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In the end, Casimir gave up the idea of ​​mobilizing the third agency for reinforcements, but he still refused to compromise due to Li Yexing's insistence. Just like Director Casimir needs Li Yehang to help him realize his dream, Li Yehang also needs Director Casimir. He still has six monster children in his family. Once there is something wrong with the health of these girls, Li Yehang must It was guaranteed that someone could help. Obviously, Li Yexing could not rely on the hospital. At this time, Wu, the only person who could provide practical help was probably Director Casimir. The lower limit is low enough, but it won't touch your own bottom line. Although the first meeting between each other was not so pleasant, now both parties have to admit that they need each other. Amidst the fierce exchange of fire, Li Yexing hung up the phone and put the phone back into his pocket. He raised the gun and whispered softly: However, this scene is indeed a bit difficult. The ghost zombies came out in full force and engaged in a full-scale firefight with the security forces from all directions. Overhead, the armed helicopters were still roaring, pouring firepower crazily at the ghost zombies on the deck. At this moment, The deck has completely turned into a battlefield, and it is impossible to get close to it sneakily. Moreover, considering that N∈O Umbrella had previously ordered a full box of Predator A from Black Umbrella, Li Yexing had to start thinking about what exactly was in the containers piled up randomly in the area? Li Yexing's expression became quite subtle when he thought that the security forces would have to come into contact with his products soon. Forget it, this kind of thinking will not be of any help to the current situation. Rather than wasting time here, it is better to find an opportunity to rush forward directly. Black Umbrella and 0N∈σ Umbrella fight like this, strategic The center gathered on the bridge again. Even if someone suddenly appeared in the container, they probably wouldn't pay too much attention. Now, there is still an armed helicopter hovering overhead, strafing the front from time to time. It is definitely inappropriate to rush out at this time. On the other side, the security force's offensive to occupy the bridge has been blocked. It is estimated that it will not be long before the overhead helicopter. The armed helicopters will go for reinforcements, and Li Yexing only needs to wait for a while. Sure enough, just as Li Youxing had judged, in less than a minute, the helicopter overhead began to move towards the bridge, leaving a team of security forces standing in front, trying to prevent the ghost zombies on the deck from reinforcing the bridge. The moment the circling sound faded away, Li Yexing stepped out of the shadow with a sudden step. However, before he could run far away, suddenly, a rumble of sound came from behind. Li Yexing was slightly startled and subconsciously replied. Looking over, I could see that behind the container, the piece of camouflage rags was spread out, rising little by little like a hill. Girl, I'm so stupid. Looking at the big ball of rags, Li Yexing's facial muscles twitched slightly, thinking that he was startled by the security forces falling from the sky, and in his desperation, he actually forgot about this monster! Moreover, he spent a long time talking on the phone with this monster and Casimir! The next second, the camouflage rag was suddenly torn apart, revealing the huge and terrifying pale white body behind the rag, with a serious jaw. The huge monster with ulcerated skin and fissures spread its arms, spitting out saliva mixed with blood and pus, and let out a deafening roar accompanied by bursts of smelly wind.

Damn it! It’s so big! It’s actually an enhanced type injected with Hitomi Mikishima’s genes! Li Yexing frowned when the strong bad breath penetrated his nose, and pulled up the gas mask hanging around his neck and put it on his face. Amidst the frightened shouts of the large group of security force members on the deck, Li Yexing ran away. Behind him, the huge monster turned its head and glanced around with its sunken eye sockets like an emperor. When he saw When an armed helicopter was approaching it, it bent down without hesitation and grabbed the container above Li Yexing's head. Feeling that the vision in front of him suddenly brightened, Li Yexing walked forward and looked back with the corner of his eye. Then, he saw the huge monster holding the container like a brick and facing the armed helicopter in the distance. He threw it fiercely, and then, with a loud noise and concussive sparks, the hit armed helicopter spun around and fell into the sea together with the container. Oh shit! Li Yexing's facial muscles twitched violently as he watched this shocking scene. Regardless of the situation behind him, he accelerated again, passing through the containers and heading straight to the location of the virus missile. No, hurry up. After finishing the matter and running away, this deck will turn into a mess! The monster that shot down the armed helicopter roared like a gorilla and beat its chest crazily. Li Yexing quickly leaned on the container on the other side, Seeing that the monster was addicted to masturbating, he breathed a sigh of relief, then turned his head and looked at the other side of the deck. With the appearance of the B0W's huge strengthened body, the offense and defense on the deck were instantly exchanged, with armed helicopters and transport planes. He was constantly trying to increase the distance, and at the same time he kept firing at the huge body. The huge body kept grabbing the containers piled on the deck, and then threw them towards the helicopters one after another. Suddenly, Black Umbrella's air power was actually restrained! Without an advantage in numbers, strength, or firepower, the security forces stranded on the deck were beaten back and retreated. Get off the bridge. Now was the best time to make a breakthrough! The armed helicopter was pulled away, and the ghost zombies began to gather towards the bridge. Li Yexing seized the opportunity and rushed forward. As soon as he rushed out of the container in front of him, he encountered Three members of the security force, whether they had all their teammates dead or simply lost their way in the container area, were slightly startled when they saw Li Yexing rushing out from the middle of the container nearby. They were about to ask something when they saw Li Yexing directly raised his gun and fired three shots, blowing the heads of the three men. Sorry, although we are all human beings, it is obvious that we are not wearing the same pants. He stepped over the bodies of the security force members and took away two hands. Li Yexing continued to move towards

As he was moving in the direction of the virus missile, he heard hoarse Russian speaking coming from the other side of the container. Without even looking, he pulled off the grenade's tab and threw it along the top of the container, where the grenade exploded. At the same moment, Li Yexing rushed out. He stepped directly over the self-combusting corpse of the ghost zombie and penetrated the smoke and dust brought by the explosion. His expression was stern and he moved forward indomitably. Feeling the surging pulse in his blood vessels, Li Yexing became more and more excited. For a moment, he even thought that nothing could stop him on the aircraft carrier! The virus missile was getting closer and closer! Destroy it The missile was a foregone conclusion. Now, he should consider how to evacuate to the airstrip! Just as Li Yexing frowned and ran - thinking about the next step of the battle, suddenly, a spark fell like a snowflake. Coming down, Li Yexing passed his sight. It was just a spark, nothing worth paying attention to. Ignoring the sparks in front of him, Li Yexing continued to run quickly, but the next second, another spark fell down, and then, there were more and more sparks, one after another. , getting denser and denser like snow. All I can say is, something is going to happen!

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