What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-80. The three lines of macho men advance together

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Until Ti Lilith reminded him, Chris subconsciously glanced at the BSAA team members on the other side. At this moment, those team members seemed to have just recovered their help. They were talking and looking around, as if waiting for the blur. His eyes focused, and it was only then that he suddenly realized that Pierce was missing.

Damn it! I told you not to fall behind! Doesn't he want his life?! His eyes immediately stared, and Chris turned to Leon and said solemnly: The BSAA will take care of Ada. You go deal with Simmons. As for Ai I will think about it when the time comes. After saying that, Chris squeezed past Leon and shouted to the BSAA team members to prepare for action. At this moment, Leon behind him suddenly shouted: Chris! After being stopped by Leon, Chris turned around, only to see Leon saying solemnly: 'I believe you will make the right choice.' Chris was not saying anything after all, he was just leading the BSAA players He left quickly, and soon, only Li Er, Helena and Ti Lilith were left here again. Are you sure we can count on him? Helena frowned slightly until all the BSAAB personnel disappeared. He frowned and asked. He has been going through all this for as long as me. Leon said to Helena in a deep voice: I believe him. Does Leon really believe in Chris? Maybe he does, but if it involves Ada, Leon was not so sure. After all, he did not dare to gamble with Ada's life on Chris's temper. After knowing Chris for several years, this was the first time he saw Chris's appearance and eyes. As if he was about to be filled with anger, compared to the BSAA hero, at this moment he looked more like a beast that preyed on others! What really reassured Leon was Tililith's attitude. There is no doubt that Tililith came to help at the behest of Li Yexing, and judging from the last trip to Changye, Li Yexing had a very bad impression of Ada, even for his own sake. He would not directly want to trick Ada to death, P Therefore, since Tililith dared to shout for Chris to hunt down Ada, then Li Yexing must have a backup plan. Of course, Li Pin would not It was meant for Helena. Okay. On the other side, hearing Leon's answer, Helena just nodded, with a hint of tangle still in her expression. Let's go. Seeing Helena no longer Asking, Leon turned his head, with a trace of determination in his eyes, he said in a deep voice: Go to Simmons! Leon, Helena, come back... At the right time, Hannigan's voice came from the communicator. came, she said in a deep voice: If Agent Jin's information is correct, Simmons should be right in front. Be more careful. The call is over. As the communication was cut off, Leon and Helena moved again, standing between the two Behind her, Tililith silently kept up with the pace of the two of them. In the imperceptible shadow, the corners of her mouth raised a slight arc. Looking at the backs of Li Er and Heena, Tililith murmured softly: It's over.

The gunfire was accompanied by loud gunshots and engine sounds, illuminating the dim street. The purple sports car engine roared, pulling the rear of the car under the fire, leaving two black marks on the street, and then rushed straight into the street. Seeing the purple sports car running away, Pierce holding the automatic rifle gritted his teeth, his expression full of unwillingness. At that moment, he saw Chris wearing a black combat uniform leading the BSAA's Team A from the darkness behind the door. Walked out. Although the light was dim, Chris was still a little uncomfortable being in the light here. -Seeing Chris come out, Pierce immediately greeted him and loudly reported to Chris: Captain, she is escaping to the port! Get in the car quickly! After that, Pierce pointed to the parked car next to him. That military Humvee. Looking at the only jeep in front of him, Chris frowned. It was obvious that this vehicle could not hold all the members of Team A. After a moment of thinking, he turned his head and looked behind him. The team members said: New order! It won't be long before HQ will issue an order to surround King Ada. Now, I ask you to meet up with other teams and help them form a siege network! Do you hear me?! i Captain... Among the team, Mark, the blaster of Team A of BSAA, seemed to want to say something, but was choked back by Chris's sharp eyes. In the end, BSAA, who followed all the way, could only He nodded and said, I understand. The female horses! They are all listless! Wouldn't he be able to eat without his female horses?! His tone suddenly became stern, and Chris glared and yelled: Say it again! Do you understand?! I understand! This time, the voices of the team members were obviously much louder. With a smile on his face, Chris nodded with satisfaction to the team members. After the team members set off in accordance with the order, Chris turned around, - Walking towards the military Humvee step by step, surpassing Pierce who was still debugging, he walked straight into the car, and at the same time took off the BSAA seal on his shoulder and covered it with the silver wolf head logo. I Team... Seeing Chris's tiny move, Pierce's face showed a hint of astonishment.

It's quite embarrassing to think about it. As a BSAA, I can't be as free and decisive as Li. That bastard, he is really enviable. He mounted the machine gun mounted on the military jeep and turned his head to look at Pierce. He smiled and said solemnly: The order has changed. Let's go after Ada and kill without mercy. Of course, if possible, I still hope to catch him alive. As he watched, Chris asked Pierce in a deep voice: How's it going? Can you catch her? I won't stop until I catch her! Pierce responded, with a confident smile on his face, and he quickly boarded the military board. Hummer. The next second, the engine roared, indicating that the final chase had finally begun.

