What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-67. The macho men reunite again

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Overhead, a passenger plane roared past, and in the alley, the eyes of the three people flickered. However, the flickering light seemed different. With a loud noise, the passenger plane fell to the ground, and the rising fireball instantly illuminated the sky. Looking at the huge fireball, the smile on Kanan's face became more and more generous. After a long time, she suppressed her smile. He whispered excitedly: Wow, it's a plane crash! The smell of Hollywood is too strong! That's a plane from country A! Compared to Kanan, who was smiling from ear to ear, Xue The expression on Li's face became much more horrifying. She grabbed Jack's wrist and said to Kanan Zeng in a hurry in Jack's surprised eyes: We should go and take a look! There might be survivors on the plane! Well, we're in a hurry... Kanan shrugged at Shirley and rubbed the cigarette butt on his fingertips against the garbage piled up on the other side of the barbed wire fence - saying nonchalantly, Besides, even if it exploded like that, even if If they didn't fall to death or explode, they would probably be burned alive. Just accept your fate, they are just a bunch of people.

Auntie! Shirley couldn't help shouting with a slight frown. Ah ah ah, okay, okay, you win, anyway, let's take a look, just take a look... With a blush on his face, Kanan turned around and waved to Shirley and Jack. Walking forward with exaggerated steps, he kept mumbling: What the hell is going on with this child? Auntie's screams are too comfortable.

Under pressure, Kanan finally gave in. She pushed open the iron door in front of her and left the alley. Facing the hot golden firelight, she walked step by step. Everywhere she looked, she saw stacked containers and haphazard stacks. There were burning debris, and the burning passenger plane was squeezed between the containers, billowing thick smoke. There was no doubt that the people inside the passenger plane were in danger. Okay, I've finished reading. There will definitely be no survivors here. We should hurry up. Kanan glanced at the passenger plane that shouldn't have survivors no matter what, turned around, and smiled at Shirley and shrugged. She shrugged, but saw Shirley narrowing her eyes slightly and looking directly behind Kanan. After a moment, she said softly: That's it.

Huh? Sensing that something was wrong in Shirley's eyes, Kanan slightly- I Zheng E then turned around, following Shirley's line of sight, she saw three people walking out from between the pile of burning containers. , she didn’t know the woman walking on the left, but she was too impressed by the man walking on the right.

That guy turned out to be the CA agent who had eaten hot pot, drank wine with her in Malvia, and spent the holidays in Nagaba, Japan! Her boss’s best friend, Leon Scott Kennedy! “Holy shit! Really? Fake?! How did this guy come here?! Looking at the familiar back, Kanan finally had a hint of surprise on her face. Just when she was wondering, she saw a petite figure between the containers behind. The figure walked out. She was dressed in black, with long silver hair, and a silver Desert Eagle hanging around her waist. Looking at the familiar figure from behind, Kanan was instantly relieved. Now that the eldest lady is here, everything makes sense! Hey! Hello! Miss! Look here! I didn't expect that I would meet Tililith in this situation. Kanan came in an instant In high spirits, she waved to Tililith in the distance while dancing high. Behind Kanan, Shirley Birkin finally recognized the man walking in front. He was Shirley's savior. One of them, Leon, who escaped from Raccoon City with Shirley! - At that time, I was so excited that I couldn't express it in words. Shirley rushed up and shouted:

Seeing that both Kanan and Shirley had acquaintances, Jack, who had no father, no education, and no acquaintances, was a little dazed. Seeing Shirley rushing forward, he had no choice but to spread his hands, and then quickly followed. On the other side, after hearing the voices of Kanan and Shirley, Tilithis, Leon and Helena immediately turned their heads. When they saw the three people coming towards them, Leon and Heena were a little stunned.

Shirley? Looking at the gray-faced blond girl in front of him, a trace of surprise flashed between Leon's brows, and even his tone of voice softened. Then, he turned his head to look at Kanan, After Kanan waved to him with a smile on his face, he frowned and said with a puzzled face: You are even here, that guy Li, what on earth is he doing? Hey, miss, long time no see! Ignoring Leon's question, Kanan's face was filled with excitement. She opened her arms directly and hugged Tiliss, while Tiliss gently raised her hands before Kanan hugged her. He pushed the half-covered metal mask hanging around his neck onto his face, and the moment Kanan came up to rub Tililith, what greeted her was not Tililith's smooth and soft face, but a hard and cold face. It has a metallic texture. Kanan's body is so sticky, go and wash it. Tililith said expressionlessly.

Compared with the harmonious atmosphere between Tililith and Kanan, the situation on Leon's side was a bit subtle. He just glanced at Kanan and Tililith, then turned to Shirley and said: What are you doing? Here? Why are you acting with Miss Mafal? Do you really know Miss Mafal? Shirley asked slightly, and then said in surprise, before, she always thought that Bai Muqing said about meeting Chris and Leon What she said was just a lie to trick them into leaving the facility. She really didn't expect that her cheap aunts who fell from the sky seemed to really know Leon. All her wariness was completely put down. Shirley explained: I am performing an important protection mission. During the character's mission, we encountered some troubles. It was Miss Mafal and Miss Bai who saved us... I heard that you became an agent. Nodding to Shirley, Leon looked deeply. He glanced at Jack who was standing next to Shirley, then turned to Kanan who was holding Tililith and said: What about you? Miss Mafal, why are you here? Is it what Li meant? Ah, I originally wanted to I have no comment, but after thinking about it, you might answer like this

That's a little too out there, FiIU. My answer is: Yes, it's Li's

Si let go of Ti Lilith, Kanan stood up, put away the smile on her face, she pointed at Shirley and Jack with her thumb, and said to Leon in a deep voice: Of these two children, one is from Raccoon City Since one of the survivors of the incident is an old friend, my task is to protect the two of them so that they will not fall into the hands of some bad guys again. It seems that Li really knows everything. Frowning slightly, as if thinking about something, Leon continued to ask, Now, besides you and Miss Tililis, how many Li's subordinates are there in Lanxiang City? No one. Kanan replied concisely. I understand. Leon nodded, and then continued, Before, I saw the deceased Chris Redfield on the plane. He was still wearing Your combat uniform, what's going on? i He has been with us for the past six months. Kanan replied in a deep voice: I don't know the boss's plan very well, but I know that the boss has his own capacity. . I believe him. Leon nodded. As a former CA agent, he had probably guessed Li Yexing's intentions. There is no doubt that Li Yexing used tricks to deceive everyone and successfully succeeded in the most turbulent situation in BSAA. This moment kept Chris safe for half a year. i Lyon, speaking of which, why are you here? On the other side, looking at the familiar but vicissitudes of face, Shirley couldn't help but ask. I'm tracing. The secret behind all these incidents... Looking away from Kanan, Leon turned his head and exchanged glances with Helena. After a moment, he said to Shirley in a deep voice: This person is the chief security adviser of country A. To One - Derrick C. Simmons!

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