What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-73. The irritable moment of the macho lady

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Harder! Jack! Be gentle! Okay, what about this?'

That's good, try harder... As Shirley and Jack groaned, the harsh sound of metal friction continued to sound from below. After a moment, Jack stood up, pulled Shirley away, and then bit, He flew up and kicked the yellow box that was about to be pushed outside. The next second, the yellow box with its center of gravity facing outward finally fell from the container and hit the ground hard with a loud noise. It was torn into pieces and lost the restraints of the box. The red gas flares rolled down all around and lay scattered on the ground. Very good. He nodded to the gas canister there. Jack turned around and looked at the container on the opposite side. After seeing Leon and Helena on the other side, they also pushed down a set of gas canisters. , he turned his head and said to Shirley beside him: Next. Over there. Shirley pointed to the other side of the upper floor of the container, where the container was placed with a large pile of debris, so Jack said nothing Without saying anything, he rushed over, as if he was competing with Lyon and the others on the opposite side of the container. To be honest, this is the first time that Shirley has seen Jack so motivated. At this point, even a fool can see what Jack is thinking. With a slightly red face, Shirley sighed softly. After all, she couldn't say anything and just followed quickly. On the opposite side of the container, Leon and Helena, like Jack and Shirley, were rushing towards the next container. When they got to the side of the yellow box, Leon took the lead in lowering his center of gravity and pushed it hard with the help of inertia. , while he led Helena to push the yellow box, he glanced across the way. After seeing Jack push the box hard, he whispered: What an overly positive young man. He seemed to want to Show yourself in front of that girl. Helena said while pushing the box. No, he is competing with me. As an old man who has been in love for many years, Li Jing saw through Jack with his own eyes. With a little thought, he pushed the box downwards as hard as he could and said with a frown: I don't like him at all, but I won't express my opinion too much. Mafal is right, that is a matter for young people. As he spoke, Leon lowered his voice and muttered in a low voice: Moreover, Mafal said that the two of them were family friends, which gave me some unrealistic associations about the young man's identity. E is a former CA agent. , Leon is quite familiar with some secrets in Raccoon City. If Shirley's father had any friends during his lifetime, it could only be Ada's old boss - Albert Wesker. If Jack is really Wesker Son of Sk, many of the problems can be explained, but relatively speaking, other problems will become very complicated. It's done. He pushed the heavy box down and let the red gas cans fall on the floor. He stood up, wiped his sweat, and then turned to look at the containers at the end of the field. There, roaring gunfire sounded from time to time, and the monsters were fighting together. It looked very lively. At this moment, the pale monster It looked even more embarrassed. There was an obvious dent on its head, and it seemed that its skull was broken by Tiililith. However, it kept trying to fight Tiililith, and its fighting will was incredibly strong. On the other side, Tililith, who was fighting with the pale monster, looked equally uncomfortable. She had eaten several rounds of specially-made song bombs at close range. Tililith's special restraints were full of dry holes, and her head was full of holes. It was blood, and even her silver hair was dyed red, and even her delicate and beautiful face was swollen and swollen. But she looked completely out of place. Even though she had a nosebleed, she still faced the pale monster hitting her. The giant mechanical claw rushed forward. The moment the giant claw hit the bridge of her nose, she punched again, once again making a dent on the pale monster's chest. Compared to Tililith and Justana who were fighting in full swing, Kanan's appearance was much weirder. She stood silently not far away with a rather subtle look on her face. It was obvious that she was holding two guns in her hands, but she couldn't fire a single shot. .Why was she just watching? She had no time to think about such irrelevant questions. Leon was still rushing for time. When he saw Jack and Shirley pushing down all the boxes on the other side, he held the pistol tightly and shouted hello to Ruokanan. President: It's ready here! Let Miss Tilisilis leave! Ah? Ah! Hearing Leon's shout, Kanan shuddered suddenly. She glanced at the gas cans all over the place. Then she turned to Tililith and said, Miss! Stop fighting! Kennedy has taken care of it! Turning a deaf ear to Kanan's shouting, Tililith jumped up suddenly and hit Eustana hard with her elbow. On the side of the face, Justina vomited blood and ran away, leaning against the container. It was pulled away from the distance. It shot Tililith with its backhand, and large sparks exploded on Tililith's body. Opening, Tililith folded her arms to cover her face, and rushed forward in the face of the terrifying firepower. As soon as she let go of her hand, she was kicked hard in the stomach by Eustan's big boat-like foot, and she was suddenly hit hard. After firing, she sat down on the ground and slid out several meters away. Seeing the situation, Justin was about to take another shot, but the sound of an empty magazine came from the big gun. The super-large drum was shot out! His head was already gone. Becoming groggy and about to lose the ability to think, Eustan was blowing out steam while slowly turning around in front of Tiililith, as if he wanted to change his ammunition, but saw Tiililith suddenly get up. , she leaped into the air, and hit Ustana on the back with a flying kick. Ustana's center of gravity was unstable, and she fell on her head between the containers.

With her feet on the ground, Tilisilis rolled up her sleeves and wiped the nosebleed with her scarred arm. Then, while walking towards Eustana who was lying on the ground and trying to get up, she said coldly: 'Get up and keep fighting. Miss, stop fighting, stop fighting, Kennedy has taken care of it. He quickly rushed behind Tililith and put his arms around Tiilisi's waist. Kanan was just about to drag Tililith away. But he met a small pink fist covered with blood. The next second, only a scream was heard. Kanan flew out on the spot, and his head was hit with a terrifying dent. It looked like A steamed bun. Falling heavily to the ground,

After splashing dust on the ground, Kanan quickly sat up. While squeezing her head, trying to recover, she shouted to Tilili: Miss! What are you doing? I heard Shanan scream. From that moment, Tililith realized that she had hit the wrong person. She frowned slightly and said to Kanan: What's wrong with Kanan? I told Kanan not to interfere. This is Tililith's battle. After restoring the head that was beaten by Tiililith to its original state, Kanan stood up and quickly came to Tiililith's side. She said urgently to Tiililith: Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this big man can't be beaten. Yours, this is enough, there is no point in continuing the fight. Kennedy is ready, leave it to Kennedy and the others to solve it. No! With a trace of anger between her eyebrows, Tililith turned her head and pointed. To the song of Eustan who stood up and swayed: Tililith will beat Mr. Eustan's brains out today!

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