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In the center of Lanxiang City, in the top-floor guest room of the Kunlun Building, Yang Chucheng, in a suit and leather shoes, is sitting on the sofa, his elbows pressing his knees, his body leaning forward, his fingers crossed, and his expression is quite sinister. The Yang family has an ancestral motto that a person must not forget his roots, act with loyalty, and repay a drop of kindness with a spring. Perhaps because of his family education, Yang Chucheng has always had deep feelings for the Ashford family. Ten years ago, when Black Umbrella rebelled, Yang Chucheng decisively stood up and risked his family's wealth to fish for Alexa. In the end, not only did he fail to rescue the person, but he also lost himself. Fortunately, someone helped him and he was able to escape to heaven. Yang Chucheng has always been brooding over the fact that he failed to save the last descendant of the Ashford family. Fortunately, the sky has eyes, and Alexa survived as if by divine help. When her body was infected with the T-Veronica virus, Alexa not only did not die in the wilderness due to malignant mutation, but instead He also completely mastered the power of the 7-Veronica virus and became the closest person to a god in the world. When he learned that Alexa was not dead, Yang Chucheng was ecstatic, but then he became depressed. Black Umbrella had been completely exploited by Victor. Water turned against him, and Yang Chucheng himself had stayed away from Black Umbrella for many years. In this case, he was unable to help Alexa regain the throne. Based on this consideration, Yang Chucheng hoped to hide Alexa. First preserve the bloodline of the Ashford family and then accumulate wealth. If revenge is really hopeless, it doesn't matter. You have escaped to the Celestial Empire. Although the Yang family is no longer as powerful as before, it still has some energy. If Alexa settles in the Celestial Empire, the Yang family can protect the Ashford family for two generations. No worries about food and clothing. However, judging from the fact that Alexa went straight to the aircraft carrier, the third lady of the Ashford family had different ideas from Yang Chucheng. It was obvious that she had no intention of hiding at all. She wanted to tell In this world, she is back! Thinking of this, a trace of sadness flashed between Yang Chucheng's eyebrows, and he sighed heavily. In his opinion, no matter how powerful the power of BOW is, it is impossible to shake the war machine head-on and fight it with the power of one person. An aircraft carrier, this is too whimsical.

What's more, is it really appropriate to announce her return in a high-profile manner now? Even though he was worried, Yang Chucheng finally chose to respect Alexa's decision. Now, he can only pray, pray for the person who has mastered the inhuman power. The eldest lady who became too arrogant could escape. After all, at this moment, Yang Chucheng could do nothing except stabilizing the internal situation in Lanyang as much as possible.

Just when Yang Chucheng's face was full of sorrow, suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Come in. Perhaps because he was in a bad mood, there was a bit of impatience in Yang Chucheng's voice. Following Yang Chucheng's words, a man wearing sunglasses, a suit and leather shoes walked in. He bowed his head and said, Mr. Yang, there is someone who wants to see you. He said he is your old friend. Old friend? His eyebrows were raised slightly. Getting up, Yang Chucheng sat up straight and said in a deep voice: Let him come in. Yes. The strong man in a suit and tie nodded. He pressed the communicator next to his ear and whispered something. After a while, a man squeezed past the strong man guarding the door and walked into the guest room. Yo! Yang! He waved his hand to Yang Chucheng who was sitting on the sofa. The white man wearing Hawaiian pants and slippers swaggered up to him. He sat directly on the table in front of Yang Chucheng. Then he picked up the wine bottle on the side, poured himself a glass, and drank it in front of Yang Chucheng. After drinking the wine, he raised the glass to Yang Chucheng, and then said with a grin. :' Damn! I haven't drank such expensive wine in several years, 00 ha. Without paying attention to the other party's wanton smile, Yang Chucheng winked at the strong man at the door, asked him to leave the room, and closed the door at the same time, until there was only one person in the room. With only two people left, Yang Chucheng said in a deep voice: You came too slowly, Powell. There is no way, the little cousin of Beigan Taoist Temple was caught. Pouring himself another glass of wine, Powell, the fourth executive officer of the Black Umbrella Joint Committee, responded with a smile: She told me about Yu Pao. The execution department sent a group of people to take me back. Qian Dao Yuan is also in Lanxiang?! Yang Chucheng frowned slightly and asked in a low voice: What next? How did you deal with the execution department? I threw their bodies into the trash can near the city center. With a pleasant smile on his face, Powell said with a smile: It's not that I don't want to go back with them, the main thing is that there is something wrong with their attitude. I'm an executive, how can I be held at gunpoint by someone who works for me? That's inappropriate...

Ignoring Powell's strange words, Yang Chucheng said with some doubts: You have become a member of the execution team, so you are not afraid of not being able to go back? Who did them? Spreading his hands towards Yang Chucheng, Powell shrugged his shoulders and said: Lanxiang City is in such chaos. They are probably the ones running around.

The ghost zombies were hacked to death, or they might have been killed by some other B0W. Why did they have to be killed by me, the executive officer? I don't think Qian Daoyuan will listen to your nonsense. Yang Chucheng shook his head and said. Of course she won't listen to my nonsense. Powell said with a smile: But you have to know that Qian Daoyuan is a rule-abiding person. If there is no evidence, she will not do anything to me. I

'Forget it, let's not talk about this. Shaking his head and changing the subject, Yang Chucheng asked in a low voice, How is the situation? Powell? Everyone is dead. Powell replied with a smile. Everyone is dead? Hearing Powell Yang Chucheng was stunned for a moment, then frowned and asked urgently: What's going on? Yes, that Ah San is dead, and the young master of the Michelle family is also dead, and their team was painted like dye. On the ground, that's why I said, at this juncture

It's not a problem at all to kill a few people from the execution department... An inexplicable emotion flashed in Bao's eyes.

Will drank up the wine in the glass, and then quickly poured himself another glass. He supported his body with one hand, slumped down, and whispered: . It was in Longsheng Building that I met Qian Daoyuan. At that time, I wanted to take over the control of the apostle, but she beat me to it. It's impossible for Qian Daoyuan to come to Lanyang in person just for such a trivial matter. I'm afraid Victor is the only one who can command her. His eyes became increasingly gloomy. Yang Chucheng rubbed his chin. After a while, he whispered, Miss Ashford is still here. Things in life may be ruined. No, all important information must go through the execution department. There is no reason for us not to know the information they know. Smiling and waving his hands, Bowie said with a grin: There have always been rumors that the Queen is not dead. Why only Did Qian Dao Yuan die in person this time? Don't think too much, my old man, she should be here for other things, such as Wesker's son.

Hearing Powell's words, Yang Chucheng was shocked. He finally realized that something was wrong. He frowned and said anxiously: 'Wait! The two executives are dead and the team is gone. Black Umbrella The armed forces sent into Lanyang should have been wiped out. If this is the case, where is Wesker's son?! Haha, I finally asked this question, I have been waiting for too long. . With a mysterious arc at the corner of his mouth, Powell took out the blood-stained 5D card from his pocket. He lowered his voice and said with a smile as if he was showing off something good: The surveillance at the club. The system was offline and I couldn't get the information. However, if my prediction was correct, the security forces involved in the operation at the club might have encountered the same thing as the BOW elimination forces stranded inside the Longzui Building. And the thing that washed the Long Sheng Building with blood was so powerful!

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