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As time went by, Kara's thoughts became more and more blurry and chaotic. Vaguely, she felt as if she had forgotten something important. She remembered that her name was Ada Wang, and she remembered that she loved a man named Derek. The man and Derek also loves her very much.. No. Derek is not in love with me, it is Ada Wang. I wait...

Am I not Ada Wang?

Even though the feeling of disobedience was strong, the picture in his memory has not changed. They were playing music together on the pillow in front of the bed. He put his arm around her waist and informed her of the new mission. He put a red scarf around her, and then He whispered softly and told her to protect herself. In his eyes, she saw endless tenderness and sweetness... Yes, she was King Ada, his King Ada. But what went wrong? There was a loud explosion, blowing away the mud covering the body along with the flesh and blood. Even though the body had turned into a huge cement slime, Kara still felt pain. 0 Eat Pain Under this, she let out a wild laugh again, and at the same time she sensed her surroundings. Not far away from her, there were two people who were constantly attacking and tearing her apart. Even if it was just like tickling her, But it still made her extremely unhappy. Who are those two people?

It's those two BSAA.

The bloody mouth emerging from the mud kept stretching out like tentacles, trying to bite the two people. Whenever this happened, the two people would run away in a hurry, like mice being played by a cat. This feeling , which made Kara feel very happy. However, there is definitely something that has been forgotten. What is it? By the way, I seem to have a plan. Although I feel that the thing I forgot is not a so-called plan, I do have a very important plan. , seems to be about destroying the world or something...

No, what kind of important plan is a plan that I can’t remember at all? Besides, why should I destroy the world? This world is so beautiful! My

Recalling the warm scenes under the warm sunshine, Kara's wild laughter stopped, and she called softly like she was dreaming: Derek, my Derek.

Wake up, poor Miss Radames, you don't have Derek. Suddenly, a strange sound came, as if the voices of two women, one cold and one hot, were combined, and the voice was full of extreme love. Malice, as if it was making some kind of vicious mockery to Kara. Even so, Kara still had doubts. The huge and twisted face shrank little by little, and then the giant face appeared from the direction of the sound and asked questions. : Radames? Who is Radames?... Hehehe 060003... The slender hand covered by black silk was holding her forehead. The strange woman who suddenly appeared in front of Kara raised her head and said Laughing almost nervously, she lowered her head suddenly, pointed at Kara, and said with ridicule in her eyes: Oh my God! I even forgot my name! Oh, our Miss Radames, our poor girl Miss Radames, it turns out that being unloved is such a terrible thing?! Who is Radames?! My name is Ada King! Ada King! Ada King! I don't know. Why, it seems like there is a piece of softness in my heart that I can’t find

She didn't avoid people, so she just stood there silently on her high heels, tilting her head slightly, her gray eyes hiding the red cross ring full of ridicule for Kara.

Disdainful. Miss! Quick execution! Seeing the bloody mouth bite the strange woman who suddenly appeared, Chris felt like he was going to the hair salon. He rushed towards the woman and stretched out his hand. The husband who was in a hurry shouted, but the next second, he stopped and froze on the spot.

The moment the bloody mouth bit the woman, it seeped directly down the woman's skin. Immediately afterwards, the protruding mouth retracted with a cut that spurted blood. This The weird feeling seemed to have penetrated into the woman's body, This is really surprising to us. Standing on the spot, the woman wearing the hollow black maid uniform opened her eyes slightly, and she used that strange combination to He said in a slightly surprised but extremely sarcastic tone: We thought that Miss Radames was completely useless after becoming like this. We didn't expect that your genes would be so delicious. Poor quality fragments that need to be repaired. It's so rare that it's so rare... As she spoke, the woman tilted her head, grinning evilly and said, It seems like, if it's our midnight snack, Miss Radavos is still very qualified. Wait, who are you?! Finally realizing that the woman in front of him was a monster, Pierce suddenly raised his gun and pointed it at her. On the other side, although Chris was suspicious,

But he did not raise his gun at the woman. He felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity and discord with the woman. After a while, he asked in a deep voice: Is it Miss Griffith? Or Bai Bai? Miss?

It's Miss Griffith and Miss Bai! Mr. Redfield! As if reciting poetry, Rita and Bai Muqing turned their heads, their eyes narrowed slightly, and their smiles became more evil. She frowned and pretended to be angry: We have been so happily together for half a year, but you can't recognize us. This is naked contempt and we want to deduct your salary! Miss Griffith and Bai... listened to the woman announcing her home, and Pierce behind him I suddenly remembered the simpering maid and cold-faced secretary who blocked my way before, so I turned my head and looked at the unlit shadow on the other side of the port. Sure enough, the two women who were standing there before were gone! Panic. Then he turned his head to look at Chris and asked with a look of astonishment: Captain! What's going on? I don't know. Looking at the strange, evil but neurotic woman in front of him, Chris He shook his head with a gloomy face. As a BSAA soldier who had a good personal relationship with Li Yexing and always protected Li Yexing's little secrets,

Chris thought he knew enough about Li Yehangjie's situation, but it wasn't until this moment that he suddenly realized that Li Yehangjie's situation was much more terrifying than he imagined!

And I actually ate with such a table of horrible things several times! Sometimes I even drank to the point of unconsciousness! This was no longer walking a tightrope! This was doing a 360-degree Thomas Pivot on the tightrope! Right here. While the conversation between three or four people was going on, suddenly, another huge mouth with gray mud came up towards Rita and Bai Muqing, but Rita and Bai Muqing were not at peace at all, regardless of that. No matter what angle the huge mouth gnaws at, it will eventually penetrate into the bodies of Rita and Bai Muqing inexplicably and become parts of their bodies. What's going on?! Why is this happening?! Seeing that every attack she made would only be swallowed up by the other party, Kara's angry tone finally showed a trace of fear and panic. She became more and more anxious and began to Crazyly urging her huge mouth to bite Rita and Bai Muqing, facing this overwhelming

There was a hint of joking on the lips of Rita and Bai Muqing from beginning to end. She turned her head and looked at the huge mass of mud and the giant distorted face on the mud. She smiled evilly and said: I'll get rid of you very early and then We picked up our lovely host ashore before the hotel room we booked expired. In this case, we will have a whole day to love him. How to love?

Crazy love, tender love, thirsty love, moving love, loving and being loved in every possible place, as much as possible. Until he can do nothing but lie in bed and be cared for by us!

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