What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-107. A macho man’s happy death

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The black high-heeled shoes are stepping on a slightly rusty metal container. The white insteps with light cyan blood vessels outline the curves. The soft and graceful ankles are connected to the two slender and delicate jade legs, which are like heavenly creations. Wrapped in a black slit cheongsam embroidered with golden dragon patterns, Alexa looked down at everything around her indifferently. They were those N∈o. Umbrella monsters. They were so disgusting, especially the helmet, which looked simply... Like large flies, even though they are tightly wrapped in black armor, I can still smell their stink... And those guys... If I remember correctly, they seem to be called security forces. ?I heard that most of these guys are death row inmates who received military training after being taken out of prison. Really, Black Umbrella clearly has the USS, which is enough. It has to expand its power so much. So swollen, what's the point? Just now, before flying over the aircraft carrier, the Harman steward who was driving a helicopter noticed something strange on the aircraft carrier. After confirming through the intelligence system that the person who appeared on the aircraft carrier was a member of the Black Security After Brela's security force, Alexa, who was riding on the helicopter, said directly to Haman: Steward Haman, come on

Miss? Butler Harman, who was driving the helicopter, frowned slightly, seeming a little confused. It's nothing. You don't have to fly too high. She gently lifted her hair from her ears and looked at the aircraft carrier floating on the dark sea in the distance. Alexa said with a smile on her lips: Since you have decided to fly to Black Umbrella announces my return, why not prepare a unique and grand opening for yourself? In this way, he used the sparks flying in the sky and a powerful falling sky fire to attract everyone's attention, and used the airflow generated by the flames to continuously pull his body.

Alexa, who slowed down her falling speed, accurately landed on the landing point she had chosen for herself. Sea breeze, fireworks, the queen's return, such a grand opening, there should be thunderous applause and cheers, but in fact, there was only silence around, and Alexa suddenly felt dull. Ah...why should I spend so much thought on these boring ants? That's it...that's it.

There seemed to be a layer of frost between her brows, but her fingertips were wrapped with flames. Alexa waved her arms towards the bridge in the distance with an indifferent expression. The next second, the hot flames suddenly rose like a long dragon. It passed through, devouring all the living creatures it encountered along the way amid screams. In an instant, horrified shouts and curses resounded throughout the entire deck. Then, gunshots rang out again, and bullets were fired from all directions. Alexa stood on top of the east container and roared out. Seeing bullets coming from all directions, Alexa's mouth curved with a cold smile. She gently raised her hand, snapped her fingers, and sprayed dark green liquid from her fingertips into the distance. With a soft sound, a white light suddenly appeared in the air, turning into a large scorching curtain of fire. Withstanding the flames in front of Alexa, the terrifying high temperature suddenly broke out, instantly covering the container under the fire curtain along with the flying incoming fire. The bullets melt together. There were bursts of sounds in her ears, which were the sounds of armed helicopters about to fire, but Alexa, who was standing on top of the container, didn't care at all. She didn't turn around, but just snapped her fingers in the direction of the armed helicopters. The next second, a white-purple light exploded from Alexa's fingertips, and then the air flow wrapped in flames turned into a hot tornado, heading straight for the armed helicopter. The windshield exploded in an instant, splashing and inserting On the face of the helicopter pilot, the pilot sitting in the cockpit was roasted into a pile of charcoal before he could scream, and fell into the sea along with the burning armed helicopter. As the armed helicopter crashed into the sea, the air on the deck fell into silence again. The exclamations and yells subsided instantly. The members of the security force were so frightened that they could not close their mouths. Their eyes were filled with fear. The next second , horrified shouts finally broke out on the deck, and most of the members of the security force instantly lost their fighting spirit. They fled in a hurry, some tried to hide inside the aircraft carrier, some tried to get into the bridge, and some Want to go around to the other side of the bridge, which makes

The already chaotic aircraft carrier deck seemed even more noisy. Well, it's not bad. Although it's a bit loud, it's better than being left alone. Seemingly satisfied with the panic and defeat of the security forces, Alexa turned her head and glanced at the aircraft in the sky that was trying to return. He raised his hand and burned to death a group of ghostly zombies who were trying to fire at her. Then he smiled and whispered softly: Go back, pigeons, and tell them the news that I have returned from the fire. Let them know that I have returned from the fire. They are afraid, let them waver, let him recall my name, recall who the owner of Black Umbrella is... With his mature voice with a hint of hoarseness, he sang softly like a hymn. Reciting, Alexa turned her head and looked at the bridge. Before she landed, the security forces seemed to have been trying to capture it. Obviously, Black Umbrella also received news about this aircraft carrier. They also They plan to prevent the launch of this missile to ensure that the order of the world can move forward according to their expected trajectory. Alexis has many ways to prevent the launch of virus missiles. She can swagger onto the bridge and use technical means to turn off the launcher. Or, more radically, she can turn the entire aircraft carrier together. sink, but she didn't intend to do that for no other reason than it was a waste of time. When things have developed to this point, it is estimated that the cooperation between Black Umbrella, N∈o Umbrella and Simmons has been completely blown, but this does not prevent Alexa from going back to kill Simmons and Ada with her own hands, and treat her It is said that it is not important whether Simmons is still cooperating with Black Umbrella. What is important is to show her attitude to Black Umbrella who already knows about her existence. With those speculators disrupting the situation, the Queen's faction, which has been operating secretly for many years, is enough to pry Victor's overly fragile foundation! Thinking of this, A Lai

Kerissa turned her head and aimed her gaze at the white virus missile at the end of the deck. i Forget it, you don’t have to think about it so much. For now, just dismantle the missile first. Everything else is not important. Stepping on the container and exerting a little force on her legs, Alexa rose into the air and passed through the sea breeze. Containers were jumping lightly from one container to another, seemingly out of fear. Almost all the people on the deck had run away, but gunshots were still heard from the direction of the bridge. It seemed that even if they hid in other places, The security forces still have to exchange fire with those ghostly zombies. Passing over one container after another, Alexa had a cold smile on her face, just as she was about to leave the maze of containers. Suddenly, she saw a figure at the end of the deck. He hurriedly hung his backpack on the base of the virus missile, and then ran away. Tilting her head slightly, Alexa stood on the top of the container and watched the man running further and further away. Then, there was a loud boom and the firelight instantly illuminated Alexa's face. Alexa was slightly startled, then turned her head, only to see that the base of the missile had turned into a ball of burning scrap metal in the explosion, and the missile that had fallen off the base was hitting the deck. Roll, and then in front of Alexa, his head fell into the sea.

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