What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-82. Strong man blocking the road

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With a harsh sound, the military Hummer drifted around the corner, spraying nitrogen and biting the butt of the purple sports car in front. Between them, khaki jeeps with their roofs cut off were interspersed back and forth. That jeep was full of ghostly zombies wearing oil paint masks. They held guns in their hands and kept trying to block the way of the Humvee. However, Chris, who stood behind the Humvee and controlled the machine gun, could always kill him immediately. Those ghostly zombies were swept under the car. Since getting on the bus, Chris and Pierce have traveled through more than half of the country, but their battle is still not over. Now, they will completely free Ada and put an end to this biochemical terrorist attack. To be honest, for Chris was quite unsure whether he could rely on a military Hummer to catch up with a sports car. However, beyond Chris' expectations, Pierce's driving skills were a bit too good! He could always drive this seemingly bulky military Hummer. The car accurately passed through the enemy group and avoided obstacles. Even in the most twisty corners, Pierce could still use nitrogen injection without hesitation. In addition, the road conditions in Lanxiang City were extremely complicated under the chaos. Pierce actually relied entirely on his driving skills to force the car. Makes up for the performance shortcomings!

Don't try to get rid of me! I'm the BSAA's No. 1 racing driver! Pierce seemed to be attracted by this Hollywood-level car chase. Pierce felt a powerful force burning in his veins, making him change. He was extremely excited. In this exciting emotion, he couldn't help but cheer like a big boy! Compared to Pierce, who was addicted to urban speed driving, Chris's face was a little ugly, even though Pierce insisted on biting After arriving at the purple sports car, news came from HQ that the formation of the siege network against Aida failed. A large number of ghost zombies poured out from all directions. Almost all the teams were in a bitter battle. There was no doubt that Aida Da had anticipated BSAA's actions and planned targeted measures in advance. It is no longer possible to rely on other teams. The operation to capture Ada can only rely on Chris and Pierce. Rushing onto the viaduct and using nitrogen injection to accelerate again, even though the road ahead was straight, the purple sports car still could not escape the sight of Chris and Pierce.

Even if the ghosts and zombies try to stop him in every possible way, it will still be of no avail. If he continues forward, it will not take long before he reaches the end of the race - Lanxiang Port. According to the information provided by HO, they heard that an aircraft carrier belonging to N∈o Umbrella appeared on the high seas not far from Lanyang. It was obvious that it was Benruo who came to assist Ada! Once Ada arrives, After reaching the port, Ada will probably escape directly by boat. By then, it will be as difficult as trying to catch her!

The elevated highway in front of them was the last chance for Chris and Pierce to make a comeback! As Jeeps were overtaken one after another, and each Jeep was overturned by Chris's heavy machine gun, the military Hummer and purple sports car were finally clear of obstacles. , the streets began to become empty, the bright lights of the city were left behind, and the only sounds in the ears were the roaring engines and the sound of heavy machinery. Even though Pierce's driving skills were superb enough, it was still difficult for the military Hummer to catch up with the real sports car on such a flat road. Seeing the distance getting farther and farther, Chris finally gave up on Klee. He started to drag the heavy machine, constantly He tried to shoot the tires of the purple sports car. As he reached the top of the viaduct, he could smell the faint salty smell and could even see the sea! Faster! Pierce! Faster! Seeing that the distance was about to drop. As Bitian was pulled away, Chris shouted urgently. We're going as fast as we can! Pierce replied loudly. Damn it! Chris couldn't help but curse in a low voice as he watched the purple sports car go further and further away. Just when he thought the pursuit was about to fail, suddenly, he saw the purple sports car that had run away suddenly burst into flames. It skidded, and then, its speed suddenly slowed down! That sports car, it had a puncture! Beautiful! God is helping us! Seeing the purple sports car begin to slow down, Chris immediately got excited and shouted He said: Pierce! Go after it! It has a flat tire! I saw it! Pierce responded loudly and excitedly. The engine roared and the military Humvee ran rampant. At the moment before arriving at the port, Chris finally saw the dawn of victory. l It’s close! It’s close!

Getting closer! I've caught you, let me blow out your other tire! With a sneer on his lips, Chris set up the machine gun again and began to shoot towards the road. The bullet chain was beating on the street. There were sparks and twists and turns. At the moment when the metal storm was about to catch up with the purple sports car, Chris suddenly saw two figures walking out from behind the roadblock outside the port in front, one on the left and one on the right. They were walking opposite each other. , until they blocked the road ahead, they all turned around and faced the oncoming military Humvee. Master! Seeing two people suddenly appear on the road ahead, and they were not wearing the oil paint masks of ghost zombies, Pierce was startled and jumped subconsciously.

He hit the brakes, and suddenly, a harsh sound came from under the Hummer, and dark marks were drawn on the road. Seeing that he could not stop the car, Pierce couldn't help but turn the steering wheel hard and yelled: Get out of the way. !Quickly open! Following Pierce's operation, the entire military Humvee suddenly turned sideways, spinning on the ground, until it stopped in front of the two figures, and then stopped awkwardly. The excessive inertia instantly caused the The Hummer was lifted up and almost rolled over, but at the last moment it fell down and hit the ground hard with a loud noise.

Even though the car was almost stopped in front of the face, the two figures remained motionless, like dummies. But at this moment, Pierce, who was sitting in the car, and who were standing behind were still.

Being stopped here, they will never be able to get to King Ada again!

The girl's horse, the girl's horse, the girl's horse! Seeing the purple sports car rushing towards the port and completely disappearing from sight, Pierce felt as if his lungs were being hit by something, and he was furious. Next, he pushed the car roughly

He opened the door, got out of the car, raised his gun and yelled at the two people who stopped the Hummer, Who are you?! Neo. Umbrella?! On the other side, the car was blocked inexplicably and lost. Man, Chris was also so angry that he was so angry that his face turned red and veins popped out. His blood pressure was instantly high. Chris gritted his teeth and turned his head sharply. He was about to pull out his gun when he saw the man blocking the car. After two people, he was stunned for a moment. Miss Griffith and... Miss Bai?

We haven't seen each other for a few days, Mr. Redfield, Rita, I'm sorry. She lifted her skirt slightly, and Rita smiled and bowed slightly to Chris, as if she was completely

Not caring about Pierce's gun pointed at him, Bai Muqing, who was standing next to Rita, said indifferently: Hello, Mr. Redfield. Captain, this is an acquaintance of yours?! Looking at the person in front of him, Two women were dressed in maid uniforms and OL uniforms respectively, but they were also ridiculously beautiful. Pierce gritted his teeth and asked in a low voice. On the other side, Chris turned over and got out of the car, vaguely wanting to pull out a gun. He frowned and stared at the two women in front of him. After a while, he asked in a deep voice: Miss Griffith, Miss Bai, why are you stopping here? Hearing Chris' question, Rita just smiled slightly. , she turned her head and looked at Bai Muqing beside her. Bai Muqing still had that indifferent face, staring into Chris's eyes. She said in a deep voice: Mr. Redfield, your mission has been completed, and completed. Very good, now you can rest 7. Huanya Armed Forces, thank you for your contribution in the past six months.

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