What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-74. A macho man with stunning sound

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In the scorching light, Tililith's red eyes seemed to be burning with flames, exuding a fighting spirit that was about to turn into reality. She seemed to be particularly concerned about competing with Eustan. Seeing her look like this, Kanan understood even more that Tililith was completely over the top, and it would be difficult to pull her back just by talking nicely. Miss after a few seconds of deliberation, Kanan said in a deep voice, If you want to fight the big man to the death, there is no problem, but now... in a few hours, the boss will come. Tililith will decide the winner before arriving at Lanyang on the night journey! Staring at Eustana, Tiililith said coldly. No, eldest lady, you don't understand what I mean. Looking pretentiously. Looking around, Kanan leaned into Tililith's ear and whispered: Miss, are you going to see the boss with this face? This face? Tili heard Kanan's words. Jingsi was slightly startled, then raised her hand to touch her face. Suddenly, a strange feeling came from her fingertips. Next to Tililith, Kanan continued: Miss, your face is so fast. It was swollen into a bun. It seemed that the big man’s fist was very heavy. At this moment, Tililith’s face was as pale as a lightning strike. “So, Miss, stop fighting, pack up, and I’ll see you later.” Where's the boss? Chao Tililith fell into a petrified state. Kanan picked up Tililith, turned around and ran away. Behind her, Eustana, who was left on the spot, was stunned. It seemed that it didn't expect, The silver-haired girl who had been having a passionate fight with it the previous secretary was taken away by the muscular woman who had been watching in the next second. In a rage, it suddenly raised its right arm and took Tililith away. Kanan launched the hook, but unexpectedly Kanan dodges flexibly to avoid the surprise attack from behind. With her right hand, she clamped Tililith, whose limbs were naturally heavy, under her arm. She quickly raised her left hand without even looking up. He turned back and made an international friendly gesture to Justina, who was far behind him. Even though his brain was somewhat inhibited, Justana still recognized at a glance the gesture that he had seen frequently since the human era and had been engraved into his genes. In an instant, hot anger rose from his eyeballs. He suddenly raised his chest that was pitted by Tilisilis's beating. He stretched out his two broken arms and let out a shocking roar. Then, with a large cloud of steam surging out from the cracks between the skin, Justina stepped forward. With heavy footsteps, he rushed towards Kanan like a train. Kennedy! Kanan shouted at the top of his lungs as he ran at top speed with Tililith in his arms: It's done! Wonderful sarcasm, Miss Mafal! He suddenly looked out of the utility room piled up on the container. Coming out, Leon raised his pistol and aimed at the gas cans scattered on the ground. When Justin rushed into them with heavy steps, Leon tilted his head slightly and said: Be patient, this may hurt a little. After saying that, Leon directly deactivated the alarm. With the sound of a gunshot, the bullet tore through the air and came out of the barrel. The bullet inside shone with red luster under the reflection of the flame. It faced the invisible air resistance and moved forward rapidly under the influence of the airflow. After passing through After being burned by the flames and filled with hot air, it slammed into the red gas tank with a crisp sound. The next second, there was a loud boom sound, and large gas tanks scattered on the ground began to explode one after another. The terrifying shock wave instantly swept with heat waves in all directions. Leon and Helena hid in the bunker. Finally, while avoiding the aftermath of the explosion, Jack threw Shirley to the ground and let the gravel and rubble fall from the sky with high temperature, beating himself. As for Hanan, she had nowhere to hide and fell to the ground immediately after the explosion. The shock wave flew away fiercely. She held Tililith tightly in her arms, and then fell heavily to the ground. Because she was pushed and rolled by inertia, all the soil on the ground was stuck to her sweaty body. The horrific explosion passed away in an instant, but the sound still seemed to reverberate in the air. Although the rolling flames no longer rose, the thick smoke still seemed to cover the sky. Under the burning heat of the explosion, Kanan only felt Her mud-covered skin felt a little hot, but at the moment, she had no time to care about such a trivial matter. Not caring about himself, Kanan hurriedly sat up, uncrossed his arms, grabbed Tililith's shoulders and said urgently: Miss! Are you okay?! I didn't know that a female horse could do this. . Gently shaking her dry silver hair stained with mud and blood, Tililith raised her head, looked at Kanan and said, Kanan just hugged her so tightly. Huh, you scared me to death. See Tililith. Si was safe and sound, and Kanan breathed a sigh of relief. Immediately afterwards, she saw Tililith’s little face that was beaten like a bun by Justina, and Tililith also noticed Kanan’s embarrassment. , Her gray-haired face looked as if she had just been pulled out of the mine.

Staring at each other in the firelight, Tililith and Kanan laughed out loud at the same time after a moment. Hello Kanan... Tililith whispered with a smile. You're still talking about me. Miss, you're going to be beaten into a pig's head... Kanan smiled and countered. Mafal, Miss Tililith, are you okay?! Aunt Mafal!

Suddenly, voices from Leon and Shirley sounded from both sides at the same time. Shirley and Leon jumped off the container along both sides and went straight to Hanan, who was sitting on the ground holding Tililith, followed closely behind. It was Jack and Helena who spoke. Although they didn't speak, the nervousness and concern in their eyes revealed everything. We're fine. With a hint of curvature at the corners of their mouths, under the nervous gaze of everyone, Kanan and Tililith slowly said Standing up and looking past Leon and Shirley, Kanan lit a cigarette for himself, and then stared at the billowing smoke: I think it's going to die this time. I No... - The swollen-faced Tililith next to her looked at the billowing smoke and suddenly said: Mr. Justana is still alive. After hearing Tililith's words, everyone's expressions became nervous again. , they turned their heads and stared at the smoke and dust. As expected, they almost

Seconds later, as if to seal Tilly Jingsi's words, a strong figure staggered out. At this moment, there was no good piece of meat on Justina's body, and there were burn marks all over. Between the severely burned cracks on the skin, steam no longer spits out and is replaced by black smoke. Before being baptized by this terrifying explosion and scorching flames, it had been severely injured by Tililith, and its waist There is almost no good bone except for the spine. Even in this situation, it is still fighting tenaciously. But now, it is completely crushed by the explosion. If it were not for the obsession with Kara in its heart, it would not even be able to stand. He couldn't even get up, let alone walk. Seeing Justina's staggering steps, everyone raised their eyebrows again, as if they were facing a formidable enemy. Tililith leaned forward slightly, ready to rush forward at any time, while on the B side, Justina was supported by obsession. It has lost the ability to think. Now, it just wants to complete the task assigned to it by Raqqa. At the last moment of its life, it shoots out a bright light in its eyes like a flashback. It stands still and suddenly faces the crowd. Jack, who was trapped, stretched out his mechanical right arm, next). The nearly damaged mechanical right arm suddenly exploded into a ball of sparks, and with the harsh sound of metal friction, it shot out its incomplete hook, heading straight for Jack. Jack ! Seeing the hook flying towards her, Shirley shouted subconsciously. However, the distance was too close. Jack could no longer avoid it. Just when he was about to be caught by the hook, suddenly, - a black hook The light flashed over everyone's heads, tearing the air, and with the sound of breaking through the air, it stabbed into Justana's chest.

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