What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-100. Traditional entertainment skills of a macho manager

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Regarding the situation that Li Yexing told him, Casimir initially wanted to report it directly. After all, this was a world-destroying event! But he gave up the idea in just a moment. According to what he told someone above the joint committee, If that guy knew that there was a BOW that could destroy the world hidden in the undersea oil field, he would definitely send someone to transport it back. It is enough that things that can destroy the world only appear in his research and essays that are never reported. After all, the world is so beautiful, isn't it? Director Casimir hates seeking death. Moreover, since the chosen one claimed He can take care of everything, so leave it to him. In this way, the plan was finalized. After briefly dealing with the situation of the Central Asia armed forces, Li Yexing flew to a secret supply point in the European branch according to Casimir's plan. There, Casimir's royal secretary Jia Miss Liya had been waiting for a long time. When she saw Li Yexing getting off the plane, she greeted him directly, and then led Li Yexing to a huge red container. About a week ago, Neo Umbrella purchased a batch of classic model Predator A from the headquarters. This batch of Predator A will be delivered to Neo Umbrella through our European branch. Today is the day to pick up the goods. Standing in front of Li Yexing, looking at the plain red container in front of her, Jia Liya said solemnly: At the beginning, Director Casimir was confused. He didn't understand that NEo Umbrella planned to use this. Where are these hunters used? Now, if they really want to destroy the world, then the destination of this group of hunters can only be that aircraft carrier. You want to mix me among the hunters. Transported onto the aircraft carrier? Li Yexing raised his eyebrows slightly, turned to look at Jia Liya and said, Don't we have any better options? Sorry, if you really want to sneak in, this is the only option. . . Expressionlessly shattering Li Yexing's last hope, Jia Liya hesitated for a moment, and then said expressionlessly: Of course, you can rest assured that even if a transportation accident occurs, these hunters will still not They are attacking you because they are just defective products that can barely maintain their vital signs. They cannot survive long if they are left in the environment of the storage tank. Defective products? Hearing Jia Liya's words, Li Yexing was slightly startled, and then became confused. He said: Your headquarters sells defective products to customers? Of course the headquarters will not do this. After all, Black Umbrella attaches great importance to credibility and cooperation. However, considering the special situation, Director Casimir had to use illegal means. . After a slight pause, Jia Liya tilted her head and whispered: Shocking the inferior ones as good ones. With that said, Li Yexing understood that the batch of goods sold by Black Umbrella to N∈o Umbrella must be No problem, but the European branch was responsible for delivering the goods. So, this batch of goods was replaced by Casimir with the rotten goods that had been crippled on the assembly line! Thinking about this clearly, Li Yexing couldn't help but Some people asked curiously, What about the original batch of goods from the headquarters? Director Casimir would sell them at a good price. Jia Liya said expressionlessly. Oh, after doing it for a long time, it turns out that it is a traditional performance of the European branch. This guy Casimir really can't bear any loss. When he helps, he can also make extra money. Female Pony Yes, absolutely! Thinking of this, Li Yexing couldn't help but laugh out loud. He asked jokingly: If Kara's female cousin finds out that there is a problem with the goods, she is still not allowed to give you a bad review? By then, I If you don’t believe that some committee of yours can’t find you, if you send another executive down, I won’t be able to save you. Although I don’t know whether Carla is accurate, but given the context, Jia Liya can guess very well. , took a look at the executive saber on Li Yexing's waist that looked like it had been snatched from the executive officer Masamichi Miyamura, she took a slight lead, and then said to Li Yexing: It doesn't matter, for Mr. Li to eliminate the negative comments This skill is well known in the European branch. As long as you do it clean enough this time, there will be no bad reviews on the black Umbrella. Looking at Miss Jia Liya, who looked more and more like Director Casimir, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows, and it took him a long time to squeeze out a sentence: Okay. Just like that, Li Yexing was stuffed into a pile of half-dead prey. Perhaps because they had enough trust in their suppliers, or because the situation was urgent, the Neo. Umbrella personnel who came to pick up the goods did not inspect the goods and arranged for Chinook to move the containers away. Li Yexing had no effort at all to board the aircraft carrier. Because the red container was placed relatively high, Li Yexing's vision at this moment was quite good. He stretched out along the rope of the container to record the surroundings. The terrain, observing the patrol routes of the ghostly zombies on the deck, while recalling his plan again in his mind. Avoiding the patrolling ghost zombies, install C4 without anyone noticing. When it is about to evacuate the container area, it directly destroys the launch base of the virus missile completely, and the explosion of C4 attracts the surrounding ghost zombies. , rushed onto the runway, and then drove the plane away, heading straight for the submarine oil field that Bai Muqing had previously marked! Li Yexing had undergone three weeks of flight training for this day! Although he was a bad flyer, he was just driving It's still possible to take a plane. It should be.

What? Landing? Of course Li Yexing will not land. If everyone lands honestly, why do they need to eject in an emergency? In my heart, I regard the person who was praised by Bai Muqing as a pitiful imbecile wild dog with a small brain capacity A reckless plan that can't be considered a plan at all. After reviewing it in his mind, Li Yexing finally showed a cheerful smile on his face. It is estimated that at this time, Leon and Chris should be about to fight. According to Bai Muqing's arrangement, if the plan goes well, Kara will be killed by Hitomi Mikishima at the port and will have no chance to board the aircraft carrier, while Simmons will be beaten by Tililith until he needs a shovel to collect his body. As for that - Justina, who is chasing Jack and Shirley... No matter whether it is facing Kanan or Tilili, it will be a big disaster.

Of course, this plan also has another advantage, that is

The fault tolerance rate is high enough. After all, there are Rita and Bai Muqing who act as ghost cards throughout the whole process to keep an eye on the overall situation. No matter what goes wrong in the plan, they can easily handle it. In other words, is it my side that is the most dangerous and has the lowest error tolerance? But, it doesn’t matter, isn’t it just one person killing through the enemy’s lair? I’m used to it. Catching those ghostly zombies between the containers While they were patrolling, Li Yexing pushed open the door of the container little by little. He hid in the blind spot of the bridge, gently pushed the door of the container and turned over, landing on the deck. By the way, he also used inertia. Pushing the door back, the moment his feet touched the ground, he lowered his body and moved quickly, directly sticking his body into the shadow between the two containers, and then silently looked at the two ghosts holding micro submachine guns. Zombies passed by. After avoiding the oncoming ghost zombies, Li Yexing did not rush out. He turned his head and looked at the bridge on the other side along the narrow gap between the containers. It was exactly what he thought. Likewise, there is a ghostly zombie sniper on the bridge, but he looks a little distracted. That's not possible. You have to be more vigilant... With a smile on his lips, Li Yexing lowered his figure again. He shifted his gaze and looked past Ji Zhizhi on the other side, looking at the white man with half of his head. Missile, at the same time whispered: Forget it, let's fight quickly.

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