What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-111. Macho's Ultimate Cerebral Palsy Problem Kill

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The resistance to the surname Ashford finally overwhelmed the little charm in Li Yexing's heart. Li Yexing touched the bridge of his nose lightly, then turned his head to look at the bridge in the distance. On the other side, the gunfire has not stopped, and above the night sky, the black Umbrella's helicopter hovers far away, seemingly not daring to approach.

Lifting the gun in his hand, Li Yexing turned his head, and once again looked at Alec Lisa who was pushed away by him, only to see that not only was there no trace of anger on Alec Lisa's face, but there was also a hint of surprise and curiosity on her face. , Facing the orange snake eyes, Li Yexing always felt that he should say something to Alexisa, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't speak them out. Suddenly, the atmosphere became a little awkward.

¥After a while, Li Yexing had no choice but to nod at Alexisa. Seeing that Alexisa didn't respond, he turned around, opened his legs, and ran directly to the other side of the container area in front of him. After running a few steps, the da da sound of high heels hitting the deck sounded behind him. Hearing this sound, Li Yexing subconsciously slowed down his pace until Alexis came trotting to his side, following His pace - - caring: Sorry, dear, was I too abrupt? No Seeing Alex Lisa wearing a cheongsam and stepping on high heels, Li Yexing subconsciously slowed down his pace, following the main line of the original work According to the timeline, Chris and Pierce probably haven't boarded the aircraft carrier yet, so his time is not so urgent. However, what Li Yexing is facing right now is not a problem that time can solve. After realizing that Alexisa had no intention of leaving, Li Yexing stopped again. He turned around and looked at Alexisa with a helpless expression: Miss Ashford, what are you going to do? What are you doing? I'm going to follow you... She showed a girlish Xiaopi smile at Li Yexing, and Alexisa squinted her pair of snake eyes and said, Also, my dear, you called me wrong again. Alec Lisa, for a moment, Li Yexing only felt a headache. This guy...does she really plan to follow me? To be honest, Li Yexing's emotions for Aleclissa are quite complicated, so She once saved herself and Hanan in a critical moment, and since then, every Valentine's Day, she will regularly talk to Li Yexing on the phone, and she does not hide her desire to join Li Yexing's harem. Yu Li, Alexisa is definitely the most powerful creature he has seen so far, even stronger than his girls. If she can be brought along in the next subsea oil field operation, the difficulty of the operation will be even greater. Plunging directly to the lowest point, Li Yexing even thought that the chaotic zombie that could destroy the world might not be able to survive a round under the hands of Miss Ashford. Alec Lisa Ashford really It's too powerful! It's so powerful that it almost exceeds Li Yexing's understanding of the Resident Evil series! But on the other hand, Li Yexing firmly believes that there is no free lunch in this world. If you want to invite this Ashford If Miss helps, then I will definitely pay the same price, and this youngest who was born in the Ashford family whose ethics are extremely chaotic and universal values ​​are extremely distorted and who is the first to know his secret, will let What price did he pay? In front of this unfathomable Miss Ashford, Li Yexing thought he didn't have the capital to turn the tables. Desperate, but now, Li Yexing has too many things involved behind him, he can't easily fight this invincible monster like his predecessor. I... have some very important things to do. After a long while, He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, This matter is very dangerous, I can't let you follow me.

What? How dangerous is it? Alexisa asked with a chuckle, Is it more dangerous than me? Maybe it's not dangerous to face you directly. Li Yexing made a joke that wasn't very funny. Then why can't I follow you? I'm free. Leaving Simmons and his spy lover behind, Alexisa smiled and said: Anyway, it's not more dangerous than me, just do your thing Well, not only will I not cause trouble for you, but I can also help you... brother, Alex Lisa joked like Li Yexing: Unless you want to have a tryst with another girl. I don't understand, Miss Ashford... Shaking his head lightly, Li Yexing finally couldn't help it anymore, he raised his hand to Alexisa, revealing the healed palm, and at the same time Whispered Actually, not long ago, I remembered where we met for the first time, maybe I saved your life at that time, but in fact, I didn't care about it at all ! This is unintentional intrusion! Did you finally remember? Dear? Alexisa looked happy at first, then chuckled and asked back: If you say that, you should understand that without your inadvertent intrusion Liu, I wouldn't be where I am today, right? Then you also saved me in Malvia! Li Yexing frowned and said in a low voice: - Life for life! We're even! Ash Miss Ford! I don't know, why are you obsessed with me? Of course it's because I love you, dear. Alexisa replied with a light smile. Just because I accidentally saved your life + years ago?! Li Yexing asked with wide-eyed eyes. Of course not, I'm not that superficial. Shaking her head lightly, Alexa smiled Then he replied, Then tell me, why do you love me? At this moment, in order to cut off the excessive intersection with Alexisa, Li Yexing finally asked the girl who even he didn't know.

I feel extremely unnutritive and extremely mentally handicapped. On the other side, Alexisa froze suddenly when she heard Li Yexing's question. Looking at Li Yexing standing in front of her with a serious face, Alexisa suddenly became a little puzzled. Indeed, compared to appearance, there are many people who are better than Li Yexing among her former suitors. Compared with ability and brains, she is stronger. There are not a few people in Li Yexing, money and so on

Needless to say, what exactly do I like about Li Yexing?

At this moment, Alexisa, who was good at answering questions, was surprised to find that she couldn't answer Li Yexing's question. Turning her mind and clarifying her logic, Alexa's thinking started to work, digitizing Li Yexing and those suitors whom she regarded as ants in the way she was most familiar with, and then began to compare. After a while , Alexa came up with her own answer. Because you are the most unique one. Seemingly happy to find the answer to the question, the corner of Alexa's mouth twitched - With an arc of confidence, she flicked her chest, and said to Li Yexing: Yes! That's right, because my dear, you are the most unique one. Your physique can match me and all viruses. It's a miracle to be highly fixed! In this world, only you who are unique and unequaled are worthy of the perfect me, FFI

After all, Alexisa tilted her head slightly, as if she was waiting for Li Yexing to praise her perfect answer, but in the next second, her confident smile froze, because after getting her perfect answer, In an instant, the expression on Li Yexing's face disappeared, replaced by a touch of indifference, and those extremely miscellaneous eyes.

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