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That's right, although it's a bit difficult to say, Miss Alexisa, who has always been good at solving puzzles, didn't address the profound question of can girls be willful. After a rigorous analysis, she came to the conclusion that self-will is the same as negotiation. The most important thing is to find out the bottom line of the other party. The bottom line is different, and the degree of acceptance of willfulness is different. It will also be different, as long as the bottom line is not crossed, the self-willedness can be counted in the flirting between love 8, once Fan Xia crosses the bottom line of the other party, then the talk. No, love will probably fail! That is Said, just now, my behavior and expression crossed his bottom line, didn't you? It seems that the conversation just now was a failure, and it failed to increase the other party's favor. Failed, but I have successfully touched his bottom line, no, this is not a failure, this should be regarded as a successful mistake! With the experience of this trial and error, I can rely on future interactions The lost favorability is regained! At this moment, Alexisa is scared!

Adjusting her emotions, allowing the elegant but friendly smile to return to her face, Alexisa once again leaned in front of Li Yexing, with a hint of apology in her orange-red snake eyes, which was subtle in Li Yexing's eyes. In her eyes, she hides her eyes like a little girl who has done something wrong, and she lowers her eyebrows and softly apologizes, dear, I am impatient, but please understand me a little bit, after all, we have not seen each other for so long Now, this time I can face to face, I just hope to talk with my dear about some less serious, more private, more relaxed and happy topics. Here it comes, here it comes again, this kind of expression and tone that is completely inconsistent with Ashford's queenly temperament but somehow does not appear to be disobedient! For a moment, Li Yexing even suspected that the other party was deliberately attacking him! No ...It should be just an illusion, after all, that is Miss Ashford who claims to be the sister of Acklesia Ashford! Back then, that Miss Alexia wanted her baby brother all over the place. Now, this Miss Alexa also wants to turn around what I want! On the other side, pretending not to notice the guard in Li Yexing's eyes, Alexa leaned closer to Li Yexing again, almost sticking it, it's true Li Yexing's eyes, she asked softly: Speaking of which, because I was too excited, I forgot to ask the real thing. Why are you here, dear? Anyway, the missile has already exploded. Li Yexing could only tell the truth, avoiding Alexa Lisa's overly eager eyes, he turned his head slightly and said in a low voice: I'll deal with that missile. So that's it... no wonder Alecles frowned slightly and murmured softly. At this moment, a faint doubt rose in her heart. Since the first Los Angeles incident in 2005, Alecles Sha has been secretly observing Li Yexing. Theoretically speaking, Li Yexing's every move should be within the monitoring range of Alexa Lisa, but not long ago, Li Yexing managed to hide it from Alexa Lisa. The intelligence officer led a whole team to go straight to country A, and now it seems obvious that he also has a very secret information channel, and he can know Neo. Umbrella's plans and movements at the first time .

Could it be that Black Umbrella's European Division provided him with information? No, no, if the European Division had known N∈o Umbrella's plan in advance, then the Joint Committee)\\ would not have passed the test in High Oak The cooperation of BOW's actual combat data, in order to prevent the collapse of the world order, they will definitely attack Neo Umbrella in advance instead of waiting until now, that is to say, when the black Umbrella is still kept in the dark, Li Yexing Already know NEo. Umbrella's plan! Thinking about it this way, when Li Yexing hid the BSAA ace Chris Redfield in the civil war in Itonia half a year ago, Alex Lisa also praised Li Yexing, I think Li Yexing's deception to keep Chris this time is really a good move, but looking at it now, Li Yexing's consideration is even higher than that of Alex Lisa! There is no doubt that Li Yexing started to fight for this as early as half a year ago. One day of preparations, but Alexisa, who was quite arrogant and even a little conceited, failed to see the size of Li Yexing's chessboard clearly at the first time! Immediately, in Alexisa's eyes, Li Yexing looked even more mysterious. Li Yexing's desire for exploration soared instantly, almost breaking through the threshold. On the other side, after answering Alexisa's question, Li Yexing pondered for a moment and then asked in a low voice: So what about you? What are you doing here? Same as you Sensing that Li Yexing really didn't intend to chat with Zi 2 more about light-hearted topics with a stronger sense of being a couple, Alexisa put away the expression on her face, and as her expression became serious, her voice The line also became as low and inexplicably charming as before, and she pushed the blond hair behind her ears that covered her tears, and said in a deep voice: Just like you, dear, I also came for that missile. It seems that your trip was in vain, Miss Ashford... Li Yexing was finally relieved after knowing Alex Lisa's position and purpose, the guard in his eyes dissipated slightly, he shrugged his shoulders and said: ' I've done what you have to do. It's not a waste of time, at least you're here, isn't it? Even when the topic became serious, Alexa Lisa still didn't forget to swipe-to swipe Li Yexing's favorability, she is no longer as cute as before, Ah Laclerisa took a step forward and directly pressed against Li Yexing's body. She squinted her eyes slightly and leaned close to Li Yexing's ear, lowered the line, and said with her red lips, Also, my dear, you called me wrong again. Okay, Lisa. With the other's nickname in his face awkwardly, Li Youxing subconsciously wanted to back away, but contrary to his expectations, Alexisa suddenly reached out and held his hand firmly. Wrist, while whispering in his ear: Darling, is it that I am annoying you? No, you are one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen

, I wish I could get closer to you. The desire to survive prompted Li Yexing to reply hastily

Don't lie to me, I can feel that you've been on guard against me... Pressing her chin on Li Yexing's shoulder, and letting her body and Li Yexing's body fit together completely, Alexisa lowered her voice again, as if Whispering on the pillow-generally-breathing lightly, he murmured in a low voice: Until now, except for you, my dear, no man has resisted me so much, my dear, you make me sad , My heart hurts so badly that I want to burn... - Hearing burning, Li Yexing immediately lost his composure, but at this moment, the corner of Alexa's mouth curved into a sly arc, She continued to whisper in a low voice like a lover whispering, Of course, if my darling can wrap my arms around my waist, maybe I will feel better in my heart. Lisa... Li Yexing frowned and whispered Said: Have you forgotten, this is a battlefield. The gunfire over there has never stopped. A faint blush appeared on Lisa's face. She murmured: Those ants, they won't come close, they dare not. For some reason, a faint sense of dizziness occupied Alex Lisa's body, that kind of The taste, as if drunk, she squinted slightly at the pair of snake eyes, which were misty, with a hint of confusion in her eyes. After a while, she couldn't help but whispered to Li Yexing's ear. Ash Miss Ford... Finally, after being teased again and again, Li Yexing completely blew up, he gently pushed Alec Lisa away, and then said in a deep voice under Alec Lisa's surprised eyes: Sorry, I have other things to do, and it's urgent, so I'm going, and I'm sorry to say, but then Miss Ashford will do as she pleases.

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