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Faced with this sudden situation, everyone was stunned. The hook that was about to grab Jack was suddenly tightened by the rope, and then he suddenly retracted. Eustan, who had been hit hard by the sudden blow, let out a muffled groan. It staggered back two steps, and a black metal spear with a shiny interior was inserted into its chest! After the sternum was shattered by Tililith, the spear finally penetrated Eustan unimpeded. That chest! Blood surged up and spurted out from the deformed mouth that had no teeth. Eustan wanted to grab the spear on his chest, but it couldn't do anything since it had no arms. , the skin began to melt like mud, revealing the solid but faulty muscles underneath. Immediately afterwards, the muscles began to burn and sparks of fire floated in the air, accompanied by a high-pitched roar full of unwillingness, only loyal to Carla Radame Si's B0W Yustana finally fell to the ground completely and turned into a ball of flame. Ah, watching the flames burning the pale monster disappear in the air bit by bit, Kanan, who was the first to react, suddenly turned his head, and saw behind them, the black-armored mask BOW, who was almost cut in half by Kanan, was dragging The immobile lower body lay on the ground. It held up the upper body with one hand, and kept throwing the spear with the other hand.

It no longer has the ability to recycle Jack, but it can still prevent Jack from being taken away by other forces! Really or not?! Even if you don't die?! Seeing the monster's internal organs and blood flowing all over the floor, click Nan couldn't help but widened her eyes and said, Around her, Jing Helena, Jack and Shirley raised their guns again, with serious expressions, as if they were afraid that the monster would get up, but Ti Lilith who stood next to Kanan But she didn't care. She kept squeezing her face with her little white hands stained with blood, as if she wanted to push back her swollen face.

Young woman, you can't even pretend to be dead. This time I'm going to remove your head! Kanan seemed to be aroused, frowning, and was about to go up and cut off the black-armored monster completely. It was over. Suddenly, Tililith, who was squeezing her face, stretched out her hand and grabbed Kanan's wrist. Miss? Being blocked by Tililith, Kanan turned around, a trace of doubt flashed between his eyebrows, but saw Tililith raising her head and staring silently into the distance. Kanan was slightly stunned, and then followed Tililith. He turned his head and saw a signal tower standing in the distance, but the condition of the signal tower looked a bit bad and crumbling. The next second, as if to confirm Kanan's thoughts, accompanied by the sound of the iron cables snapping, sparks exploded from the signal tower. Then, the metal began to twist and break, and the nuts began to snap. Cracked and splashed, in just a few minutes, the signal tower was completely unable to support itself and fell towards the crowd.

No! Run! Seeing the signal tower fall, Leon couldn't help shouting loudly. After that, he took Heena's hand and ran back, - Jack next to him He even hugged Shirley's waist, then turned around and ran away. After the four of them ran a long distance, they suddenly realized that someone seemed to have failed to follow, so they quickly turned around, only to see Tililith still silently Standing there, pulling Kanan's wrist. Mafal! What are you doing?! Run! Seeing the two B0W girls still standing there stupidly, Leon's eyes almost popped out, and Jack's veins popped out and he yelled at Kanan.

...Miss, she won't let me run away! Seeing the towering signal tower falling towards her like a mountain, Kanan's facial muscles couldn't stop twitching. She forced the corners of her mouth and stuttered: Miss...Miss, what are you doing?! l It can't be hit. Tililith said expressionlessly. Big, big, big, big, miss, ahhhhh! Kanan's words were accompanied by panic. There were screams, and the burning signal tower crushed the container and completely smashed it down, setting off a thick smoke that instantly engulfed Tiililith and Kanan.

Miss Tililis! Miss Mafal! Seeing the two disappear from sight, Leon felt that his head was going to split. He hurriedly wanted to rush forward, but Helena grabbed him and faced Leon. Shaking her head vigorously, Helena whispered: It's too dangerous over there! We can only choose to believe them! On the other side, Jack also frowned and looked a little uncertain. Seeing Shirley's anxious face, he cursed softly. He said something, and then quickly rushed towards the billowing smoke. However, before he could take two steps, a gust of hot wind suddenly swept over, blowing away the thick smoke, and only the firelight could be seen. , Tilisilis was holding Kanan's wrist, standing in a rigid posture. The top of the collapsed signal tower was less than ten meters away from the two of them. In front of them was the burning signal tower. .And the black-armored monster that was crushed under the signal tower, with its internal organs bleeding all over the floor, and completely dead. Facing the firelight, Tilisilis let go of Kanan's wrist. She turned her head and walked towards Leon and Helena through the flames - saying expressionlessly:

Following Tilithis, Kanan was still frightened. She leaned close to Tilithis and whispered: Miss, let's not play like this next time. This is a bit too exciting...

Without responding to Kanan, Tilly Jingsi came straight to Leon. She tried her best to shrink her bulging face, and then said expressionlessly: You can continue to enter, Mr. Kennedy. On the other side, Kanan looked at It seemed a lot easier to go up. She stretched her arms and walked towards Jack while saying with a bad smile: What? Isn't this because I care about your Aunt Mafa? A little too good? Jack asked with a frown. You just wanted to run over, right? Jack cub? You must have wanted to run over, right?

Cursing in a low voice, Jack turned around and quickly returned to Shirley's side, and Shirley also asked eagerly: Aunt Mafal, are you okay? I'm fine, I'm fine.

What's the matter? I'm super powerful, okay! Kanan patted his chest gently, with a proud smile on his face. He didn't look like he was about to wet his pants under the signal tower just now. Okay, now that the immediate problem is solved, let's discuss what to do next. After killing the two monsters, Jack finally relaxed. He shrugged, raised the corner of his mouth and said: Anyway, my five The ten thousand dollars must have been wasted, right? Still thinking about your five hundred thousand! She frowned slightly to express her dissatisfaction with Jack. Shirley turned to Kanan and said, Aunt Mafal, I remember hearing this before. You mentioned going to the port. i

That's right, we are going to the port. As long as we get to the port and meet up with your Aunt Griffith and Aunt Bai, we will be completely safe... Smiling at Jack and Shirley, Kanan turned his head. , looking at Tililith, Leon and Helena on the other side, it was obvious that Leon and Helena were discussing something, while Tililith just stood there silently, seemingly not caring about the next trip. Kennedy, where are you going to go next? After a moment, Kanan asked with a smile after seeing Leon and Helena finish their discussion. Kutzen, Guanlong Tower. Leon replied in a deep voice: Next, we are going to Go arrest Simmons!

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