What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-88. Strong warrior Ji Sheng eats his meat

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It's really... embarrassing and ugly... Seeing Kara, who has the same face as him, being blocked by Hitomi Mikishima and playing with her wantonly under the street light, Ada who was watching suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, so She looked away and looked at the Humvee in the distance, then walked up step by step with a smile. Beside the Humvee, seeing Ada approaching, Chris and Pierce subconsciously wanted to raise their guns. Unexpectedly, Rita, who had been standing behind the two of them, reluctantly came forward. She stood in front of the two of them, then smiled and leaned towards the oncoming Ada Wang and said, Long time no see, Long time no see, Ge. Miss Riffes On the other side, Ada smiled and nodded to Rita. She slowly came to Rita's body, then looked over Rita's shoulder and looked at the two men behind Rita who were watching eagerly. BSAAB member, after a little consideration, she chuckled and said: First meeting, Mr. Redfield, the ace of BSAA, Leon came into the scene and mentioned you to me. i First meeting repeated Ada's words in a low voice, Chris As if there was a hint of fear, he slightly restrained the murderous look in his eyes, then frowned and asked in a deep voice, Are you King Ada? It's true. Ada responded with a smile. Then... Pierce, who was standing next to Chris, was stunned. He turned his head in astonishment, looked at Kara who was being toyed and toyed by Hitomi Mijishima, and then wondered He said, Then she is accurate?

Calla Ladames, a poor woman who makes trouble in my face. Recalling what Hitomi Mikishima said to her when she just rode a motorboat through the canal, Ada sighed softly. The smile on her face dissipated slightly, and she whispered: However, poor people must be hateful. She should have had more choices, but she chose to take this path...

That's right. Ada smiled and nodded. I'm just a poor victim who inexplicably became an internationally wanted criminal without doing anything. It seems that I misunderstood and nodded at Ada. Nodding, Chris changed the topic and suddenly asked: Now, can you explain a little bit about who else Miss Wang is working for? Looking at the woman with a calm smile on her face, Chris' eyes once again showed a trace of Murderous. He said in a deep voice: A few years ago, BSAA received news that a woman named Ada Wang sneaked into East Slavia under the name of BSAA to carry out espionage activities. Should Miss Wang do this? explain.

On holiday with Lyon, who can attest.

Leon didn't even eat breakfast before he was taken from his vacation to East Slavia to clean up the mess! Do you think I don't know?! Chris suddenly raised his voice. Okay, okay, I suggest skipping this. Topic. Seeing the smell of gunpowder gradually getting stronger, Rita immediately smiled and waved to both parties. She smiled and said to Chris: Miss Wang is our friend. She has had a long-standing relationship with our firm for /\\years. Friendship, at the same time, she was also the great love of Mr. Kennedy.

Beloved? Ada turned her head and said with a sinister smile: I think the DSO agent named Helena is very beautiful and looks like Leon.

Smelling the strong smell of jealousy from Ada, Chris' slight hostility finally disappeared. Although he still didn't believe King Ada, he believed in Leon. If Leon and this woman are a couple, then this woman must not be... What an evil person. On the other side, taking a look at Hitomi Mikishima who was having a great time, Rita turned around, smiled and asked Ada: How are you getting along with Miss Mikishima? To be honest, I have been worried that Miss Mikishima will get along with her. You have a conflict. How could it be? Miss Mikishima is a very cute child. - Mentioning Hitomi Mikishima, Ada's eyes lit up instantly, and she tilted her head slightly, as if

The head teacher, who thought he was communicating with the parents of top students about their children, smiled and said, I have a very pleasant time getting along with Miss Mikishima. Miss Mikishima is so beautiful, gentle, and very reasonable. I can accomplish this with Miss Mikishima. I feel extremely honored for this trip. If possible, I hope to hire Ms. Indo Island often in the future.

Really? That's great. I think sir knows that - they are very happy to be married. Holding one hand on the side of their face, Rita and Ada started to talk like a lady talking - in the midst of business flattery, Chris and Pierce behind him frowned when they heard this. After a long time, Ada gently waved her hand and ended the topic. She turned her head, glanced at Bai Muqing sitting in the Hummer, and then smiled at Rita. He said: This lady looks a little unfamiliar, is she a new sister?

Yes, let me introduce you. This is Miss Bai Muqing. After hearing Rita's introduction, Bai Muqing couldn't sit still. She jumped out of the Hummer with an indifferent expression, and then said to Ada in a deep voice: Get acquainted, Bai Muqing. First meeting, Ada Wang. She nodded to Bai Muqing and reported her name. Ada curled her lips and said, Boss Li, you are so gorgeous.

Not paying attention to Ada's words, or not caring so much about everything around her, Bai Muqing just silently stared at the fast-moving Jiang Duodun watch in her hand. After a moment, she raised her head and looked at the distant place. Under the street lamp, they muttered softly at the same time: It's almost time. After hearing Bai Muqing's words, Rita turned around and said loudly to Hitomi Mishima in the distance: Miss Mishima, it's almost time, it's time to end. Under the streetlight, Hitomi Mikishima, who was lying on the ground like a beast, was stunned for a moment, then turned his head, revealing that ferocious smile, and opened his mouth full of blood. After hearing Rita's call, She swallowed what was in her mouth, then stood up, and while wiping the corners of her mouth, she raised the knife in her hand towards Kara who was lying on the ground. At the moment, Kara was dying. She was lying on the ground with her eyes wide open. Her eyes and mouth were spitting out blood, and the red scarf had already been pulled aside by Si. Only her throat was visible.

The tube, chest, and even the abdomen were dripping with blood and were mutilated. Whenever Kara tried to breathe, her throat would make a sound like breaking wind.

Hitomi Inkishima hated Kara so much that she wanted to eat his flesh, so she did so. Holding the bone blade behind her back, with the tip of the knife facing down, for a moment, Hitomi Inkishima felt an inexplicable emotion in her heart. Day and night, she was tossing and turning, because she had not yet avenged her father's murder and annihilation of her family. In her mind, the scene of eating Carla alive was like a movie - it was played out again and again, but now, when she really put herself After doing what she wanted to do, when she really wanted to take revenge, she felt an inexplicable emptiness in her heart. Is it over like this? After thinking about it, she couldn't figure it out. Hitomi Mikishima couldn't tell what the problem was, so she pointed the tip of the knife at Kara's eyes, and then bit by bit as Kara twitched violently. Stab it until Kara's head is completely penetrated. Although I can't figure out why it's so empty and meaningless, I can't go wrong by being cruel to my father-killing enemy.

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