What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-85. Beyond the macho men, enemies meet

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It is not justice that will judge you, but her. Facing the fire of the burning yacht, King Ada raised his hand and pointed behind Kara. Hearing Ada's words, Kara was slightly startled, and then turned his head sharply Looking behind her, she saw a girl standing ten steps away from her. The girl had fair skin and long black silky hair. Under the firelight, her face was hidden among the shadows. In the middle, half yin and half yang, she is wearing white clothes. Although it is stained with some stains, it does not look dirty and obtrusive at all. On her waist, there are two swords, long and short, one is a typical samurai. The knife, but that knife was surprisingly long and hung with a heavy iron chain. The other one was quite modern, with the same length as an ordinary Japanese samurai sword. And the girl's hand was holding a strange one. The object looks like a knife at first glance, but its shape is more like a straight bone spur. But if it is a bone spur, it looks too crystal sharp, like jade. You... look at the girl in front of you, Kara's heart There was an inexplicable feeling of familiarity in the center. Even so, she couldn't remember who the girl was. What's more, what made Kara feel even more uneasy was that she didn't know when the girl started standing behind her. , she didn't notice it at all

On the other side, as if aware of Kara's gaze, the girl finally raised her head little by little, facing the firelight, she slowly opened her eyes, and then grinned at Kara. The next second, she saw that The girl's eyes instantly turned blood red, full of joy and madness, like an evil ghost emerging from under the Nine Netherworld. The girl smiled strangely and said in a voice that couldn't help but tremble due to excessive excitement: Ka Yi. ---La Yiyi!!!

In an instant, monstrous murderous intent shot out from his sharp eyes, sweeping across every inch of Kara's body like sword energy with a cold light. At this moment, Kara felt as if she was being doused with cold water, and even her body couldn't help but frown slightly. She started to tremble. After a period of fright, she gritted her teeth and forced herself to calm down. Then she began to stare at the face of the girl in front of her, recalling where she had seen her before. Suddenly, Duan came from where. Memories from years ago gradually emerged from my mind. This is impossible! When the monster-like crazy face in front of her was overlapped with the gentle girl with a hint of strength in her memory, Kara's expression completely changed. She frowned, her eyes full of confusion. In panic, she couldn't help shouting: 'You! You are that... that little girl from a Japanese mafia family! Why are you not dead?! How could you still be alive? Alive? God doesn't want me to die, so I live... The soft facial features become more and more distorted, and the sword energy in the eyes seems to be uncontrollable. From the white clothes, steam is faintly revealed, and even the breathing begins. It became rapid and heavy, and a flush gradually appeared on his face. Hitomi Mikishima grinned as if he was broken and said, Calla Radames...Kadames... Miss Radames, I Finally... I finally see you again. Do you know how much I miss you? I miss you to the point where my husband is in despair and can't sleep all night. When I think of you, my heart beats extremely violently, as if I want to leave me. chest, and now. Now, I finally see you again! As he spoke, Hitomi Mikishima made a sword dance with the bone blade in his hand, then tilted his head suddenly, and asked softly like he was dreaming: Kara, May I ask which knife I plan to use to kill you tonight? Looking at Hitomi Mikishima in front of her, Kara's mouth can no longer be closed. She can't understand why Hitomi Mikishima, who was injected with the Imperfect C virus, can survive until now. , and even retained intelligence far higher than any C-virus infected person or experimental subject! In panic, Kara quickly stepped back and looked around. When she turned her head, she saw a military Humvee. Slowly driving into the port, the Hummer stalled, and the BSAA hero Mr. Chris Redfield got out of the car with another BSAA team member. They did not come up, but stopped leaning against the Hummer. , seems to intend to watch.

After the two BSAAs got out of the car, a gray-haired woman wearing a backless sexy maid outfit jumped out of the car. She stepped on black high-heeled shoes with a purple pattern and stepped away from the two quilts. Her legs wrapped in see-through black stockings came up behind Chris with extremely elegant steps. When she stopped, her hands wrapped in black lace gloves were folded in front of her. She bowed slightly, her face There was a cold smile on his face, and on the other side, an Asian woman in 0L clothes was left in the car. She stepped on the seat, stepped across the windshield and stood directly on the front of the car, and then , she sat on the window frame of the windshield, one foot stepped on the front hood of the car, and the other foot was slightly raised following her crossed legs, revealing the instep of her feet that was wrapped in black stockings. With the black workplace high-heeled shoes, Kara had never seen the woman sitting on the front of the car with an indifferent expression, but Kara had some impression of the maid with a fake smile standing behind Chris. She stared at the maid. face, trying to recall the identity of the maid, and the maid who noticed Carla's gaze bowed slightly to Carla, and then smiled at the malicious smile, Carla's eyes suddenly widened, as if struck by lightning .

At this moment, she finally knew what the problem was! Phew, haha, hahaha, haha0ha0ha00. Feeling the phantom pain that kept coming from her mutilated right arm, Kara couldn't help but sneered at first, that is, The smile on her face became increasingly difficult to suppress, and eventually turned into a face-covering laugh. After laughing for a full ten seconds, and when she knew she was almost out of breath, she suddenly stopped. In an instant, the smile on her face was Replaced by hatred and resentment, Carla roared hysterically: Three years! If you don't come out sooner, you won't come out later! You have to come out at this time to take revenge! Isn't it enough to take away my arm?! And that one? King Ada is in trouble! That damn mercenary! The war wild dog rolling in the mud! Is he sick?! You just said. Hearing Kara's roar

, Bai Muqing subconsciously wanted to stand up on the spot, but saw Rita, who was standing behind Chris, turned around and smiled at her and said: Forget it, Mu Qing, forget it, don't forget, today is... Hitomi's home court, according to the plan, we can't interfere. Okay. After a long moment of hesitation, rationality finally defeated sensibility. Bai Muqing sat back on the front of the car, her expression returned to indifference, except for the muscles that were constantly squirming under her skin. Tell Rita that Bai Muqing is far from as calm as she seems. As time goes by, her mood begins to become more unstable. It's disgusting enough to be yelled at by a man with oily hair and pink face. How come even the wild women outside are starting to learn how to scream? Bai Muqing - murmured in a low voice while grinding his teeth. Miss Griffith, What the hell is going on? On the other side, looking at the Yamato Nadeshiko Mikishima Hitomi, whose face was twisted like a murderous demon, and the two Ada kings who looked exactly the same, Chris was completely confused. He She turned her head eagerly, wanting to seek answers from Rita. Faced with Chris' doubts, Rita just smiled and said softly: This is a love-hate relationship that spanned several years. -It will be difficult to tell for a while, so Mr. Redfield should ask my husband when the dust settles.

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