What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-72. New equipment for macho men

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What she was about to say was interrupted by the intrusion of the sound. Tililith frowned in a rare way. She turned around and looked at the pile of overturned containers with everyone, and saw in the flames, Justina, who had been defeated by Tilisilis, came out again, but this time, its appearance was a little different.

He still has that exaggeratedly muscular body, and still has the eyes full of hatred. Eustan's pale skin is covered with blood-red cracks. At this moment, the cracks are constantly spreading outward. It was spitting out steam and looked incomparably frightening, but what Tililith was most concerned about was that Justana's left arm was cut off like his right arm! No, maybe it was torn off by violence, and blood dripped out drop by drop. The air turned into sparks, and the wounds that were torn open by violence were still covered with pieces of flesh. Between the pieces of flesh were the bones that were forcibly broken. They were tightly bound together with black straps, and then connected to each other. The strange black weapon looked like it was a gun. However, there was no bullet chain connected to the gun, but a heavy drum. For a moment, it was a little hard to find. Distinguish what that phase is. No matter what that thing is, one thing is basically certain that that weird big gun, like the hook on Eustan's right arm, can be disassembled and replaced. In other words, that big gun can only be used. In order to replace the accessories of Justina's broken right arm, but now, in order to be able to equip two accessories at the same time, Justina actually tore off his left arm that was broken by Tililith! Accompanied by the thick steam, Eustana raised its head, and the one eye on the twisted face stared at Tilithis. Then, it suddenly stretched out its arms that had turned into machines, and stood up its chest full of cracks. , making a deafening roar. Damn it, can't these guys just lie on the ground? He took out his pistol again and pointed it at the ferocious monster. Jack frowned and said, Why can't this ghost be killed? I'm used to it. Yeah. Leon, who also took out his pistol, echoed in a deep voice: They can't always be killed. .Speaking of which, this guy is quite similar to the guy I killed when I was growing leaves. On the other side, Kanan quickly came to Tililith's side and frowned slightly: However, this one looks better. Stronger. l It won't be stronger than Tililith. The red in her eyes became brighter and brighter, and the blood vessels with fluorescence emerged from the somewhat pale skin. Tililith's breathing began to become heavier, and she He lowered his body and put his hind legs on the ground, like an athlete about to rush onto the track. At the same time, he whispered expressionlessly: Mr. Justana, no matter what you do, it is impossible to make up for the strength gap with Tililith! said Then, there was just an explosion, the ground shattered, and accompanied by a strong wind, the Tilly Thorns shot out like cannonballs, heading straight for Ustana. Kanan, who stayed where he was, subconsciously took a step back and let out a blast. She exclaimed, letting the gravel splash on her face, she just silently raised her arms, glanced at her arms full of wounds, then frowned and muttered in a low voice: Damn! You shouldn't take it back. , I'm in a hurry again!' Let's go help! On the other side, seeing Ti Lilith rushed up, and Leon, who was splashed behind him, wanted to follow in a hurry, but at this moment a hand came on him Li 2 turned his head and saw Heina shaking her head at him and saying: Our weapons are not strong enough to help. Then we just watch?! Leon frowned. He asked with an eyebrow. Of course not... He shook his head at Leon again, Helena turned around, pointed to the top of the container and said: Hearing Helena's words, Leon was slightly startled, then turned around and saw the container. On top of it, there are actually a large number of red gas cans placed in nine groups. The ones from Mi Mi Diao Mansion are placed in yellow boxes that don’t look very strong, arranged one by one here and there.” I understand. .. Quickly nodded to Helena, Leon frowned and said: Let's go up! What about us? Turning his head and looking at Shirley beside him, Jack asked with raised eyebrows. Hearing Jack's Question, Shirley subconsciously opened her eyes, but before she could reply, Kanan kicked Jack's butt hard, leaving a dirty shoe mark on it, waiting for Jack to Turning around with a frown, Kanan immediately stared at the container and said, You still need to ask?! Of course I'm going to help! Don't you plan to leave a good impression on your father-in-law?! I understand! He nodded fiercely, and there was a trace of eagerness in Jack's eyes. He turned his head, and while pulling Shirley onto the container on the other side, he said, Come! Let's go help! Wait. In this way, Shirley was dragged by Jack to the elevator on the other side of the container. .. Seeing the two groups of people getting on the containers on both sides and heading straight for the boxes of red gas cans, Kanan spread his hands and pulled out two silver pistols from his waist. She said - While chasing Tililith, he muttered in a low voice: It's over. I shouldn't be the most disrespectful one, right? Everyone present, including Kanan, started to move, but for those behind him, Tilithis was unaware of everything that happened. At this moment, the only thing reflected in her red eyes was Justina's figure. It seemed that because of the increasingly fierce fighting spirit on Tiililith's face, she finally With an expression on her face, she grinned in surprise, and her eyes filled with excitement dragged the red light like bright fireballs through the air. Seeing that she was getting closer and closer to Eustan, Tililith suddenly stretched out her full body With its pale arm filled with veins, it went straight to Nine Stana, only to see Justin standing there silently. It exhaled a breath of hot white mist, and then suddenly raised the huge sword towards Tililith. Big black gun with drum magazine.

[With a roar that was almost tearing apart, the big black gun made a completely different sound. Then, a big and scary bullet shot out from the muzzle, and the warhead exploded instantly. Released steel balls one by one, dragging flames and shining brightly.

It crackled with terrifying speed and hit Tililith's body. It turned out to be a specially made super-large-caliber Xia bullet gun! Being hit head-on by the bullets, Tililith's eyebrows suddenly tightened. She crossed her arms to cover her face, and was thrown backwards by the gunshot, and then fell heavily to the ground. It has to be said that the power of this gun is really huge, even if Tililith's body passed through the first... The bulletproof straitjacket that had been specially modified by the mechanism was also punched with dents, and there were even holes near the chest and abdomen! Pushed by the inertia and rolling on the ground, Tililith pushed the ground with one hand and turned over She rose into the air, slightly bent her legs and landed firmly on the ground. In front of Justina, she raised her neck, inserted her fingers into the wound on her collarbone, and dug out a bloody steel ball. .Then throw it away. The steel ball fell on the ground and made a soft sound. Tililith lowered her head with an expressionless face. She locked her eyes on Eustana again and said in that cold and toneless voice: Come again.

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