

I only have one uncle, but four aunts? - For a moment, Shirley felt that her head was short-circuited, but she heard Kanan say: Who said you only have four aunts? You have five aunts? To be precise, it should be six. For the time being. Compared to Shirley, Jack seemed much calmer. After all, he knew a little bit about Li Yexing, so he asked Kanan in a deep voice: What are we doing here?

After deliberation for a long time, Jack did not use the word monster. Yes, they are all supermen. Kanan waved his hands, smiled at Jack and said, But don't be too surprised. After all, you are also supermen, and I am the same. Okay, we are all little supermen. He casually agreed with Kanan, and Jack continued to ask: Everyone, what are you doing by taking us to meet some other aunts?

.No. I don't know? - Listen to Kanan's reply

Answer. Shirley immediately said anxiously: How could you not know? Of course I don't know! Putting on a matter-of-fact expression, Kanan scratched his head and said, Xiaobai made the plan, not me. Sure, oh, why do you care so much? Can you just follow me? I won't hurt you. Oh my god he tilted his head with a tearful look on his face, and even his steps were a little heavier, Xue Li said anxiously: Of course I know Aunt Mafal will not harm me, but I still have to contact my superior to let him know my situation. Before Shirley could finish speaking, Kanan saw Making a stop gesture, Kanan stopped the smile on her face after interrupting Shirley's words. She frowned, looked into Shirley's eyes and asked, Shirley, your direct subordinate. The superior is Simmons, right?

Yes. Shirley nodded subconsciously, and then realized that she had let slip. She was about to ask Kanan how he knew, but she heard Kanan say: Listen, Shirley, don't believe Simmons. There's something wrong with that guy. The reason why we're in this damn place now is all because of that guy.

You said... Hearing Kanan's words, Shirley was stunned. She was about to refute. Suddenly, a loud noise and a strong wind roared past her head. When they heard this sound, everyone was stunned. They all Qi Li raised his head and looked overhead, only to see a smoking passenger plane flying over their heads at an extremely low altitude.

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