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After blocking the monster that looked like a big ball of seafood polymer on the other side of the door, Ms. Tililith's mood obviously relaxed a lot, and her tightly knitted pretty brows returned to their former self. That kind of look. Turning her head, looking past the pieces of hung pork and looking at the red metal door outside the shop, Hina whispered: Everything seems clear. Let's go, we have a date with Simmons. He led Helena and Tililith to the red metal door. Leon gently opened the door and walked through the metal door in a low voice, leaving the seafood. In the market, Leon and Helena held guns in their hands and looked around with vigilant eyes. At this moment, Leon suddenly raised his hand and blocked Helena's way. He frowned and stared at the building in front of him. On the exposed metal stairs, familiar yet unfamiliar figures were seen pushing open the metal door on the outside of the building, and then walked in with elegant steps. Ada? It wasn't until the door closed and the figure disappeared from sight that Li Er put down the hand that was blocking Helena and asked with doubts on her face. However, Tililith, who was standing next to Leon, narrowed her eyes slightly. There seemed to be a red light in her eyes, and after a while, the faint and frightening aura disappeared. Tililith whispered expressionlessly: Let Miss Radames dance for a while, after all, this is not Tilithis' job. What? Hearing Tilithis' low murmur, Leon subconsciously turned his head and asked. i It's nothing. Tililith responded expressionlessly. After a moment of consideration, Helena frowned. She whispered, Let's follow her. After saying that, Helena ran directly towards Ruona's metal stairs, and Leon kept a close eye on her. Finally, as for Tililith, she still just followed the two of them silently, but there seemed to be something hidden in her ruby-like eyes. With the sound of thump, thump, thump, the three of them rushed up the metal stairs quickly. , Leon and Helena stood on both sides of the metal door, nodded to each other, then pushed the metal door open and walked in quickly. They held pistols and staggered forward, leaning against the door frame, guarding against possible dangers ahead. The enemies who appeared had wary expressions on their faces. After a while, Tililith finally couldn't stand it any longer, and she whispered: There is no one in front of us. Hearing Tililith's words, Leon was slightly startled. He thought for a while, and then got out from behind the door frame. Sure enough, just as Tililith said, the whole room was empty, with no one at all. At the same time, There were no lights on in this room, making it extremely dark. The only light source was the bright screens on the computer cases. Under this sporadic light source, Leon and Heina stepped on the wires everywhere. Moving forward. This seems to be a computer room. He groped along the road ahead little by little without making a single sound. Just when Leon was about to relax his vigilance, suddenly, a black shadow flashed past between the chassis next to him, although he was caught by the corner of his eye at that time. , but Lyon turned his head for the first time. With the soft sound of high-heeled boots hitting the ground, the black figure disappeared between the chassis. Leon was almost certain that the black figure that flashed past just now was the woman he was familiar with - Ada Wang. His breathing suddenly became rapid, and Leon quickly chased after him. After passing through the layers of computer cases, he finally got to the woman. At this time, she was wearing a backless purple dress and a red trousers. Scarf, with his back to Leon, he pushed open the door in front of him. Ada! Seeing the familiar figure about to leave, Leon subconsciously called out. The figure was slightly startled, then turned his head, revealing the There was a face that was very familiar to Leon. After a moment, she raised the corners of her lips and smiled at Lipin. His eyes collided with that familiar figure. Leon stretched out his hand and was about to go up to ask something. Suddenly, a burst of gunfire exploded. The woman suddenly lowered her body to avoid the bullet and at the same time took out her waistband. The rope hook gun was fired at the ceiling, and with the sound of the rope tightening, she passed through the dense fire, soared into the air, and disappeared from Leon's sight. What's going on?! Seemingly frightened by this sudden situation, Helena turned her head and asked Leon urgently, but when their eyes collided, Helena found that Leon's eyes only had doubts and confusion, but he stood there. Tililith, who was behind the two of them, suddenly said: Hitomi's work is about to end. What? Leon turned his head and frowned and asked in a deep voice. I wonder if it was his misunderstanding. From the beginning, Tililith There is something mysterious about it, as if you are holding back something, you want to say it, but you can't. Although you can't say it, you still want to say it. Catch up. On the other side, facing Leon's question, Tilisilis said in a deep voice. That's right, it's always right to open it up. Clenching the gun in his hand, Leon said in a deep voice, Let's go and find out. Bar. After that, Leon rushed up quickly with Helena. They took Tilithis along the stairs to the bottom of the building, then pushed \

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