What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-97. Dual social death of a macho man

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Spirits, thoughts, emotions, the power based on the inner world constantly collides between the two connected heterochromatic cores, and then agitates, and the feeling of feverish eruption from the body is felt, whether for Rita or Bai Muqing, They are all extremely stimulating. Under the uncontrolled dual spirit, the desire hidden in the deepest part of the heart is constantly advancing, whether it is for love or the body, or the crazy killing intention of the monster in the heart, in the fusion In an instant, all the animal desires closest to the nature of the monster surged out, covering up the remaining human will in the future. The violent murderous intention and fanatical love that had lost all reserve were completely merged with the desire for seeking and sadism that had shed its cold disguise. The two hearts broke all the constraints and completely let themselves go at this moment. Struggle! Struggle! Struggle! Then be afraid! Letting the huge mouth full of teeth bite towards them, Rita and Bai Muqing opened their arms, and the smiles on their faces became more and more fanatical. At this moment, she Her body is the most efficient predator, capable of instantly devouring any organism that attempts to harm her. Feeling the terrifying power brought about by the perfect combination of the goddess of the night and ouroboros, the red crosses in the eyes of Rita and Bai Muqing became brighter and brighter. , facing Carla's furious attack, she chuckled and asked: Miss Radames, are you repenting? Shut up! Answer me, Miss Radames, are you repenting? i Shut up! Shut up! Have you confessed?! Shut up! Shut up! ! ! Along with Kara's hysterical roar, Rita and Bai Muqing, who ignored Kara's attack, showed cruel smiles, She suddenly stretched out her right arm, and then, a mixture of pink and black tentacles spurted out, instantly piercing the huge mouth that came one after another, and then stabbed hard into Kara's bloated body. body, and then, pink flesh buds wrapped around the squirming black worms like roots - emerged from the tentacles, piercing Kara's body wantonly. At this moment, it was almost impossible to be distinguished by various weapons. Kara was like a lightning strike, and huge mouths emerged continuously from the cement-like body, and then let out heart-rending screams along with the giant face with distorted facial features. We originally come from darkness, we never yearn for light, we are cruel, we are fanatical, we are indifferent, we never care about others doing evil... The young soldier in the Middle East battlefield has soiled his hands several times for the Griffith family but has never done anything. The aristocratic eldest daughter who didn't care, who had been in Black Umbrella, and the executioner who watched each of the condemned prisoners being subjected to inhumane experiments without changing his expression. At this moment, the darkest and most evil parts of the two finally intertwined - Standing up, Rita and Bai Muqing grinned and laughed like poetry and asked: But why do you want to be an enemy of the master? Why do you want to make the master unhappy? Why do you want to be hated by the master? Why? Why disobey him? Master?! Your master?! Suffering the heartbreaking pain from her body, Kara finally remembered her plan and the vicious dog that suddenly jumped into her plan. In anger, she tore at the... An extremely ugly smile appeared on the corner of the giant face, and he laughed wildly and taunted: You made me laugh! He's just a wild dog in the mud! Three years ago! If only = years ago I knew he would be so stubborn. Fight, I should have used all means to kill him three years ago! Please call our master politely! You despicable sow! The red cross in the gray eyes suddenly lit up, and the black worms on the tentacles went crazy. Black liquid was secreted like a liquid. Along with Rita and Bai Muqing's increasingly twisted and morbid expressions, Kara once again let out a painful howl. Then, a scene that shocked everyone present appeared, like jelly with a straw inserted into it. Normally, Kara's swollen body actually began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye! As a perfect woman, Rita must always maintain her elegance and calmness in front of Li Yexing. In this case, she had to suppress As a perfect secretary, Bai Muqing is eager to put down work and communicate more with Li Yexing on the one hand, but on the other hand, she is worried about being left out by Li Yexing due to work mistakes. Under this situation, the combination of Rita and Bai Muqing turned into a morbid and twisted powder keg of horror. In this situation of extreme desire to openly release love to Li Yexing, any words or actions that are suspected of insulting Li Yexing, This powder keg will be completely detonated. Now, all she has to do is teach Kara how to respect their lover and make her pay for her unrestrained words! The body is rapidly disintegrated from the inside, and the tentacles are like branches. It spread wantonly inside Kara's body. As Kara's body and screams shrank further and further, Rita and Bai Muqing vaguely touched something suddenly. Then, the curvature of the corners of their mouths became more evil, and the emotions between their eyebrows became more and more evil. Cruelly, between the large mass of cement-like flesh, the tentacles of Rita and Bai Muqing suddenly grabbed the blood-red core hidden by Kara. Try to repent like our master in pain, no one Love Miss Radames. With the whispers of Rita and Bai Muqing, the pink and black spiral tentacles suddenly exerted force and wrapped the red core in the tentacles. The screams suddenly became high-pitched. Standing up, the huge mouth opened and closed crazily, hitting the gums. The huge face that had shrunk severely collapsed and melted amidst the screams. Then, the swollen body suddenly collapsed and turned into - The muddy water on the ground, and between the muddy water, Kara's chest was pierced.


Metz lay naked and motionless, letting the mud flow down bit by bit along his skin that had almost turned blue. The tentacles wrapped the core from Kara back into the bodies of Rita and Bai Muqing. The power of the Ouroboros was quickly decomposed and filtered, and then quickly melted and absorbed by the power of the Goddess of Night. The moment the new power was integrated into the core, Rita and Bai Muqing's faces were flushed, and there was a mist in their eyes. Her legs were weak and she jumped to sit on the ground, as if she was drunk.

He whispered softly: It's a new gene. The new gene is so hot. No... I can't bear it anymore. Master, my master, where are you? Rita and Mu Qing need you. Need... to accompany you. Whispering like a dream, suddenly, the bodies of Rita and Bai Muqing quickly disintegrated and turned into two strange huge balls of flesh, one pink and one black. In Pierce's horrified eyes, the two flesh balls rapidly condensed and changed, Finally, Rita, who was wearing a cyan gel tights, and Bai Muqing, who was wearing a uniform, collapsed on the ground, their faces flushed and panting slightly. It wasn't until their breathing gradually calmed down that they turned around in tacit understanding. heads, looking at each other. .. Feeling the aftertaste of the fusion, Rita gently raised her arm covered in cyan gel, brushed her cheeks with her fingers, and asked with lowered eyebrows: We... just... said Those strange words that sounded so shameful... There will be no next time, Rita, there will be no next time. Her expression was cold, and her wine-red eyes were filled with frost, recalling that feeling because of Uncontrolled mentally, she was in a strange state where she couldn't hide anything in her heart. Bai Muqing seemed to have given up on herself and whispered: I'll just die.

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