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Amidst the strong wind, the train across Lanxiang City has not yet reached its destination. On the train, gunfire continued. Leon and Helena stood side by side, holding pistols with cold expressions. They seized every opportunity to trigger the alarm, even though There was almost no room for them to intervene in the battle in front of them, but they still tried their best to contribute their own strength. In front of them, a few steps away, a petite silver-haired girl had a fanatical smile on her face. She waved and Her huge bloody claws that were out of place for her petite body blocked the terrifying four-legged monster in front of her from the car in front. The scarlet muscles expanded, piled up, and clamped - the deformed bones proliferated. The huge four-legged beast that constitutes a strong body without a head. Under its weight, the speeding train shook violently, as if it would roll off the track at any time. On the iron back of the monster, one by one sprouted. The protruding bones are connected to the spine and are supported like a flag. On top of the flag is Simmons' head, although the constantly shaking head is blocked by Leon and Heena standing behind Tililith. He was shot several times, but he didn't care, as if the weapons in Leon and Helena's hands were ineffective against him. i) The facial skin spreads out and blends with the deformed bones, which makes Simmons’ face with bullet holes look dripping with blood. At this moment, this bloody face looks furious, and he is constantly manipulating the monster’s body. He tried to suppress the silver-haired girl in front of him, while roaring: This is impossible! This is impossible! Those arms... what on earth are you?! Just like Mr. Simmons. Dodge and avoid the fierce blow. Stomping her animal feet, letting the roof of the car in front of her step into a dent, Tilisilis suddenly raised the giant claw of her right arm, and smashed it hard at Simmons' alienated body, - - Bian grinned wildly and said: It's just a monster! As Tililith finished speaking, the sound of bones hitting and rubbing suddenly sounded, blood and strong muscles spurted out, turning into little sparks in the air, and they were scratched Simmons let out a cry of pain and couldn't help but take a step back again. However, just when Tililith was about to pursue the victory, he saw a large number of bones proliferating like flags behind the beast Simmons instantly reorganized and turned into He drew a bone machete that sprayed steam, and then slashed hard at Tililith's waist with the sound of howling wind. The appearance is always the same as a machete, but in fact, this giant machete made entirely of hyperplastic bone is not sharp. It is not so much a knife as it is a blunt instrument. The distance is too close. , unable to dodge, the huge blade slashed hard at Tililith's waist. Tililith's feet slipped and she fell directly from the train. At this critical moment, she let out a - With a muffled groan, the sharp claws stabbed into the train carriage with flying sparks.

B0B! I caught you! With an excited smile on his face, Simmons, who hung his head on the huge bone blade, manipulated the body of the four-legged beast and rushed to the edge of the carriage with the giant blade hanging down. , the tip of the knife pointed downwards, pointing directly at Tililith's forehead. He laughed wildly and said: Go down! You annoying little monster that appeared out of nowhere! After that, I saw the huge bone blade with Simmons' head hanging on it. , stabbed Tililith's head suddenly, one of her sharp claws was still grasping the edge of the carriage. Tililith, who could not avoid it, had to grit her teeth and raise her other sharp claw, and faced it fiercely. Simmons' bone blade, accompanied by a sound like a metal collision, sparks and bursts in the air. Simons, who bounced the bone blade away from Petililith, did not give up. It kept waving the huge bone blade in an attempt to He pushed Tililith out of the car completely and roared with his eyes wide open: Go down, go down! Go down, go down, go down! Simmons! Have you forgotten me? When Tililith, who was hanging outside the carriage, waved the huge bone knife, a loud roar suddenly sounded next to him. Simmons, whose head was connected with the bone knife, was slightly startled, and then had to suspend the attack and turned his head. , as soon as he turned his head, he saw Leon rushing forward. He pulled out the shotgun from his waist, pointed it at Simmons' head hanging on the bone blade, and then pulled the trigger directly, hitting the head directly. Simmons subconsciously let out a cry, and the giant beast staggered two steps. In anger, he roared at Leon: Die! You worm!

As Simmons roared, the muscles and bones combined into the bone blade were disassembled again, and changed again in the hot steam. Soon, those bones turned into six strange bone hollow tubes, like some kind of Weird musical instruments, they firmly protected Simmons' head in the center, and at the same time pointed the hole at Lyon, and then a large cloud of steam escaped from the hole, as if something was about to eject. Die! With a fanatical smile on his face, Simmons roared loudly. In an instant, a burst of explosions was heard, and large bone spurs shot out from the bone hollow tubes, sweeping like heavy machine guns. Seeing that Leon was about to dodge, Tilithis, who was hanging outside the carriage, finally climbed up. She turned around and kicked Li 2 to the ground. At the same time, she stepped forward to block Leon. The bone spurs were beating against her special tights. Damn it! Damn it! Why don’t you, horsewomen, just refuse to die?! In frustration, Simmons finally couldn’t help but curse. He was about to remove the bone-like body. The machine gun was once again combined into a bone blade, but Leon made a tactical roll and rushed in front of Tilithis. He raised the shotgun and hit Simmons in the head with one shot after another. Simmons was in pain and staggered back. At the same time, he slammed the roof of the car, lifting up a large piece of metal fragments. The metal fragments rolled and rushed straight towards Leon's head like a blade. When Li Jing saw this, his pupils shrank, and he subconsciously bent down to drive away. He saw only behind him Tililith waved her giant claw and directly knocked away the large piece of metal that was coming towards her. Behind Tililith and Leon, Helen

Na held up the pistol and witnessed all this. Her eyes were cold but sharp, as if she was waiting for something. The moment Tililith knocked away the large piece of metal, she suddenly pulled the trigger, and the bullet fired. It came out of the chest, tore the air, passed between Tililith's giant claws, and then hit Simmons hard on the forehead. At this moment, Simmons felt like he was struck by lightning, and he finally started to hit his head repeatedly. Unable to support the monster's body, as thick steam overflowed from the flesh, the proliferated bones and flesh finally began to shrink rapidly, and then were split into pieces of skin.

In just a few seconds, Simmons, who had transformed into a huge beast, turned back into a human form! Ah, let's go... Holding his head that was about to swell, with blood pouring from the cracks all over his body, Simmons gritted his teeth. He grunted and staggered back. It seemed that he was in too much pain. He finally couldn't support his body and fell to the ground on one knee. Upon seeing this, Leon put away his gun. He was just about to rush up and hit Simmons. Combining punches, he saw a black shadow suddenly rush out from behind him and go straight to Simmons.

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