What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-68. Macho Jack meets his parents

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I am tracking down the mastermind behind all these incidents. This person is Country A's Chief Security Advisor - Derek C. Simmons. With Lyon's words, the air between the containers that was burned by raging fire suddenly It became weird. Kanan raised his eyebrows slightly, looking like he was not surprised at all. Jack, who was standing next to him, had a stern look on his face and subconsciously turned his head to look at Kanan. As for Shirley, she stared at Leon's eyes widened little by little and his mouth opened slightly, but he was speechless. After a long time, she shook her head and said anxiously: No wait, this must be a mistake, I'm Simmons. He is my direct superior, and I act according to Simmons' orders. Hearing Shirley's words, Leon and Helena looked at each other. Then, Leon turned to Shirley and asked: Is he your immediate boss? I...I'm about to contact him. Shirley said in a panic. Where is he? Leon asked in a deep voice as his eyes became sharp instantly. Hearing Leon's answer, Shirley opened her mouth slightly, shook her head slightly, and was speechless for a moment. Upon seeing this, Li Jing walked up quickly and said in a deep voice: You have to tell me. Hey! Before Leon could finish speaking, Jack suddenly shouted loudly. He stepped forward and stood in front of Shirley. He pushed Leon away with sharp eyes, full of threats like a wolf. Shirley saw this. Letting out an exclamation, she immediately stretched out her hand to stop Jack, and Jack had no intention of leaning over. He just stared and held Shirley tightly behind him. Their eyes collided in the air. Leon looked at Jack with an unkind look on his face. Behind Leon , Hina vaguely touched her hand to the pistol at her waist, with a hint of chill in her eyes, and for a moment, the atmosphere became tense. Okay, Anka, it's true. Just as the atmosphere became more and more tense, Kanan walked up quickly and stood between Jack and Leon. She lightly punched Leon on the shoulder, laughing. He said: Kennedy, isn't it? Is it really necessary to compete with children? Then Kanan turned around, grinned and said: And you, Jack opened his eyes and saw clearly, this guy in front of him is half of you. I have a future father-in-law, are you sure you want to have a fight with him?

I...I don't have that kind of relationship with this guy! After hearing Kanan's words, Shirley's face turned red. She looked past Kanan and eagerly explained to Leon. However, Jack frowned slightly, seeming to be thinking for a moment. Finally, as if he suddenly remembered something, Jack said to Leon in a deep voice: Wait a minute, are you the Leon Kennedy? Leon responded in a deep voice. Oh, I understand. He patted Shirley's shoulder lightly. Jack's expression softened slightly. He nodded to Li Jing and said, This guy, thank you for taking care of me. She was somewhat unclear about the explanation, but when Jack interfered with her like this, Shirley was completely furious. Leon raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking that this was Shirley having a spark with her protector? Tsk, It's not appropriate. Shirley is a good child with a miserable life experience, and deserves to be treated tenderly. However, the anger of the scarface in front of him is a bit too strong. If Shirley is really allowed to live with him, he will probably have a violent attack on his family. Li. At this point, Leon's eyes became even more unkind. Okay, don't look at it. I'll leave the children's affairs to the children. He turned around and patted Leon's shoulder again. Kanan glanced at the man in front of him. Shirley, who was doing some ideological work for Jack, then lowered her voice to Leonmon: They are family friends. To be honest, we are all outsiders, so don't get involved. Then tell me, what is Li's plan? Leon frowned and asked, At least he shouldn't hide it from me! Regarding Leon's question, Kanan was not in a hurry to answer. She turned her head and looked at -Tililith, who had been standing aside to watch the show, nodded when she saw Tiililith.

Then she continued to Leon: If you want to see Simmons, I suggest you go to Ku Cen's Guan Long Tower. Cuzen's Guan Long Tower? Repeating the location provided by Kanan, Leon frowned and said, Is the information accurate? ?i isn't accurate yet, but it will be soon. Kanan whispered. I understand. Leon nodded and said: Next, we will go to Guanlong Tower. Be more vigilant, Kennedy. Patted Leon's shoulder again, Kanan said meaningfully: As far as I know, Guanlong Tower is not an ordinary difficult place.

While Shirley, Jack, Leon and Kanan were discussing, Helena's eyes widened suddenly. Just now, she clearly saw something standing on the burning wreckage of the plane. Then, the scrapped aircraft engine came towards me! Be careful! Helena subconsciously stretched out her hand and shouted to the boss. After hearing Helena's words, Li Er subconsciously raised his head, and Kanan also turned around. , seeing the plane engine coming through the sky, Leon and Kanan's expressions changed drastically. Shirley, who had her back to the plane engine on the other side, obviously hadn't realized what had happened. Leon was shocked when he saw this, and he was about to pounce on him. , but saw that Jack next to Shirley reacted faster. He suddenly turned his back and pressed Shirley firmly under him, letting the aircraft engine rub the back of his head. Just before Lyon and Helen When Na and Kanan were about to bend down to avoid it, they suddenly saw Tilithis blocking the way of everyone with an arrow. She stretched out her hands to catch the oncoming plane engine firmly. Leaving ten fingerprints on the hot plane engine, Tililith threw the large piece of garbage aside with an expressionless face. She raised her head and looked at the plane wreckage opposite. On the plane wreckage, she saw an upper body A naked, pale humanoid monster with strong muscles was standing there. It had a human-like left arm, but its right arm was cut off and equipped with some kind of hook-like mechanical arm. It looked down at the people under the wreckage of the plane. He stretched out his arms violently and let out a shocking roar to the sky.

-Seeing that familiar figure, the painful experience of being hunted down half of Idonia suddenly came to mind. Jack couldn't help but frowned and said: Why is it again?! Is this your friend? Standing next to Jack, pulling out the pistol from his waist, Leon asked in a deep voice.

°Okay. Leon nodded, pointed the gun at the monster, and said to Jack in a deep voice, Welcome to the Zombie Fighting Club.

As soon as she finished speaking, Tililith suddenly turned her head and looked at the container behind her, her red eyes flashing with a frightening red light. She breathed through the metal mask: Behind. I heard Tili. At Lilith's prompt, everyone quickly turned their heads, only to see on the container behind them - a tall and slender figure wearing a black exoskeleton with cracks, but it still stood up straight, and then, in front of everyone, In front of him, the black-armored monster suddenly picked up the black alloy spear in his hand and danced crazily like a juggler.

What the hell! Looking at the new monsters joining the battlefield in front of him, before Kanan could complain, Jack couldn't help shouting, Why are you here too?!

With an extremely ugly face, Leon whispered to Jack: Isn't your ex-girlfriend a little too much? It's not an ex-girlfriend. Feeling that his head hurt so much that it was going to explode, Jack frowned and explained loudly: It's a one night stand!

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