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June 30, 203, outside Lanxiang, on the high seas. Under the starless dark night sky, there was not a single ripple on the sea surface that reflected the sky. There were no seabirds, no sound, and the entire sea area was unusually quiet, as if it had fallen into deathly silence.

Suddenly, the water waves began to ripple, and then, the black waves gradually rolled and surged. There was no wind in the air, but it was filled with strange restlessness. Then the endless darkness finally penetrated the white-cold light, in the shadow. , a gigantic steel behemoth suddenly appeared. In the shadow of the behemoth, the flash of light was like a glance in the eyes, with a hint of coldness, as if to destroy everything that resisted it, even if the craftsmanship had already It’s old, but it’s still a human military-industrial force

What penetrated the dark sea was an aircraft carrier!

There were no frigates or submarines. The lonely steel behemoth pushed the sea away little by little and moved forward alone. On that deck, only the front and rear of the runway were relatively clean. There was a carrier-based aircraft parked on it. Behind that runway , a large number of containers are piled up horizontally and vertically, turning the entire deck into a maze-like one. It is unknown what is contained inside. Under the containers, armed militants armed with micro submachine guns are wearing tight-fitting clothes full of technological sense. The man in black armor, wearing a huge black helmet, was patrolling around, and occasionally chatted in Russian. On the bridge, a sniper, also in black armor, was holding a sniper rifle across the bridge. The red lens scanned the missile installed on the launch base at the edge of the deck. After confirming that there was nothing abnormal, it leisurely shifted its gaze and began to look around.

After all, this is a vast ocean, and no one can board an aircraft carrier silently. Suddenly, a roar sounded in the sky. It was the sound of a helicopter. Hearing this sound, the sniper on the bridge slightly - H He turned around and saw in the distance a Chinook helicopter slowly flying over with a huge red container. Upon seeing this, the sniper immediately waved his arm and said something on the communicator p, At the same time, Gu Yangyang set up the sniper rifle in his hand. After a moment, the Chinook hovered above the aircraft carrier deck. The hook rope hanging at the bottom of the helicopter lowered the container little by little. Upon seeing this, the patrol soldiers surrounding him immediately surrounded Going up, they kept waving their hands and shouting something, waiting for the container to land on the top of another container. When the collision sound was heard, they went up and released the hook rope. Suddenly the Chinook climbed up again, and then headed towards The darkness surrounding Yuanliu is getting further and further away. Looking at the fallen container, the patrol soldier who had previously loaded another container walked up casually. He opened the door of the container and looked inside. In the darkness, he vaguely saw a A huge metal can, so it nodded, closed the door of the container again, and then turned and left.

A soft sound came from the bottom of the container. Above the sea, the sound from inside the container seemed so weak that it was almost undetectable. Girls, these bastards checked the goods late and walked slowly, which made me hang up like that. There was a hint of resentment in the tone, but more of it was the joy and relief of the success of the conspiracy. , using the weak flashlight of his mobile phone, Li Yexing walked step by step deeper into the container. He glanced at the metal cans piled up inside the container, and then chuckled and said, That guy is really good at playing... Wearing a black combat uniform, and using black fabric to cover the wolf head epaulettes of the Huanya Armed Forces, Li Yexing held the modified AR-5, carrying a large and scary black backpack on his back, and hanging on his shoulders. A large black cylinder, it looks like he is fully armed, and now, he will carry this lot of things back and forth to the battlefields on both sides.

To be honest, Li Yexing put a lot of thought into boarding this aircraft carrier. From leaving Tall Oak City to arriving here to stop Kara's plan, he only had less than a day to leave Tilly Hean behind to protect the president and deal with it in the meantime. After various changes that the Huanya Armed Forces may have encountered in country A, he once again approached the most powerful tool man, Director Casimir from the European branch of Black Umbrella.

Get on the aircraft carrier? Director Casimir laughed and said: Why are you getting on that thing? Are my two daughters not cute enough? Close to Lanxiang City, on the high seas, there will be an aircraft carrier tonight I will send you the approximate coordinates of NEO Umbrella's aircraft carrier in a moment. Now, I want you to find a way to help me get in. Li Yexing said in a deep voice without any intention of joking. Realizing that Li Yexing was serious, he called Casimir's expression on the other side changed. After a while, he glanced at the door of his office, then opened the door.

, pressed the small button hidden inside the drawer, and after doing all this, he lowered his voice and asked, Boss Li, you have left Tall Oaks, right?

That's right. When he learned that Li Yexing was safe, Casimir breathed a sigh of relief. He tapped his fingers on the desk and asked in a low voice, Now, what's the point? Time, you have to tell me what the hell are you doing? Neo Umbrella is Black Umbrella's nominal partner, and I can't help you unless you give me the right reason. They want to destroy the world. Li Yexing said directly. Come on, destroy the world? Why are they destroying the world? No serious person can destroy the world. Director Casimir shook his head and sneered: Say? Why do they destroy the world? What do you think? That aircraft carrier? Based on what they hid in the undersea oil fields. Li Yexing said solemnly, C-series personalized weapons are unique, code-named Chaos. After speaking completely, they can release the highly active C virus. It is powerful enough to support its survival in the air for a long time. According to Neo Umbrella's internal data analysis, it only takes less than four hours for a chaotic zombie to destroy human society. After hearing Li Yexing's words, Ka Simil

He was silent again. Logically speaking, he was not the kind of person who would believe whatever others said, but he couldn't think of any reason for Li Youxing to deceive him, and the most important thing was that at this moment, he On the desk, there is a document. The title of the document is Concept on the Super Propagation Capability of C Series B0W. The document lists a large amount of data in detail to demonstrate that the EC Series BOW is used to destroy targets above national units. Feasibility, and the most terrible thing is that this document was written by Director Casimir himself when he had nothing to do! It was used to fill the secret bookshelf full of his crazy little ideas! So he It is very clear that what Li Yexing said is probably true!

No wonder you ordered that kind of exaggerated equipment! So that's why! In an instant, Casimir figured out a lot of things, but this not only failed to dispel Casimir's doubts, but made Li Yexing change in Casimir's eyes. It became even more mysterious. How is it? On the other side, Branch Li asked urgently: Have you thought about it? This is too scary. I need to go up first. I can't report it. In an instant, Supervisor Casimir did. Out of judgment, he straightened out his thoughts

Then he said to Li Yexing in a deep voice: If you can get a recent tissue sample of Miss Bai, I will help you. You should talk to Mu Qing about this matter, I can't make the decision. Li Yexing said in a deep voice: And, to put it bluntly, I am saving the world! You shouldn't negotiate terms with me! Ti Lilian must come back for a physical examination. Isn't this too much? As if he didn't hear Li Yexing's words, Casimir said The rich man said That's my daughter

Okay, I'll mention it to her. After hearing that Ti Lilian seemed to be talking about her father Casimir a lot recently, Li Yexing reluctantly agreed. Very good, deal! Even though he snapped his fingers, his face remained blank. But there was still no smile. Director Casimir looked serious and said: Do you need help from the security force?

I have Huanya armed forces, so I don't need your armed forces... Li Yexing said solemnly: And I want to be low-key this time. After all, we are on the high seas.

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