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The battle only lasted a few minutes from start to finish. Even as BOWs, the combat power displayed by Tililith and Kanan exceeded Leon's imagination, and of course, also exceeded the imagination of Jack and Shirley. Looking at the collapsed container, Jack - Time was a little hard to accept. He couldn't imagine that the terrifying monster that had been chasing him and Shirley for so long and could eat the drill bit of the mining truck would actually lose in a boxing fight. The one who knocked it to the ground was me, a slender and petite girl! Miss! What a beautiful KO! Kanan, who was sitting on the head of the black-armored monster's corpse, and whose arms had returned to normal, stood up. , as soon as she lit a cigarette for herself, she walked quickly towards Tililith. When Tililith turned her head and came to Tililith, Kanan was slightly stunned, and then said in surprise: Miss, what are you doing? .0 Did you suffer a loss? No. He stopped the nosebleed and said to Kanan in a tone of voice, Mr. Justana is very reasonable. If you say boxing, you will box. Tililith had a great time.

Speaking of this, Tililith said with some regret: 'It would be great if there was vodka here. Tililith won the battle and wants to drink vodka. I'm afraid this is a bit difficult. Kanan scratched his head and said with a fairy smile. Seeing Kanan raise his hand, Tililith's smile disappeared, and she was keenly aware of the cracks on Kanan's arms. , there was still a hint of blood in it, so she frowned slightly and said: Kanan, are you injured? Ah? No. Kanan said subconsciously, after noticing Tililith's gaze, she Smiled and said: Oh! You said Arms, there is nothing I can do about it, the transformation has become too urgent, and this really hurts a bit, 0B Just as Kananxian smiled, on the other side, Leon, Helena, Jack and Shirley walked up. They looked at Tilithis and Kanan with somewhat pensive expressions. After a while, Leon whispered to Kanan, It's such a convenient ability, and to be honest, you remind me of one of mine. . Comrades. Oh, I know who you are talking about, my boss mentioned it to me. Turning around, Kanan smiled and said to Leon. Finally, she turned her attention to Jack and Shirley, patting Tililith on the shoulder - -Bian smiled at the two of them and said: Come on, the scene was too chaotic just now, so I didn't have time to introduce you to you. This is your Aunt Tililith. I am Tililith, my aunt... Looking at Jack and Shirley, Tililith said with a blank expression in a somewhat strange Japanese: Please give me some advice.

This is it, too. Auntie? She had just been freed from the tense battle, and before she could talk about anything serious, she was shocked by Kanan's sudden introduction. Shirley couldn't help but murmured in shock: What a little one, so cute. . Standing next to Shirley, Jack was keenly aware that when Shirley said little one, Tililith's face was extremely ugly, as if she was about to rush over and shoot Shirley in the stomach the next second. But when Shirley said cute, Tililith's expression quickly softened. What a... unpretentious aunt. After a while, Jack commented carefully, although he was very satisfied with his skills. Confident, but he didn't want to taste the violent little pink punch that could knock out all the teeth of the stalker monster. Okay, the matter is over, let's get down to business. Seeing that the topics in front of him seemed to be getting further and further away, Li Jing hurriedly stepped forward and said to Kanan in a deep voice: Now , is the news about Ku Cen's Guanlong Tower accurate? It's not accurate yet, it's a long time away. Smiling at Leon, Kanan turned around and took out Bai Muqing's bag prepared for her from his trouser pocket on the other side. then handed it to Shirley and said, Now, you can call your immediate boss. If nothing else, he will ask you to tell him your location. Remember, don't mention me and Kennedy. Things, pretending not to know anything. Looking at Kanan handing her mobile phone, Shirley subconsciously stretched out her hand. However, just when Shirley's fingers were about to touch the mobile phone, Kanan suddenly put his hand back. Shirley was slightly stunned, and then raised her head, but she met Kanan's rare serious eyes. When she met Shirley's eyes, Kanan suddenly said in a deep voice: To be honest, Miss Birkin, I don't trust you, and neither does the maid. I don’t trust you, let alone Xiaobai, but my boss said that you are absolutely trustworthy, so tell me now, are you trustworthy?” “Of course I am trustworthy! Aunt Mafal...” What are you seeing? Nan looked serious, and Shirley said urgently: But, how do you want me to believe your words? After all, Simmons is the national security adviser! What reason does he have for planning all this?! Shirley... See Shirley Still looking in disbelief, Leon sighed faintly. He stepped forward, took out his mobile phone, went online and opened a certain video, then pointed the mobile phone screen at Shirley, and the video played on the mobile phone What’s happening is that it’s “Country A” that has topped the list of major news websites.

President Adam Benford's televised speech Looking at the disgraced president on the mobile phone screen, Shirley's eyes finally changed. On the other side, Heena, who had not spoken for a long time, also came up and whispered: If you still don't want to believe it , I can connect you to F05. It is estimated that it will not be long before a wanted order is issued against Simmons. l) What a tragedy. He put his head on Shirley's shoulder and met Leon's piercing gaze. After brazenly watching the video, Jack muttered in a low voice: My five hundred thousand is gone! I still miss your five hundred thousand! After hearing Jack's words, Shirley, who was so distraught, instantly exploded. , after a long moment of tangle, she turned her gaze to Nan again, and she whispered softly: I think, at least now, you can trust me, Aunt Mafal. Very good! The seriousness on her face instantly turned back to seriousness. With a smile on his face, Kanan put the phone into Shirley's hand, and then said with a smile: Come on, Shirley, after making this call, your trip with Jack is over. Picking up Kanan's cell phone, Xue Jing pressed the phone number printed in her mind with trembling fingers. As soon as the call was dialed, it was connected instantly.

It's me, Snow Birkin.

Yes, he's fine. We were imprisoned in an experimental facility in Lanyang before. Ah, well, we are... Kutzen, Kutzen's periphery... Understood, we will go right away, yes, no Yes. After hanging up the phone, Shirley returned the phone to Kanan. She swallowed and said hard to Lyon: Simmons said he would wait at Kuzen's Guanlong Building.

Kanan flexed his arm and threw the cell phone that Shirley had returned to him, letting it fall into the flames in the distance. When there was a booming sound from the flames, Changnan smiled and turned around. He turned over and said: This is the end. Next, Jack and Snow Jing only need to follow me to the port. Maid Shi and Xiaobai are both there, so it will be safer together. Then my mission is to go. Self-attack Simmons... Leon frowned. He turned around and asked Tililith, who had been silent all the time, Miss Tililith, are you going too? li Go... Tililith said expressionlessly: Tonight, hunt Mr. Simmons’ family tree. Just as Tililith finished speaking, suddenly, there was a loud noise between the pair of collapsed containers in the distance, and then, the two containers It soared into the sky, as if it was thrown into the sky by some huge force, and as the container fell with flames, the terrifying roar accompanied by the misty steam resounded throughout the audience again.

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