What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-106. Above the macho man, there is a brilliant fire

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Even though time was tight, the moment he noticed something strange in the sky, Li Yexing dodged and hid under a nearby container. He raised his head with the gun in hand. In the night sky, countless sparks enveloped the sky above the aircraft carrier, and they were falling bit by bit with the sea breeze. The flames of the stars were emitting a faint light, as if they were going to light up the night sky. Not only Li Yexing, but at the moment when the sparks fell, almost everyone subconsciously looked at the sky. For a moment, even the gunshots on the deck became much sparser, and the armed forces hovering near the aircraft carrier The helicopter also ceased fire, and the security force soldiers belonging to Black Umbrella on the helicopter looked out the window blankly, admiring this rare and beautiful view in stunned silence. Not only humans, but even monsters were attracted by this sight. The ghost zombies fell into commotion. They looked at the sky and kept speaking hoarse and weird Russian. The huge monster standing in the middle of the deck was even more... Putting down the container in its hand, it raised its head and stared at the sky motionlessly. The deep-set black eye sockets reflected the stars of fire. In the mirror-like black eyeballs, brilliant sparks were like stars all over the sky, in the darkness. Suddenly wandering in and out, and then, between the stars, a ray of light suddenly lit up. The light was so dazzling that at first glance it looked like a bright moon surrounded by stars, but the bright moon was not enough. To describe the intensity of the light. In the dark eye sockets, the light became brighter and brighter, as if it was falling, and even the sky was dimly reflected in the fiery red light. The next second, a loud noise like an explosion filled the eardrums. In an instant, like a volcano erupting, the terrifying flames suddenly fell from the sky with scorching temperature, instantly covering the body of the huge monster, gold and red complementing each other. The light instantly lit up the night sky, emitting a dazzling light. On the deck, horrified cries rang out, but these sounds were all drowned out.

The huge monster's miserable howl covered the area. Facing the hot wind mixed with sparks, Li Yexing subconsciously covered his face covered by the gas mask. In his sight, only the mass of enough flesh remained in the center of the aircraft carrier's deck. There were terrifying flames several stories high, and in the flames, Li Yexing could vaguely see a huge black shadow constantly waving its arms and struggling. Then, as if being controlled by something, the flames coiled rapidly. , and then dissipated instantly, leaving behind a large piece of deck that was baked into a bright golden color, and a large piece of black coke illuminated by the golden light. The flame was so intense that in front of it, the corpse with the reinforced giant body even There was no chance of solution! As the flames dissipated, the fresh air from the ocean filled the deck again. The sea breeze caused by the rapid change in air pressure hit the huge coke, turning it into powder. Faced with this sudden and terrifying scene, There was complete silence on the deck, and even the sound of gunfire disappeared. Helicopters were hovering in the sky, and the windshields of the helicopters reflected the frightened eyes of the pilots. Hiding in the shadow of the container, Li Yexing was also shocked and his eyes widened. The terrifying pillar of fire just now reminded him of the Hammer of Dawn, the big killer weapon in War Machine. A space-based weapon that can make pillars of fire fall from the sky. But the flames just now are much more terrifying than the Hammer of Dawn! With modern human technology, it is difficult for any weapon to create such a visual effect. However, Li Yexing knew that there was one person in this world who could accomplish such a miracle. Sure enough, in the next second, as if to confirm Li Yexing's guess, he saw in the night sky, a graceful figure in black clothes dragging her long golden hair, spreading her arms and falling from the sky, just when she was about to hit. The moment she was on the container, a burst of flames suddenly wrapped around her body. The sea breeze brought by the change in air pressure lifted her rapidly falling figure, and then landed steadily on the top of the east container. The black high-heeled shoes fell on The soft sound from the container became the only sound on the deck at this moment. In Li Yexing's eyes, the woman standing at the highest point of the container group gently stirred her blond hair, setting off a spark. Her eyes moved, and she spoke with The cold eyes looked around, like gods looking down at ants. Li Yexing remembered this woman. Her name was Alexa Ashford. She seemed to be from the Ashford family, one of the three royal families of Umbrella. She had the ability to control flames. From this, it was deduced that she was likely to use He was infected with the same T-Veronica virus as Alexia Ashford. Ten years ago, Li Xing's predecessor had an encounter with this woman. At that time, she was dying by accident. He drank Li Yexing's blood and hung up his life. When they met again, it was four years ago, and a full six years had passed since the two first met.

In Li Yexing's eyes, Miss Ashford is very mysterious. She is powerful, beautiful, and exudes an otherworldly temperament. However, it seems that because of his previous dealings with her, she seems to have no interest in her. She has some kind of strange obsession. Every Valentine's Day, she would call and exchange a few words with Li Yexingshi, but every time, the two of them would kill the topic inexplicably. In fact, it can't be considered inexplicable, after all, Valentine's Day Li Yexing was very busy that day. He didn't want to give his time to a woman he didn't know well at all. Fortunately, the other party was also very sensible. As long as he noticed that Li Yexing didn't want to continue the topic, the other party would immediately politely stop talking. End the topic in a friendly way. In a sense, this Miss Ashford might be a good friend. Having said that, Li Yexing was more afraid of Miss Ashford. At first, Li Yexing was more puzzled by the fact that Miss Ashford was inexplicably interested in him. Later, he gained a certain understanding of his special physique and recalled his predecessor. When he met this Miss Ashford for the first time, Li Yexing suddenly realized that this Miss Ashford was probably the first person in the world to know about his special physique! Thanks to his previous life, he was a member of the Biochemistry A hardcore fan of the Crisis series of games. Li Yexing versus An

The Ashford family, one of the three royal families of Brela, cannot be said to be unfamiliar. In his understanding, the entire Ashford family is a mess, with a chaotic society, a loving father and a filial son. The daughter and son work together to make their father a success. Monster, and the father had already prepared a big killer weapon that could kill all kinds of BOWs to prevent those who came after him from killing his daughter. If this Miss Ashford's family is Ashford, one of the three Umbrella families, then this Miss Ashford must be a cold-blooded, ruthless and insidious monster! She is close to Li There can only be one purpose for Ye Xing, and that is to squeeze out the remaining value of Li Ye Xing! Moreover, unlike Master Casimir, Li Ye Xing is not very sure whether this woman will easily penetrate his bottom line. After all, judging from the current performance , the six of them bundled together are probably not enough to fight Miss Ashford alone. She is no longer a traditional B0W. She is the ultimate creature in the true sense! She is the strongest monster under the gods.

Although it was unclear why Miss Ashford did not tie herself directly into the laboratory, Li Yexing just wanted to stay away from such people!

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