Standing on the roof of the train, following the train's rapid progress, it didn't take long before I saw Ada blocking Hitomi Mikishima's waist again. She took out her rope hook gun and aimed it at the rails.

At the same time, he whispered to Hitomi Mikishima: ‘We’ve arrived at the stop. The next second, his expression tightened, and the red and white figures rose into the air closely, swinging out in the air like a compass line - a standard semicircle, and then landed steadily on the rooftop of the high-rise building next to the railway track.

After landing, Ada didn't speak. She walked along the rooftop and pushed open the small door of the rooftop. Hitomi Chishima followed closely behind. The two entered the stairwell of the building, and then - upward together, directly climbed onto the stairs. on the roof of the high-rise building. Four high-heeled boots stepped lightly on the ground, making bursts of sound. Ada looked indifferent and scanned the surrounding scene. Suddenly, she was slightly startled, as if she saw something, and then she hurried over. When he reached the edge of the roof, he took out the sniper rifle from his back and looked through the scope to observe the street in the distance. He saw three people standing on the street. What's wrong? On the side, seeing Ada acting strangely, Hitomi Mikishima hurriedly stepped forward and asked, while Ada stretched out her hand to slightly adjust the scope. She responded softly: It's nothing, I just saw an acquaintance. Shirley Birkin. Ada muttered softly as she looked through the scope at the baby-faced blond girl on the street in the distance. She moved the scope again and locked the crosshairs on Shirley. on the big boy, and then whispered: Then he must be the host of the C virus antibody, Little Wesker

As she spoke, Ada moved the sight in the scope to where Shirley and Little Wesker were focused. On the stone steps, a woman with a single ponytail was looking up at her with a wild smile. The monster that looked quite familiar was pressed to the ground - bursting and hammering. That monster turned out to be the electric monster that had been pierced through the chest and head by Hitomi Mikishima before! And the one riding on it, shooting left and right, was the man from Li Ye's family, Pokanan Mafal! Suddenly, Ai Tatsu's expression became subtle. She turned her head and looked at Hitomi Mikishima, whose eyes were full of curiosity next to her. She didn't know what to ask for a moment. After a while, she turned her attention to Shirley and Shirley below again. Little Wesker and a certain tomboy who was beating up monsters asked softly to Hitomi Mishima at the same time, Speaking of which, Miss Mishima, how did Boss Li arrange the other monster girls for this operation? Sorry, Miss Wang. , No comment. Hitomi Mikishima shook his head slightly. Forget it, I have probably guessed it. Through the scope, looking at Miss Mafal who beat the monster until it couldn't get back up, Ada said softly. : Speaking of which, the telegraph monster that you stabbed through the head with a knife seems to be alive. Moreover, it has caught up with Miss Mafal. iWhat?! How is that possible! Shocked by Ada's words, Hitomi Mikishima hurriedly reached out to the sniper rifle in Ada's hand and said anxiously, What's going on over there? Let me know quickly. Look! Don't worry, Miss Chishima... Dodging Chishima Hitomi's hand, Ada smiled and said: She handled it very well. Hearing Ada's words, Chishima Hitomi was slightly stunned, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. She He patted his chest, and then murmured in a low voice: That's right. What's wrong with Miss Mafal's words? She might not be able to deal with a monster of that level? Is this the so-called 'concern leads to chaos'? Poor little Shirley, monster They all seem to like chasing you... Looking at Kanan on the other side of the scope, after taking care of the telegraph monster, he ran over and patted Shirley hard on the shoulder. Ada's expression became more and more subtle. At this moment , in Ada's eavesdropping earphones, a familiar voice sounded again, a young man said urgently: This is Chris Redfield! King Ada is moving towards the military port in the south! Everyone be vigilant! If encounter! As long as the other party tries to If you resist arrest, shoot to kill! Repeat, as long as the other party tries to resist arrest, shoot to kill! Hearing the words in the communicator, Ada turned her head subconsciously and saw a military Humvee chasing a purple sports car on the street on the other side. Speeding down the street, it continued to pour firepower on the purple sports car while chasing. Standing on the roof of the building, Ada recognized at a glance that the man with the machine gun on the military jeep was none other than Chris Ray. Defield! What is this? Raccoon City Alumni Reunion? At this scene, Ada couldn't help but sigh. However, depending on the situation, Li Yexing did not place a monster girl next to Chris... Is it because of his identity? What's wrong? Miss Wang? Seeing Ada looking around, mumbling something, Shima Hitomi couldn't help but be curious. Are they acquaintances again? This is not very familiar. The corners of her mouth curved again, Ada turned her head, looked at Hitomi Mikishima and said: Miss Mikishima, I saw a car on the canal in front. Motorboat, now, I have a bold idea...

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