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You! You! You! You don't understand anything! With a brutal roar, Simmons, who was almost knocked off half of his head by the desert commando, finally overtook Tililith and forcibly boarded the speeding car while reloading. On the train, steam overflowed crazily, and his wounds recovered rapidly. Simmons's body, which was slumped on the train chassis, began to shrink continuously, and the muscles and proliferated bones began to fold rapidly. After a while, Simmons turned into his normal self again. He lost his human form! Drink! Letting the blood continue to escape from the steam-belching cracks on his skin, Simmons roared, jumped on the chassis of the train, and jumped back on the train. On the roof of the shed, facing Leon, Hecina, and Tilithis, he grinned cruelly and said, You guys don't have this ability, right? After saying that, Simmons turned his head and sneered at Helen. Na said: Hurry up and show some real skills, otherwise, you will have to see your sister. Mr. Simmons, unique skill. Tililith muttered expressionlessly. She stuffed the silver sand eagle back into her waist, untied the restraints on her arms, and then held them up to Simmons. Sleeves, the next second, I saw - blood vessels emitting pink light suddenly burst out from under the skin. They were centered on Ti Lilith's chest and continued to spread to the surroundings until they reached Ti Li Lisi's two sides. The side cheeks were stopping. At the same time, along with the extension of those blood vessels, Tililith hooked her fingers and lowered her center of gravity little by little. In the shocked eyes of Leon and Helena, her arms began to expand little by little, Muscles and bones gradually proliferated, tearing the skin, until the white and tender hands completely turned into long and sharp bloody claws. The expression on her face became richer with the liberation of power. Facing the stunned Simon Stililith, she suddenly raised her head, panting rapidly like a hungry dog ​​and said excitedly:, Come on, Mr. Simmons, let's have a fight with Tilithis, it's a fight between monsters! After that, there was a loud noise, and big holes were instantly kicked out of the roof of the train, and the crazy air flow instantly Sweeping in all directions, facing Simons's dull gaze, Tilisilis jumped in the air and opened her red eyes with a grin. She tensed her muscles until her arms began to tremble slightly, and at the same time she laughed wildly at Simon. i said: Catch it! This blow from the magical girl Tililith may cause Mr. Simons, the stinky bitch, so much pain that he can't help but think about it!

The flames burned, and there were still scattered sparks and bursts of popping sounds in the air. As the burning yacht sank little by little, the port of Yuangao City once again fell into darkness. Under the dim yellow street lights, moths fluttered their wings, The light bulbs hit the street lamps one after another, as if they were catering to the bursts of gunshots under the street lamps. Impossible. Impossible. Impossible. She muttered softly, and Kara stepped back step by step. Although she tried hard to look as calm as the real Ada, her somewhat hasty steps were already gone. Exposing the uneasiness and fear in her heart, she held the pistol in her hand. She backed up and pulled the trigger on Hitomi Mikishima, who was walking closer, until her exposed back hit the cold street lamp post. Holding the muzzle of Kara's gun, Hitomi Mikishima tilted her head slightly, still holding the bone blade in her hand. Every time Kara pulled the trigger, she lightly lifted the bone blade and pointed it at the opponent at a speed that no one present could catch. The flying bullets bounced off, and as the distance between him and Kara got closer, the curvature of the corners of Hitomi Mikishima's mouth became more and more wild until the gun in Kara's hand made bursts of empty gun sounds. The bullets are out! Kara, little sister!!!! Seeing a hint of unnoticeable panic in Kara's expression, Hitomi Mikishima suddenly quickened her pace, taking small steps as she went. Kara quickly walked towards the streetlight with his back, and pressed the tip of his bone blade against the ground, outlining bursts of sparks. On the forehead that was faintly covered by bangs, the turbid eyeballs squeezed out of the skin and went crazy. It was twisting and shaking, as if it was participating in a carnival. Faced with the huge pressure emanating from Hitomi Mikishima, a layer of cold sweat finally broke out on Kara's forehead. The calmness on her face began to fade, and her left hand began to tremble slightly. It seemed that she was too anxious, and she even failed to do so several times. Able to insert the magazine into the gun. No, no, the real Zhangda Wang would never be so flustered! Nervous, mistakes, even more nervous, serious... Sweat dripped from his cheeks, indicating the vicious cycle from his heart. It was obvious that in the face of this extreme danger of death , Kara was surprised to find that she was so far away from the woman named King Ada! Is Kara afraid of death? Kara doesn’t know this either. Perhaps the most terrifying thing for her is not death, but herself. Not enough like the real King Ada

King Ada should be calm at all times, King Ada should be calm and leisurely, King Ada should be clever and clever, King Ada never fails... It is not that Kara cannot accept death, but what she cannot accept is that her carefully prepared plan failed like this! She cannot accept it. He knew that a difficult mad dog had jumped into his plan, but he was powerless to save it! Suddenly, there was a crisp sound, and the magazine held by Kara in his left hand was finally inserted into the pistol. , this soft sound seemed like the sound of nature to Kara. She subconsciously raised her head and wanted to raise the gun, but she directly met the eyes of Hitomi Mishima, and saw Hitomi Mishima actually put her face close to her! It was only a palm away from Kara's face! It was obvious that she had been observing Kara like this for a long time. It was just because Kara's thoughts were too confused just now, and there was only a magazine left in her eyes. Hitomi was ignored! You are so embarrassed, Miss Kara. Her eyes were slightly narrowed and her mouth was smiling. Hitomi Mikishima's soft voice became cold. She sneered and mocked: It's nothing like three years ago, Massacre The unarmed Mikishima family servant is so calm and calm. You! Why didn't you die?! Why! Under the pressure of this desperate situation, Kara finally became Oysterian, and the calmness and calmness that could only be faked were at this moment. Completely devastated, she raised her pistol and pressed it firmly against Hitomi Mishima's.

On the chest, while frantically pulling the alarm, he roared like a shrew: You deserve to die! You deserve to die! You and that endless wild dog both deserve to die! All deserve to die! Bai Muqing, who is watching on the sidelines, wants to do it again. Standing up, Rita quickly said a few words with a smile, so Bai Muqing sat down again, but this time, her expression was no longer indifferent, but even more flushed.

God knows what Rita said to Bai Muqing. On the other side, under the streetlight, gunshots continued. Hitomi Mikishima gently raised his hand and held the pistol that was still warm. While feeling the impact of the pistol ammunition, he felt the tremor and vibration of the gun. Temperature, she faced each other and stared at the hysterical Carla, with a slight curve in the corner of her mouth. It wasn't until the sound of the pistol being fired again from her chest that she let go of her hand holding the pistol, Oh, but, it hurts so much, Miss Kara, it hurts so much. It was like losing the support of her neck. Hitomi Mikishima lowered her head, letting her dark and silky long hair fall down to cover her face. In Kara's frightened and crazy eyes, she sneered and opened her arms. The white leather jacket exposed her chest stained with light blood. She used her slender jade fingers to open the red line on her chest and stuffed it into her chest bit by bit along the cracks. After a moment, Hitomi Mikishima suddenly pulled out her hand, and she spread it out. He opened his palms to reveal bullets stained with blood. He tilted his head and chuckled at Kara: But it will get better soon. After all, half of my strength is given by you, isn't it?

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