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To be honest, being sandwiched between a lot of containers and plane wreckage, everyone didn't quite understand. They were chatting one second, and how could they suddenly be attacked from both sides the next second? Miss. Her eyes were fixed on her. With the spear in the black-armored monster's hand, Kanan walked up to Tilithis step by step, turned to Tilithis and whispered: That guy with the mask is my old rival, I'll take care of it. It. Faced with Kanan's proposal, Tililith didn't reply. She just turned around, quickly came between Jack and Leon, then pointed at the black-armored monster on the container wielding a spear and said to Leon: Kennedy Sir and Miss Harper, go help Kanan deal with that one, and Tililith will take care of the big man. Understood. He nodded to Tilithis. Leon raised his gun with one hand and pointed it at the eyeing pale monster. The other hand gently patted Helena on the shoulder. Helena did not speak. In a tacit understanding, they followed Leon and retreated to Kanan's side. Then they turned around at the same time and turned their guns towards the black-armored monster on the container. Tililith took two steps forward and stood in front of Jack and Shirley. Facing the pale monster in front of her, she raised her hands, smashed her right fist into the palm of her left hand, and said expressionlessly: Come on, fight. There was a turbulent sound under the black metal mask. Like a war horn, accompanied by Tililith's words, the pale monster on the wreckage of the plane jumped down and roared towards everyone, while on the other side, on the container, the black-armored monster's legs were bent at the extreme. , suddenly lowered his center of gravity, and then soared into the air like a frog. With both hands, he danced the black spear like the propeller of a helicopter. Be careful! Leon frowned and warned loudly. He and Helena raised their hands together, shooting the gun. With the mouth upward, he frantically pulled the trigger at the black-armored monster falling from the sky. The bullets came out of the chamber with gunshots, hitting the black exoskeleton and making a clanking sound in the sparks. Kanan brows upon seeing this

Wrinkles, the tattoos on both sides of her arms shook violently, and quickly climbed up to her cheeks. Then, she shook her arms violently, and the red and yellow liquid was immediately thrown to the ground. In just a moment, Kanan's hands melted. I made two silver blade arms of different lengths! Damn! It hurts so much! I'm a little anxious! There was a tearing sensation in both arms instantly, which made Kanan, who was not used to rapid mutation, couldn't help but hissed. But at the moment, she had no time to take into account the pain that was gradually relieving, because the black-armored monster was about to fall to the ground. She collided with the monster through the mask. Kanan propped up his body with his left leg, bent his right leg, and raised his arms. Like a bowstring, it was pulled back hard, and then, with a sound of breaking through the air, Kanan's arms suddenly shot out, stretched like rubber bands, and the two sword arms crossed and rushed into the sky, heading straight for the black The armored monster's neck was placed in the air. The black-armored monster could not change its body shape to avoid it, so it had to raise the alloy spear in its hand to block it in front of it. The next second, there was only a loud clang sound, and sparks exploded violently in mid-air. Open, the black-armored monster that was hit hard by Kanan used Kanan's power to do a backflip in the air, then put one hand on the ground, curled his legs, and landed steadily like a frog. Hey! In the shocked eyes of Leon and Helena, the black-armored monster's attack was defused. Kanan's two extended blade arms suddenly retracted. She shook Zi 2's neck, making the bones make a crisp sound, and then grinned. At the corner of his mouth, he smiled at the black-armored monster who slowly stood up straight and said: 'If I hadn't brought any spare clothes, I would have torn your head off in just twenty seconds! On the other side, behind Leon and his group, Facing the pale monster that kept rushing over, Jack and Shirley raised their guns and kept firing at the monster's head. Seeing that the pale monster was unstoppable, Tililith, who was standing in front of them, rushed forward. For a moment, the girl with silver hair and red eyes faced off against the pale and muscular monster, forming an extremely strange picture. The distance was getting closer and closer, but there was no Tililith in the eyes of the pale monster, no matter how chaotic the situation in front of him was. It has reached such a point that it only has its mission in its eyes, which is to recover Jack and Shirley! The pale monster, BOW codenamed Ustana, is a tracking-type highly intelligent biological weapon developed based on the C virus, and is also Kara's bodyguard. It is a N∈o. Umbrella researcher. When Ustana's development plan hit a bottleneck, he stood up and was willing to use himself as his body to become a BOW. For no other reason than that, he hoped to repay Ada King, or Carla Radames's expectation, that's all. The process was thrilling, but the experiment was successful. Although his mind was no longer as clear-headed as before, when Carla showed an excited smile, he In other words, it thinks everything is worth it. As a BOW, Justana has a very special status in N∈o Umbrella. It is more like a N∈o Umbrella than a weapon. As a core member, although it cannot make decisions and has limited thinking ability, it has a dedicated maintenance team. After losing an arm due to an accident, Kara even equipped it with a dedicated weapon development team for use. Produce various prosthetic limbs with different functions for it. Justina only takes orders from Carla. Justina knows every little secret of Carla. It even knows who Carla loves. However, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t care. It hopes that Carla can embrace her own happiness. As for now, it Will respond to the lady's expectations again. As for the little dwarf in front of me who was as tall as her own waist, could he still be stopped by her? The next second, Justina flew out upside down and hit the container behind with a loud noise. In a daze, , the burning pain told it that its ribs were broken. On the other side, Tililith withdrew her pink little fist, stood up straight with an expressionless face, and huffed through the metal mask: Justaner, first E. No.

The muscular arm suddenly exerted force, and the five fingers squeezed the edge of the container until it was deformed. Justina climbed out of the dented container, and it fell to the ground and lifted up -

Dust, when its eyes were locked on the petite silver-haired girl again, its eyes seemed a little different. Even though its ribs were broken, Eustan could still fight. It took steps, accompanied by heavy breathing and Tililith faced off, and after a moment, it rushed up again, but at a much slower pace.

On the other side, watching Eustana approaching, Tilisilis glanced at Kanan behind her who was fighting with the black-armored monster, and then walked up to Eustana quickly, raising her head like a boxer. He raised his arms and stared at Eustana's arm with his red eyes. However, when the distance between the two was less than ten meters, Eustana suddenly raised his machine towards Tililith. Arm, the next second, the hook on the mechanical arm suddenly shot out. It was connected to the steel cable, grabbed the unsuspecting Tililith, and then dragged it directly in front of Justina, taking advantage of Tililith. Lilith's center of gravity was unstable. Justina suddenly raised his left arm and punched Tililith on the side of her face. Tililith took the punch and flew directly out, hitting the ground heavily. Also hit two rolls.

As if he was excited about regaining his place, Justina stretched his body towards Tililith lying on the ground and let out a deafening roar.

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