What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-108. The tough guy sees through

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Exciting! What a damn exciting thing! Li Yexing had an excited smile on his face as he spread his legs and ran wildly through the maze of containers. The moment Ms. Ashford landed and was fired upon by the security forces, Li Yehang made a judgment. He rushed out of the maze of containers and headed straight for the virus missile standing at the end of the deck. Although not He knew what Miss Ashford was doing here, but it would be right to stay away from her. According to Li Yexing's idea, Miss Ashford might have to deal with these gangsters on the deck again/ \\It's a shame that the guys are so entangled, but she can definitely finish the matter beyond this opportunity. By the time she takes care of the security forces and ghost zombies on the light deck, she will have already finished blowing up the missile soldiers and rushed to the runway! Of course! Li Yexing's calculation was wrong. He didn't expect that the cowards on the deck would be scared to pieces after Miss Ashford showed her hands. He didn't expect that after cleaning up those annoying guys, haha Miss Shford will come straight to him, and she will jump directly from the top of the container! Is there anything wrong?! You are wearing high heels! Even if you step wrong, step by step. But Li Yexing is convinced that the bow is not fired. Before turning back, he had already left the cover of the container. It would definitely be unrealistic to run back. So he simply took advantage of this opportunity to finish the matter directly. The destructive aristocratic lady must also have her sights set high above her head and come here. Naturally, she has her own reasons. She will not waste time on a black-clad miscellaneous fish that can be seen everywhere on the deck. So, in front of the queen, the brave Mr. Li Yexing blew up the missile's launch base.

However, one thing is that Miss Ashford was really helpful. Thanks to her, none of the pursuers who thought they would run after her were able to do so.

Quickly walking through the densely packed containers, Li Yexing's smile became more and more unrestrained. Not far ahead, he would be able to reach the place where the huge body was cremated on the spot. He bypassed the burned deck, and then returned. By crossing a container, he can rush onto the evacuation plane!

Sweating all over his body and feeling the hot air inside the gas mask, Li Yexing was startled. The sense of crisis he had developed from rolling on the line of life and death for many years issued a warning frantically, causing him to subconsciously step up and step forward. For a second, the container in front of him suddenly lit up until it emitted a hot golden and red light. Then, the container melted to create a hole just big enough for one person to pass through! In the hole, a man wearing black clothes was melted. Alexa Ashford, who was wearing a cheongsam with a gold dragon pattern and slits, stepped on high heels and took elegant steps. She walked out with a sneer and stood in front of Li Yexing. It's so interesting, look what I caught? A lost little mouse... The corners of his mouth were curved and his voice was low and seductive. His orange-red eyes had silk-black vertical pupils, like snake eyes. With an unabashed teasing, Alexa stepped closer to Li Yexing, while raising her right hand, gently rubbing her white jade-like index finger and middle finger, feeling the terrifying pressure from Alexa, Li Yexing subconsciously He swallowed 00% of water, and big beads of sweat trickled down his neck. As Alexa came closer, he stepped back step by step until his back was leaning on the container. There was no way to retreat, and he could not retreat through the lenses of the gas mask. Staring at the woman who was getting closer and closer, he held his breath, said nothing, and began to pray that this great god would lose interest in him. Unless it was absolutely necessary, Li Yexing really didn't want to be with this powerful person. The truth is, he covets his own body, and it is very likely that he has an inhuman size and has fallen in love with her. If prayer can solve the problem, there will not be so much helplessness in this world. I am already tall and tall, and with high heels, Alexa's height was almost as tall as Li Yexing's. Facing the eyes behind the gas mask, she stood in front of Li Yexing, and then mocked in a cold voice: You don't really think that in my After making such a big move in front of you, how can you pretend to be okay with everything?

Li Yexing wanted to nod, but he always felt that if he missed it, the next second, he would be blown away by the wind like that enhanced giant body. . She didn't seem to care about Li Yexing's silence. Alexa thought to herself: Maybe it's because An Yuan has been living for too long, and my senses have been dulled. At the first time, I didn't notice your... There’s something wrong with your clothes. It’s neither the armor of those ugly monsters nor the rustic combat uniform of those swarms of ants. Who are you?”

Li Yexing was sweating profusely as he watched Alexa's index finger and middle finger lightly rub sparks. He was thinking about whether he could think of a way to fend off Alexa. Suddenly, Alexa's face A faint blush appeared. The smell of your sweat is very strange, it reminds me of someone. With a slight frown, Alexa subconsciously twitched her nose and then said, It seems that Suddenly realizing something, Alexa suddenly opened her snake eyes, staring straight at Li Yexing's gas mask. For a moment, she suddenly reached out her hand and tore off Li Yexing's gas mask. The black cloth on the shoulders revealed the silver wolf head epaulette. Suddenly, the amusement in Alexa's eyes disappeared, and her cold expression froze at a speed visible to the naked eye. Slowly raising her head, Alexa moved her gaze away from the silver wolf head epaulette and focused again on Li Yexing's gas mask. This time, she did not dare to take off anyone else's mask. Dear? After a while, Alexa said a little uncertainly, smelling the intoxicating faint smell of sweat. Hello, Miss, this is the first time we meet. My name is Adurahan Donbalaski, and I am an ordinary mercenary of the Huanya Armed Forces. Li Yexing said in a nasal voice with weird emphasis through the gas mask. Hearing Li Yexing's words, Alexa finally lost her temper. At this moment, even her height seemed to be half a head shorter. With a hint of helplessness on her face, she said softly: You are angry with me, right? Dear? So I have said that I am Dongba. Li Yexing still wants to struggle -

- Next, but the next second, contrary to Li Yexing's expectation, Alexa actually directly

I'm angry. I'm sorry, dear, I shouldn't put on airs in front of you. Just this time, forgive me, okay? Seeing Alexisa's appearance, Li Yexing could only sigh heavily in the end. He took off his gas mask, revealing a face full of helplessness. After taking a breath of the fresh sea breeze mixed with Alexa's fragrance, he pulled out, avoiding Alexa's squeeze, and then passed away. Smiling and saying: No, Miss Ashford. Call my name. She blinked her snake-like eyes at Li Yexing. Alexa, who was full of cold and charming air just a second ago She spoke softly like a cute girl acting coquettishly.

It's not just nonsense. Li Yexing has always been very accurate in reading people. He could tell at a glance that the girlish look of Miss Ashford in front of him was completely fake. Considering that he had missed calling her by name several times before, Li Yexing instantly translated Miss Ashford's subtext in his mind... If you dare to call me by the wrong name again, I will cremate you! Acai...Krisa? Face His muscles twitched slightly, Li Yexing replied with an awkward smile. No. He shook his head slightly, causing the scattered golden waves to tremble. Alexa frowned slightly like a girl in love who was bullied by her boyfriend: ' Shorter. His thoughts flashed like lightning in an instant. Li Yexing, who has six girls, had a rare IQ. There was a hint of uncertainty between his eyebrows, as if he was afraid of offending Ash in front of him. Miss Ford, Li Yexing lowered his voice and asked uncertainly: So... Lisa? After getting the answer she wanted, a satisfied smile finally appeared on Alexa's face, and she nodded. , while lifting up her long golden hair, she responded to Li Yexing with a smile: 'Yes, I'm here. What's the matter? My dear?

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