What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-76. Macho Tilith and the seafood market

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Leon, can you hear me? A familiar and reassuring voice came from the communicator. With his back to the sea of ​​fire, Leon, who was walking in the alley, raised his hand, pressed the communicator next to his ear and said, Hannigan ?

Oh, my god, I haven't been able to contact you since the plane was recovered. I restored communication a minute ago, but you didn't answer. Hearing Leon's voice again, Hannigan on the other side of the communicator was obviously longer. She breathed a sigh of relief. After confirming Leon's safety, she said straight to the point: Listen, the building Agent Birkin mentioned is not far from you. Just follow the current route. Do you understand? Understood, thank you. . Leon replied.

Shirley doesn't seem to intend to meet Simmons directly out of confidentiality. What you have to do now is to take a shortcut through the open-air market in front. After conveying the key information to Lyon again, Hannigan cut off the communication, and Leon also took Heena and Tilithis to push open the iron door in front of them and entered the seafood market that Hannigan mentioned.

It is completely different from the brightly lit high-rise buildings like a backdrop. The seafood market in front of you is filled with low-rise shops arranged randomly. Although the lights are still on, there is no one in the market. Facing this silent seafood market, Lyon He always felt that there was something strange here, so he subconsciously turned his head and looked at Tililith. Although there was still blood on her face, the swelling on Tilly's face had basically subsided in just a few minutes. Not long ago, Leon and Shirley said goodbye and then ran to their respective battlefields again. Although he was a little confused about Shirley's mission, Leon did not intend to go into details. After all, no matter what Shirley's mission was, , it is unlikely that she will continue to complete it. As for Shirley's safety, Leon still trusts Li Yexing, and to be honest, he believes that there should be no monster in Lanxiang that can stop Mafal. As a man who had fought with Li Yexing in Malvia, Leon knew very well that if an ordinary BOW faced Li Yexing's monster girl, there would only be one end: being killed indiscriminately. Pi So, it is enough to just take care of yourself. As he walked along the only road and passed through the crowded open-air shops, Leon's feeling of uneasiness became stronger and stronger. At this moment, suddenly, there was a heartbreaking feeling. The scream of lungs came from the road ahead. Hearing the shrill scream, Leon was stunned subconsciously, then he frowned and rushed towards the direction of the scream. When he turned the corner, he quickly saw the shadow that was difficult to reach by the light. Among them, something pulled a Lanxiang citizen out, and then wandered into a nearby shop. The thing seemed to have a human form, but it looked extremely weird. Disgusting. Even though Leon couldn't see the true face of the monster, Tililith, who had excellent eyesight, saw it clearly. She subconsciously took a step back, and a rare expression appeared on her expressionless face - A hint of disgust. I have to say that today, Miss Tilisis's expression was unusually rich. What is that? On the other side, Heena, who also failed to see the true face of the monster, asked with a frown, while Leon just said in a deep voice. He responded: It's epilepsy.

After knowing that the seafood market in front of them didn't want to look so peaceful, Leon and Helena slowed down a lot, with a hint of caution between their eyebrows. Tililith looked a little shrinking, although she didn't think that the person who just appeared in front of them was The monsters on the road will pose a threat to you, but to be honest, the monster looks really disgusting. Continuing to move forward along the only road, it didn't take long for Leon to bring Helena to a green door. As long as he pushed open the green metal door, he could go straight to the destination, but to Leon's surprise What's surprising is that there were three locks hanging on the metal door! Isn't it? Three independent locks?! Looking at the locked door, Leon subconsciously looked at Ti Lilith, so Ti Lilith Lilith walked up with ease, grabbed the door lock with her little hands, and while tugging, she frowned and whispered: It's so disgusting, so disgusting, so disgusting, so disgusting. I, Ti Lilith, just one second. I don’t want to stay here any longer, it’s so disgusting.... Accompanied by the painful groaning sound of the stuck metal rod, the door locks were broken one after another, just as Tililith was about to violently open the last door. J. Suddenly, I saw the large pile of pork piled beside the door twisting crazily, as if something was about to get out of the pile of pork. The next second I saw the pile of pork suddenly appeared. Hot air, and then, groups of black meat squirmed out of the pork, some were hands, some were arms, and some were the lower body. With a weird neighing, the piles of sticky black meat quickly crawled across the ground and gathered together. Together, they pieced together a strange-looking monster. Looking at the weird monster, I don't know how to describe it! It has a body structure that is extremely similar to humans, but it is more like a leech-like mollusk than a human. The monster has no eyes. There were no nostrils, and there was only a large, scary, toothless mouth on the entire head. In its mouth, a large mass of pink meat similar to mouthparts was constantly swallowing and squirming, as if it had a separate life. Seeing the monster dripping mucus and standing up crookedly to ejaculate, Tililith's movements of pulling on her locks suddenly became violent. She raised her voice and shouted in that robot-like inorganic voice: Disgusting! It's a big disgusting thing. Don't let the big disgusting touch Tililith! Don't let the big disgusting touch Tililith!. I think I found the reason why the whole street is locked up. It's obvious that the locals don't want to let them out! Quickly He and Helena raised the gun in their hands, and Leon fired the alarm directly at the monster, - while firing, he said: This trick of connecting end to end is quite new. The bullets were fired one after another, exploding black flowers of blood on the monster's body. Even though the bullets tore the flesh, the monster seemed to have no pain and didn't care at all. On its body, those who were hit by the bullets

Pink granulations were popping up from the wound that were dancing wildly, filling the wound again. This sight made Leon think of the complex parasite BOW regenerator that he encountered around Spain a few years ago, and a certain person in Mal. Via swallowed the BOW girl alive.

This thing seems to be invincible! Seeing the monster roaring and staggering towards the fire, Helena subconsciously took two steps back. At that moment, she heard a loud bang from behind her. After hearing the sound, Tililith finally kicked open the metal door that she had violently unlocked. She quickly ran out of the door, then turned around and said to Leon and Helena: Come out. After hearing Tililith's words, Leon Helena and Helena immediately escaped and ran out of the door. Seeing the monster trying to stagger out, Tililith closed the metal door with her backhand, then dragged the heavy metal trash can next to it with one hand and held it tightly. The door was blocked. In the next second, the weird monster hit the door and kept hitting the metal door with its body. It seemed that it was unwilling to accept that its prey had escaped.

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