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After receiving a heavy blow to the head, Miss Tililis turned over while lying on the ground, looking expressionlessly at the red sky reflected by the flames above her head, even though there was still a faint feeling on her chin, But Tililith didn't care. Compared to the fact that she 2 was knocked away, Tililith seemed to care more about Justana's mechanical arm. So cool. Tililith murmured in a low voice: I want one. Listening to Jiu Stan's roar that kept echoing in her ears, Tililith stood up slowly while supporting her arms. She - She pulled off the metal mask on her face that was shattered by Justina's punch, then turned her head and fixed her sights on Justina again. Come on, continue. Tilly Jingsi whispered. Different The fight between Yuti Lilith and Justana was like a turn-based fight where you punch me and you punch me. The fight on Kanan's side was in full swing, with the sound of clanking metal collisions echoing constantly along with the splashing sparks. , the black-armored monster holding the black alloy spear in its hand could only parry. In front of it, Kanan had a wild smile on her face. She grinned and danced her long and short blade arms tightly while trying to attack. When he reached the body of the black-armored monster, he laughed wildly and said, Come on! Come on, come on! Don't just defend! Attack! Fight back! Aren't you very powerful?! Is that all you can do?! As the black-armored monster was driven back step by step by Kanan's fierce offensive, Kanan's attacks became more and more wild, and her movements became wider and wider. The moment she suddenly opened her sword arm and opened the door wide, the black-armored monster grabbed Seizing the opportunity, at the moment when it dodged the thunderous strike, it suddenly spun the spear in its hand, held it with both hands behind its back, pointed the tip of the spear at Kanan's chest, and then stabbed it violently, but Kanan unexpectedly A flash of red light flashed in her eyes, her arms did not return to guard at all, and she did not even try to adjust her body shape. Kanan's body directly used the inertia of the movement to twist in a yoga-like posture. Then, she suddenly lifted herself up. With his right foot, he kicked the tip of the spear. You fell into the trap! You idiot! With Kanan's excited roar, Kanan kicked the tip of the spear violently - the tip of his foot lost control and suddenly rose up. , the black-armored monster, who had no time to regroup, subconsciously wanted to retreat, but bumped into the container behind him. The next second, Kanan rushed up with a lunge, and the dagger in his left arm caught the man who hit him on the head. The gun barrel came down, and the long knife of the right arm was aimed at the crack in the exoskeleton of the black-armored monster's waist and stabbed hard. The hard and sharp blade arm flashed with cold light and instantly pushed away the exoskeleton fragments, directly. Stabbed into the monster's abdomen, bright red blood suddenly spurted out and splashed on Kanan's face.

Hehe... The curvature of the corner of his mouth became more and more cruel. Kanan's body trembled slightly and he used force again to push the blade arm of his right hand forward little by little. Accompanied by the teeth-searing sound of metal friction and the sound of flesh and blood being torn apart, the sharp The blade arm finally tore open the exoskeleton behind the monster's spine and stabbed the black-armored monster through. Even though the waist was severely injured, the monster still didn't react. It didn't howl, but struggled silently. Seeing that its spear could not break through Kanan's short blade, it simply threw away the spear. It grabbed Kanan's shoulders with both hands, then raised its knees and pushed it hard against Kanan's chest. If the enemy was just an ordinary person, Human, this exoskeleton knee strike is enough to crush the enemy's chest, but there is no doubt that Kanan is not an ordinary person. Even though Kanan's chest was hit hard by the black-armored monster's knee, it only made a dull sound. Debt, why are you so dishonest?! Although it was not fatal, the monster's continuous knee strikes still made Kanan feel suffocated, so she increased the strength of her right blade arm and began to rotate vigorously. , the heart-wrenching sound of metal friction became louder, and the black-armored monster, aware of the danger, became more violent. It kept hitting Kanan's chest with its knees, while using its arms against Xia. He hit Kanan's back with his elbow, as if he wanted to break Kanan's spine. Unfortunately, Kanan was not good at giving up. Withstanding the blows from her chest and back, Kanan gritted her teeth, her smile looking crazy due to the pain. She frantically twisted the blade arm that had penetrated the black-armored monster's belly, as if she was trying to force it with a mismatched key. It was like opening a mismatched lock. As the metal exoskeleton was continuously destroyed by the blade arm, Kanan frowned and suddenly pulled the blade arm. The next second, the twisted blade arm directly tore the black The flesh, flesh and exoskeleton on the waist of the armored monster splashed out with large amounts of blood and minced meat, mixed with fragments of the exoskeleton. The black-armored monster had half of its waist cut off by Kanan! Its internal organs were torn into pieces. The spine was scratched, and the tall black-armored monster stopped resisting for an instant. It bent its waist and lowered its arms, putting all its weight on Kanan's body. When Kanan pushed hard, the monster was like a rag. He fell to the ground and remained motionless. Fuck you, uncle! Stretching his two blade arms to ease the pain in his chest and back, Kanan stepped forward and kicked the wound on the monster's abdomen hard, looking at the The black-armored monster fell in a pool of blood. She frowned and said, If there is a next time, remember to be more honest! Don't act arrogant in front of me!

..... Under the container, Kanan seemed to have ended the battle, but Tilithis' turn-making battle continued. The petite girl and the huge monster kept pumping their fists like crazy. The greetings hit the opponent's face, making bursts of muffled sounds. Under such a high-intensity fight, even Tililith would suffer. Her mouth and nostrils were still bloody, and there were bruises on her forehead. The expressionless face looked like a naughty kid who had gotten into trouble, looking inexplicably funny. Compared with Tilisilis, Eustana looked a little embarrassed. Its mouth was dripping with blood, and all the teeth in its mouth were knocked out. Even its roar began to leak a little, and its facial features were extremely distorted on its face. , one eyeball is still intact, while the other eyeball caught between the deformed folds has been completely exploded and is still bleeding. In this high-intensity fight, its lower part

The jaw was severely fractured, and the ribs were broken into several pieces. Its chest was covered with dents the size of Tililith's fist. Even one of the strong mechanical claws was broken by Tililith. It looked absolutely miserable. As time went by, Ustana's movements began to become slower and slower. Unable to dodge, it was hit by Tililith's Shenglong Fist again. This punch was so powerful that it almost broke Ustana's chin. After being torn off from his face, Justina raised his head, vomited out a mouthful of blood, and fell directly to the ground. He was about to support his arm to get up, but saw Tililith stepping forward quickly and kicking her. On its belly with terrifying scars, Eustana immediately rolled and flew out, hitting his head between the containers. With a rumbling sound, all the stacked containers fell down, knocking Eustana down. Steiner was buried on the spot. Looking at the pile of collapsed containers, Tililith raised her hand, wiped the nosebleed, and then showed a smile.

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