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Leon, are you sure it's okay to let them chase Ada? She walked quickly on the metal stairs to the bottom floor of the facility. Helena, who was following Leon, glanced at the small door that was blocked, and then asked tangledly. Our goal is Simmons, it has always been. Although it is not clear why Helena is so concerned about Ada, Leon still answered Helena, but whether in Leon's view or in Helena's view, This answer seemed extremely perfunctory. There was no doubt that Leon was concealing his inner worries in this way. Leon believed that Li Yexing had a backup plan, but he didn't believe that Chris would not kill him. You don't regret not following her, do you? Helena continued to ask, seemingly dissatisfied with Leon's answer. Let's discuss Ada's problem later. Seeing that Helena was not finished, Leon had no choice but to use this rude way to remove the topic. He said in a long voice: Now, focus on Simmons. .

Following the two of them, Tilisilis looked at Leon, and then at Helena. After a moment, she was a little surprised to find that the reason why Helena was so keen on telling stories about Ada didn't seem to be because She wants to be in power, but because...she/\\gua. This new female agent of D50, Si Yiping is very optimistic about the love between the spiritual leader of DSO and the mysterious female spy. It seems that since her sister was rescued, Heena's mentality has improved a lot, and she has begun to pay attention to this kind of problem. But Leon, as more and more problems are faced in front of him, even with the help of Ti Lilith , His mentality is still a bit explosive. Passing through the alley with the extinguished lights, facing Kuzen's Guanlong Tower, the three of them ran at high speed. They didn't stop until they reached the iron gate.

The lights were placed above their heads, but their bodies were in darkness. The sound of the train whizzing by was still lingering in their ears. Leon and Helena's expressions were serious, mixed with a trace of nervousness.

Tilisilis put her hands in her pockets and faced the metal door with an expressionless face. After a moment, Leon raised the pistol, pushed open the metal door in front of him with his shoulder, and then stepped out.

On the other side of the metal door, the light and shadow kept flickering as the train whizzed past, constantly passing over the piles of debris. Leon and Helena raised their guns and searched everywhere in the light and shadow, but nothing happened. Hearing Tililith behind him whisper: Up above. Hearing Tililith's words, Leon and Helena were suddenly startled. They turned their heads at the same time, raised the guns in their hands, and pointed them at the high platform on the second floor. On the high platform, I saw a group of men wearing black suits and sunglasses standing in a row, blocking a man with his back to them firmly behind them. When Leon and Helena raised their guns, In an instant, the group of men in suits immediately raised their mini-submachine guns and pointed the muzzles at the three people below. Simmons! He aimed the gun in his hand at the gap between the two men in suits. Na snapped. The gloomy-looking man slowly turned around under the protection of a group of bodyguards. When he saw Leon and Helena standing below, he was slightly startled, and then subconsciously asked: What the hell? Why are you?! Are you waiting for someone? Simmons? Leon frowned and said: If you are waiting for a cigar, you may be disappointed. I showed him the president's TV speech.

Okay, very good, great. Well done, Agent Kennedy. He smiled angrily. Simmons clapped his hands at Leon and Helena, and said with a smile: I work hard to maintain the order of the world. , to maintain the status of country A, I had a chance to get everything back, but now, you have messed everything up. You saved people you shouldn’t have saved! You did things you shouldn’t have done! And you turned me into a Internationally wanted criminal! What benefit does intending to kill the president do to the country and the world? I really can't see it! Lyon retorted sharply. Forget it, it seems you have nothing to explain. Although I am very curious about what happened to that unattractive child following you, but now, I have more important things to do. There is still a chance to exchange for this. Simmons seemed a little bored, facing his bodyguard

Following Simmons' order, the sound of gunshots instantly resounded throughout the alley, and bullets shot down from the second-floor platform. Seeing this, Leon quickly pulled Helena to hide in the corner, while Tillylis Standing silently, looking at Simmons silently through the bodyguards, letting his body be baptized by the hail of bullets. What the hell! What is going on?! Seeing that Tililith is invulnerable, Simmons's mouth curved. Gradually it disappeared, replaced by incomparable shock. If the bullet struck the girl but only produced sparks, it could also be explained by the fact that the girl was wearing a bulletproof vest. But just now, Simon witnessed it with his own eyes. He saw a bullet hit the girl's head! As the leader of the family, Simmons understood the answer instantly. Although it was a bit incredible, there was no doubt that the girl who had insulted him crazily and had a weird temper over the phone was. BOW! Sure enough, as if to confirm Simmons's conjecture, Tililith turned around silently. Braving the hail of bullets, she strolled to the debris nearby and picked up the huge, somewhat rusty weapon with one hand. The metal trash can was then thrown towards Simmons. Simmons subconsciously fell to the ground upon seeing this. The next second, with a burst of screams, the two bodyguards standing in front of him followed the trash can - - took off and went out. Simmons, please. Seeing the attack, Tililith looked indifferently. Stop her! Stop her quickly! Seeing the silver-haired girl walking towards the second-floor high platform, Simmons turned around in panic. Come on, yelling hysterically at the bodyguards while running back. However, before he could run a few steps, a ghostly zombie wearing a paint mask suddenly appeared from the shadows. Blocked Simmons' way.

Facing this sudden situation, Simmons was stunned. He remembered,

These ghost zombies are commanded by Kara. Why did the ghost zombie P appear here? Before Simmons could think about it, the ghost zombie suddenly raised his hand towards Simmons. The next second, there was a stabbing pain in his neck, and Simmons felt depressed. He groaned and knelt down on the ground. The bodyguard standing guard heard Simmons' groan and immediately turned around and fired at the ghost zombie P-array, knocking the ghost zombie to the ground.

Damn it. He stretched his hand to his neck and pulled out the foreign object. Simmons frowned and saw that what was in his palm was a needle! She...she figured me out and looked at his hand. Simmons quickly dropped the syringe in his hand to the ground. Even as half of his face began to swell, he stretched out his hand and pushed the bodyguard who was trying to support him away, staggering. Walking towards the roaring train behind him - he gritted his teeth and whispered: Really, well done...Simmons had just walked not far away when he saw Tililith leaping onto the second floor platform. She held her head high Firepower - grabbed a bodyguard by the collar, held the security guard in front of him, and then shouted Spartan Clash in that inorganic voice - while hitting the security guard blocking the road until his bones and tendons were broken. , behind her, Leon and Helena quickly climbed up. When they raised their heads, they saw Simons already standing on the edge of the platform. He's going to run! Helena yelled, facing Simon directly at the same time. Si's back pulled the trigger, but unexpectedly, Simmons leaned forward and hit the roof of the train that was passing by at high speed. Seeing that Simmons was about to run away with the train, Leon and Helena looked at each other, and then moved toward the train at the same time. The train rushed past at high speed. When they reached the edge of the second-floor platform, they jumped, and after a tactical roll, they landed firmly on top of the train. Then, with a loud noise, the train The roof of the shed was instantly smashed out - a pit. In the middle of the pit, silver hair was flying, and a tyrant girl kneeling on one neck fell from the sky! Standing in front of Leon and Helena, Tililith stood up silently, and she stared at Simmons. The figure holding his neck and staggering forward said expressionlessly: Mr. Simmons, let’s settle the accounts.

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