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In the original plot of Resident Evil 6, Pierce successfully arrived at the console before the virus missile was launched and canceled the launch of the virus missile. However, neither he nor Chris expected that the launch program of the virus missile was controlled by Kara. With a backhand implanted, in other words, it is difficult to prevent the missile from being launched through technical means. Li Yexing's idea is very simple. Since I can't stop it from launching on a technical level, why don't I just destroy it on a physical level? A whole backpack of C4 is enough to blow up the launch base of this damn missile. Turn it into scrap metal, and destroy it along with the jet device of that damn thing. When the launch time comes, you can just explode at sea! Passing through the deck full of containers, Li Yexing lowered his body and avoided Looking at the sight of the ghost zombie sniper on the bridge, there are not many ghost zombies patrolling the deck at this moment. According to the original work, most of them should be gathered inside the aircraft carrier. It has to be said , complex terrain, few enemies, and fixed patrol routes, which provided a lot of convenience for Li's night trip. Taking advantage of the shadows between the containers, Li Yexing avoided the ghostly zombies patrolling one after another. Not long after, he passed through half the deck and arrived at the center of the container group, in the middle of the large group of containers. , covered with a large piece of scary camouflage cloth, and the large piece of cloth was held up by something unknown. Under that, Li Yexing could faintly hear heavy breathing. Smelling the familiar odor in the air, Li Yexing frowned slightly. He knew that what was covered under the cloth was the giant BOW that had appeared on the battlefield in Idonia - a huge body. In the original work, it was the one that blocked the virus missile, causing Chris and Pierce, who were piloting the fighter jets, to fail to destroy the virus missile in time. Presumably, its function is similar to those that Neo. Umbrella ordered from Black Umbrella. BOWs are all used for security. Once something goes wrong on the aircraft carrier, these monsters will be released to ensure that the virus missiles can be launched smoothly. But it's a pity that the ones who boarded the aircraft carrier this time were not rampant. Instead, Chris and Pierce hid in the shadows and planned to deal with it quietly.

Even though there was a huge monster lying next to Li Yexing, Li Yexing was not afraid at all. He knew that this guy would not wake up before he saw the movement, and just by chance, there were other monsters around him. There were no patrolling ghost zombies, and the monster was huge enough to block the sight of the ghost zombie sniper coming from the bridge. Inexplicably, the surroundings of the huge body became Li Yexing's path to the other side of the deck. shortcut. Listening to the irritating breathing sound that kept lingering in his ears, Li Yexing lowered his figure and quickly walked around the huge monster. Not far ahead, on the container, a ghostly zombie was absentmindedly tapping. Li Yexing was not in a hurry to step forward to use the searchlight. He leaned on the large piece of camouflage cloth beside him. It was not until he confirmed that the ghostly zombie did not intend to turn the searchlight that he quickly stepped forward and shook off the light behind him and the huge one. The monster once again got into the container. Leaving his body close to the container and hiding in the corner of Fuqing, Li Yexing adjusted his breathing. After a moment, he slightly poked his head out and began to observe the surrounding situation. He was getting closer and closer to the virus missile, and more and more ghost zombies were patrolling between the containers. However, Li Yexing didn't care. The most difficult thing to walk now was the last part of the road, to reach the virus missile. To launch the base, it is necessary to leave the container area with complex terrain. The terrain on the deck on the other side is too empty. As long as the enemy is not blind, he will definitely be discovered. It's really exciting. Li Yexing couldn't help but smile as he thought of the sight of himself carrying a large bag of C4 being chased by a large group of ghost zombies. Lifting the gun in his hand, Li Yexing lowered his figure again. Just as he was about to emerge from the shadows, suddenly, a loud roar in Russian came from above his head. Look! Look! Look over there. Hearing this roar, Li Yexing was slightly stunned, and then suddenly retracted into the shadows. Then, with the sudden roar, the entire deck of the aircraft carrier boiled. When he got up, the ghostly zombie's emphatic and somewhat weird Russian language came from all directions in an instant, and his tone sounded extremely irritable. Faced with this sudden situation, even Li Yexing couldn't help but frown, and a trace of cold sweat dripped from his forehead. , he turned sideways and pressed his finger on the trigger, with a hint of coldness in his expression.

Wait? I was discovered?

How is it possible? Who discovered me? Just when Li Yexing was full of doubts and ready to fight at any time, suddenly, a roar gradually came from the air. This sound, Li Yexing was very familiar with it. It was the sound of a helicopter! And listen There was definitely more than one sound! Hearing the sound from the sky, Li Yexing finally relaxed his heart. He breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that it seemed that it was not himself who made those guys suddenly excited, but It's a helicopter.

With a trace of curiosity, Li Yexing took two steps slightly out of the shadow. After getting out of the way of a group of ghost zombies running across the deck, Li Yexing took a deep breath and poked his head out slightly. However, before he could wait, He saw what was outside clearly. The next second, the roar from the heavy machine gun suddenly sounded. The terrifying metal storm pulled out a ray of light in the night sky and swept across the deck in front of him. Amidst the burst of screams, the man who had just Kill all the ghost zombies who rushed forward! His heart trembled violently, and Li Yexing immediately retracted his head. Then, a dense firepower swept across Li Yexing's body, and large-caliber machine gun bullets blasted the aircraft carrier deck. Sparks flew everywhere.

Li Yexing's cold sweat started to drip again. Damn it! It was an armed helicopter! And there were more than one! Although he only glanced at it, Li Yexing clearly saw that in the night sky, with the roar of the propellers, armed helicopters and transport planes were circling and approaching. above the aircraft carrier, terrifying firepower set off

A metal storm arose, tearing apart the ghostly zombies on the deck. Then, transport planes lowered their ropes and dropped the militants wearing black combat uniforms and carrying HK46 onto the aircraft carrier deck.

Lanxiang City, Wenxili Pharmacy Building, office area, in the dark corridor, the sound of high-heeled boots tacking came, Qian Daoyuan Ye Pan looked cold, she wiped the blood on her face and looked back - The corpses of armed men and office workers in the corridor then stood still, took out their mobile phones, and dialed number 3. He asked in a cold voice: How is the situation? It has already begun. Attack? We have to be quick. Before other forces intervene, let our people capture the console, shut down the missile's launch system, and then recover the missile.

What was just sent is the latest information. Please tell Mr. Victor all the situation here. At the same time, dispatch the fleet and let the BOW elimination force occupy the submarine oil field. As for whether the contents inside should be destroyed or recovered, we will wait for Mr. Victor's order. No need. I've asked the Joint Committee for instructions. If the old guys have any objections, let them come to me. Okay, now send someone to deal with me. The BOW elimination force) - will be commanded by me personally. By the way, regarding Sequence 4, has he gone back with you? Haha, it's interesting.

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