What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-104. The Dream of the Macho Executive

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Hiding in the shadows, holding his beloved violently modified AR-5, listening to the roaring gunshots and watching the flickering gunfire, Li Yexing shivered like a shedding wild dog wandering in the winter alley. Just kidding, Li Yexing will never be able to shiver, unless he rushes to the roof of his own office in winter. In fact, Li Yexing is at a loss now. According to his plan, he only needs to bypass two waves of patrolling ghosts. Sha zombies, hang the backpack full of C4 on the launch base of the virus missile, press the detonator, and then board the aircraft carrier under the chase of all the ghosts and zombies. Get moving, and inexplicably come down from the sky - a large group of people, and Li Yexing still knows this group of people! Look at the standard black bulletproof vest and combat uniform, look at the standard black gas mask, look at this Standard HK.46, wouldn't it be Black Umbrella's security force, who would it be?! l Hell! Why would they come?!

And now, one day later, Li Yexing had just boarded the aircraft carrier, and these people rushed out to disrupt the situation again! Could it be that guy Casimir couldn't trust my ability and planned to let the security forces come to an end? Just thinking about this, suddenly, There was a vibration in his pocket, Li Yexing took out his mobile phone to check, it turned out to be Kasimir! Kasimir, what the hell are you doing?! After answering the phone, he did not lower his voice at all, hiding in the shadows Li Yexing frowned and said: The people from the security forces fell on me, and they fought with N∈o. ! My female horse was stuck on the deck and couldn't get out!

Boss Li, I was just about to tell you this! The European Department has just received the task of cooperating with the mobilization of materials. Jia Liya made a rough guess and found that there are actions at the headquarters and some branches, and the target of the action is you The sea area where it is located! On the other side of the phone, Casimir's tone sounded a little dull, and he said anxiously: The scale of this operation is very large, and the fleet of the East Asia Division has already moved! If there is no accident , you should already be able to see the warship over there

Looking at the dark and deep sea level in the distance, Li Yexing turned his head and said: I didn't see the warship! There are only helicopters here! No! I heard that this transfer is very urgent. To be reasonable, you should It’s only right if you can see it.” Director Casimir on the other side of the phone wondered: “If the fleet is not on your side, where would it be? As soon as the voice fell, Li Yexing and Casimir on both ends of the phone were stunned at the same time, Mr. Half a day later, the two suddenly said in unison: 'Submarine oil field! My God! In an instant, Li Yexing only felt scalp hair salon. The situation here was reported, I don't have it! I'm a girl! No! Yes! Following Li Yexing, he swears at the same time, and even the tone of his voice becomes higher. Director Kazimir said loudly: Ge still has a head now Wushui gave orders too quickly! The old man was going crazy! That's why you have an inner ghost! Li Youxing said with a frown. Only Jia Liya and I know about helping you get on the aircraft carrier this time, and we haven't notified the first agency! Casimir retorted: I know Jia Liya, she will not betray me! That's yours. The phone has been tapped! Li Yexing said anxiously: The bugger, can you hear it now? Your girl is dead! Repeat, your girl is dead! I want your girl... Don't Scolded! I can’t be tapped! In order to deal with that stupid woman Angelica, I have 6 anti-monitoring and anti-tapping devices in my office! Director Kasimir retorted loudly. “Forget it, don’t talk about this It's useless... Seeing waves of ghostly zombies rushing onto the deck, fighting with the security forces of Black Umbrella, Li Yexing shrank into the shadows, and then whispered: Since the call came, you must have some constructive suggestions, right? Sorry, no. Director Kasimir said anxiously: Now, the only advice I can give you is to leave the place as soon as possible aircraft carrier, go home and do morning exercises with my lovely daughters, eat breakfast, and then wait to watch the news! Now that the headquarters is moving, they must know N∈o. Umbrella's plan, Don't worry, they won't let the virus missiles fly to Lanxiang, and they won't let the monsters in the oil fields destroy the world! Leave it to him here. Under the cover of the helicopter, members of the security forces tried their best to capture the bridge. Li Yexing frowned and said in a low voice: These idiots, they don't know how to stop that missile, and they don't know how to kill that monster. If Going back to sleep now, I’m afraid I’ll have to wear a gas mask to sleep! After hearing Li Yexing’s words, Supervisor Casimir was silent, and after a long while, he asked in a deep voice: ‘Are you planning to be a lone hero who saves the world? I'm not a hero. Li Yexing whispered: I just want to change some things, save some people, and lead my girls to live in a colorful world, that's all Need me to activate the first mechanism? Director Casimir asked. Are you crazy? If your people move at this juncture, you will be in big trouble! Li Yexing stared and said: Don't think I don't know, Mu Qing said, there are a lot of people in your committee Staring at you! You don't understand, Li, you don't understand how important you are to me. With a rare serious tone, Casimir said in a deep voice: You are the most unique existence in this world! It is the embodiment of the will of the gods! It is a living saint! And, most importantly, you are the shortcut for me to realize my dream! Your appearance made me feel that my dream is within reach for the first time, if I didn't let me see this Dao Guangliang, then I might not care too much about it, but now, let me watch my shortcut be blocked, it would be better to shoot me! Hearing the words of Director Kazimir, Li Yexing was silent

. Due to the frequent phone calls with Director Casimir, Li Yexing still has some understanding of this crazy director. Like some of the earliest Umbrella fanatical researchers, Director Casimir seems to have a deep understanding He is very eager to rely on the power of viruses to create creatures that are powerful enough to meet the aesthetics of humans. In other words, although he does not desire the position of a god and has the persistence of being a mortal, he is extremely eager to create gods! In a sense, Director Casimir is more like a dark, fat man who loves to pinch villains than a scientific madman researcher. And now, with the existence of Li Yexing, Director Casimir sees new possibilities! Every monster girl adjusted by Li Yexing has reached the height of Director Casimir's dream. For the first time in his life, Director Casimir I feel that what I dreamed of is within reach! Now, letting Kazimir watch Li Yexing go to die is simply more unacceptable to him than killing him himself!

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