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The strong wind swept through, and the hair was flying. On top of the speeding train, the fire from both sides stirred up thick smoke, which decorated the bright lights of Lanxiang like a mist, making it dreamlike. However, for those who were in the smoke, For humans, this feeling is not pleasant. He held his nose against the air that was squeezing his face, and until the train passed through the smoke, Leon frowned and shouted sharply at the voice in the car in front: Simmons! Come back!

Turning his head to look at Leon, Simmons turned around and continued to limp forward while holding his neck. Mr. Kennedy, you are stupid! Holding the chassis of the train with one hand, Tililith stood up, staring at the stumbling back, and then said with an expressionless face: 'If talking is useful, why do you need a gun? We have to take him back and bring him to justice! Helena, who was standing next to Leon, frowned. For a moment, Tililith didn't know how to answer. After a long time, she whispered softly. He muttered: Ye Xing is right, Mr. Kennedy and Miss Amber are really amazing. Stepping on the chassis under the carriage, Leon and Helena ran one after another, rushing into the brightly lit but empty carriage, while Tililith followed them leisurely. Behind him, pushing open the metal door between the carriages, Helena said urgently, We can't let him escape! i No, we will end it all here. Leon, who was running in front, responded in a deep voice. :Here we come, Simmons! It's time to accept your comeuppance! Helena echoed sharply. 0.. Seemingly dissatisfied with Helena's declaration not to shoot, Tililith said with an expressionless expression: 'What a determination.' Moving along the carriage until the end, Leon bent down and followed the ventilation on the roof. The mouth lifted Helena up to the top of the car, and then Helena turned around and pulled Leon up. When both of them got on the car, Tililith jumped lightly and grabbed the vent with one hand. on the edge of the train, and then jumped on it. Quickly walking along the train carriage, Leon and Helena finally drove Simmons into a dead end. In front of them, Simmons stood on the front of the car, with his back turned to everyone and looked at him. The scenery was flying by in front of him. He was holding the phone in his hand, and his expression became more and more complicated. Not long after, his hand holding the phone suddenly exerted force, crushing the glass phone into a pile of debris. Surrender! Simon Si, you have nowhere to go! Pointing the gun at Simmons' back, Lyon shouted sharply. At this moment, that woman is at large, but you are chasing me? After a while, Finally, under the continuous retreat of the feasting and feasting, Simmons slowly turned around, frowned and asked. Which woman? Hearing Simmons' words, Leon was slightly startled, and then asked. That treasonous one? Thief! King Ada! His voice became hoarse, and half of his face had begun to become congested and swollen, mixed with hatred between his eyebrows. At this moment, Simmons looked particularly ferocious. He gritted his teeth and said with a look of hatred: Who knows what kind of tricks she is playing! There is already another group of people chasing her. Lyon raised his gun and said: We are here for you, Simmons. You are here to report to the president. Hate?! Not to mention the president is not dead yet! You idiot! The veins on his forehead popped out, and his blood pressure gradually increased. It seemed that he could not understand Leon's thinking. Simmons shook his head and said angrily: What if he told the Raccoon City incident? If the truth is made public, country A will lose all prestige

The global political order will collapse in an instant! Do you even understand?!” “So in order to avoid a possible disaster, you created another disaster?! And killed so many people?!” Helena He asked sternly, I'm trying to stop the president! Facing the voices of Leon and Helena, Simmons finally went crazy and abandoned all his grace. He spat hysterically and roared at the two of them. Said: He wants to bring my motherland and this world into an unprecedented chaos! I must

Before Simmons could finish speaking, suddenly, there was a loud cough sound, and the roof of the train dented instantly. Tililith, who was standing behind Leon and Heina, finally couldn't listen anymore, and she jumped one by one. , soared into the air, and flew straight towards Simmons with two flying kicks. This kick came so suddenly that no one present had time to respond. The next second, there was only a scream of Ah and the train hit hard. There was a sound of something being hit, and Simmons was kicked off the train by Tililith.

Putting her feet back on the roof of the car, Tililith turned around in the stunned eyes of Leon and Heena, and said expressionlessly: Ye Xing only pays attention to the plot when playing games. When fighting, he never Don't listen carefully to what the other person says. What? Helena asked subconsciously. It's going to be life and death anyway, so why waste time listening to Mr. Simmons' hypnosis? She stretched out her blood-stained little hand, patted it gently in front of her mouth, and Tililith slapped her. Yawned, and then walked towards Leon and Helena step by step. As he walked, he said, When we get to the station, we will get off the car and go to the port to talk to everyone. Okay. He put down the gun in his hand. Leon scratched his head and said with a troubled expression: Let me think about how to compile this action report. Standing next to Leon, Helena was also relieved to see Leon put away the gun. Just when she was about to put away the gun, she saw Ti Lilith with a carefree face. She suddenly raised her head and stared at the train. At the same time, he whispered: It's endless. Seeing Ti Lilith's expression was different, Leon and Helena turned their heads hurriedly, and saw behind the train, a strange four-legged monster suddenly emerged from the corner of the track. It rushed out. It had a strong physique, with scarlet muscles all over its body but no skin. Between the muscles, various accumulated bones proliferated randomly, but it maintained an amazing symmetry. At this moment, it looked like a cat and leopard. It usually runs quickly on the railroad tracks. Behind the monster, a large pile of bones and internal organs with unknown functions are spliced ​​together, swinging randomly like

Standing like a flagpole, above the mess of bones, Simmons' head hung impressively! Kennedy! The bloody head stared with eyes, a ferocious face, and let out a hysterical roar. Damn it! It's alive! Seeing that Simmons not only didn't fall to death, but also turned into a four-legged monster that ran faster than a train, Leon immediately pulled out his pistol and fired continuously at Simmons. He said loudly: Now, I really hope that Miss Tililith's kick will directly send him to see God.

Although Leon and Hina kept firing at the mutated Simmons, the distance between Simmons and the train was still getting closer and closer. Seeing that it was about to board the train's chassis, Tillylith frowned slightly, only to Seeing her pull out the old silver sand eagle from her waist, and after tapping the muzzle lightly, Tililith raised the gun with one hand and pointed it at Simmons's flag hanging behind her back. His head clicked the alarm frantically, and suddenly, gunshots exploded in succession accompanied by Simmons's screams. The roar from the sand eagle even made Leon and Helena frown. Even though the desert beast has terrible recoil, it is still like a toy in Tililith's hands!

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