What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-90. The macho man picked up the corpse

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A few years ago, in order to test the ability of the trial type C virus, under the secret operation of Carla Radames, a small-scale biochemical machine broke out in Nagaye, Japan. Everything originally went according to plan, but Carla I really didn't expect that a mercenary with a bad temper would appear on the way. Although she successfully completed the test of the pilot C virus and obtained a gene that was extremely effective in strengthening the C virus from a Japanese yakuza family eldest lady, Kara lost an arm and was knocked out of balance in the air. His arm hit the building and broke on the spot. Although he crashed into the window, his arm fell down. Simmons seemed extremely distressed about Kara losing her arm, and conventional means could no longer be used. To restore it, biochemical technology can be used, but there is no guarantee of 100% success rate. After weighing the balance, Simmons finally chose to customize a special prosthesis for Kara. The team that made the prosthetic limbs was later recruited by N∈o. Umbrella and became BOW Ustana's equipment development team. Perhaps it was because they learned that the person who was going to use the prosthetic limbs was a female agent, so FiI The development team of the prosthetic limb was extremely unrestrained. After ensuring that its size was the same as that of a normal human arm, they developed many new functions for this prosthetic limb, such as the ability to launch certain smaller special weapons, such as It comes with a hidden blade. In short, after installing various strange functions, Kara made her own request. She hoped to place an empty slot close to the body. It doesn’t need to be too big, as long as it can hold a syringe. That's good. Of course, the team that developed Kara's prosthetic limbs would not understand Kara's thoughts, but Kara herself had already made plans to return to the laboratory. Looking at the syringe filled with turbid liquid in her hand, Kara's mood was extremely complicated. She knew , if her plan goes ahead like this, maybe one day, she will have to inject her masterpiece into her body, just like the Umbrella officials recorded in the files. By then, she, who has turned into a monster, will look up at the gray-blue sky filled with C-virus, and together with Simmons, who was compounded by her C-virus technology and belongs only to her, they will watch over the fragile world. Angular ulceration. Yes, Kara never expected that after so many years, just as her plan was about to succeed, the man who caused her to lose an arm a few years ago would actually show up again! He also messed up her plan. -What a mess! She had imagined all the possible reasons why she would have to inject the virus, but she never thought of the situation where the plan failed but there was nothing she could do to save it. No. No, King Ada will not fail! King Ada will not fail! As the body trembled violently, a gray-white liquid like mud appeared

Liquid began to seep out from between her skin, her knees bent, and the mutilated woman straightened up like an evil ghost. She bent over and vomited the gray liquid until she felt as if her body had been hollowed out. She suddenly raised her head, staring at the people not far away with her one eye, and with the cold arc of the corner of her mouth that had begun to melt, Kara let out a harsh cry like a demon. Laughing wildly, she stretched out her hand, pointed at Ada and said: I... I am Ai,... the king... I am Ada: King! You fake! You shameless fake, you will never... Don’t ever try to take Derek away from me! Seeing Ruokala’s body constantly turning into mud under the light, Pierce’s expression was astonishing. He raised his gun again and yelled at Chris: “Captain!

I saw it. Raising the gun with Pierce, Chris cursed in a low voice: This damn crazy woman. Surprisingly, she stood up... On the other side, watching Yu support his body in the mud, he Kara melted a little bit, and Hitomi Mikishima's soft smile turned into astonishment, but just for a moment, the astonishment turned into cruelty and fanaticism again. She stretched out her left hand to hold the blade of the bone blade tightly, While igniting the blade with his own blood, he whispered like an evil ghost, Then... wouldn't it be better?!

In the eyes of everyone, Kara finally completely melted, replaced by large balls of mud. The mud not only squeezed towards the center, but also deformed. In the end, it accumulated into a large gray-white mud ball. The mud ball was enough It is nearly three stories high, and the surface is still deforming and flowing. During this period, red pustules squeeze out from the mud mass, and then burst, and the cycle repeats, making the mud mass look like a Oversized cement slime. Gradually, on top of the mud, a giant face with distorted features as big as a wall emerged. It grinned, showing an ugly and sick smile, and then laughed wildly in a weird voice like a chaotic abyss: I! I am the real King Ada! I will rule this world! I will become the queen of this world! I will become a god! I will smash the fragile shell of human society! Spread despair and chaos to the entire world !With all due respect, you are just a low-level and cheap fake... Taking out the mechanical crossbow from her back and installing the explosive crossbow arrows, a calm smile appeared on the corner of Ada's mouth, and a faint smile appeared between her eyebrows. Tired and dissatisfied, she whispered: I thought I could free up my hands to deal with Simmons, but now it seems that I have to continue to waste time on this crazy woman. Don't worry, Miss Wang, Simmons is here. , Miss Lilith and Mr. Kennedy will deal with it together. Taking a step forward and standing next to Ada, Rita smiled 0: Now, let's just focus on dealing with Miss Radames. Leon is dealing with Simmons. After hearing Rita's words and recalling that Bai Muqing had mentioned that there was an enhanced C virus in Simmons' hands, Ada narrowed her eyes slightly. She turned sideways and raised her hands. ’s mechanical crossbow, and at the same time smiled and said solemnly: Then I will go and see it. The national security officer of country A fights against his love rival. I don't want to miss such an interesting drama. From the look in Ada's smiling face There was a hint of worry in the words, and a hint of disdain appeared in the eyes of Bai Muqing, who looked indifferent.

, she turned her head, looked at the gray talking lump in front of her, and sneered: What an awkward character. Okay! Very good! You don't even plan to run away! I don't know if she still has eyesight, but the big gray face with distorted features and slender proportions once again let out an ugly laugh. She said hysterically: Wait! Wait! !Wait! Wait until I kill you all! I will kill all those BSAA, kill that annoying D0 agent, and then find that war dog hiding in the gutter watching the show! I will kill them all! Kill them all! Kill them all. Speak as if it's true. I'm going to say it. Hearing Kara's arrogant words like a neurotic, the smile on Ada's face disappeared, and Hitomi Mikishima silently pulled out the Yaotian. Kuanggu raised his two swords, Rita was still smiling, but her facial features were slightly disharmonious and looked eerie. Bai Muqing's face suddenly turned cold, as if it was about to freeze.

Pierce, you go to the car later, and we will use that machine gun to deal with this female watch. Feeling the terrifying killing intent emanating from the women present, Chris patted Pierce on the shoulder, and then whispered:' Then, remember one thing, Pierce, the world is not as simple as it seems.

Hearing Chris's words, Pierce was slightly stunned, and then asked in confusion: What do you want to say? Captain? Chris looked stern and replied in a deep voice: Remember, no matter what you see today, you are not allowed to say anything. go out!

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