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After welcoming the queen who descended from the sky with a brief silence, the deck of the aircraft carrier became lively again, and the missiles had left Neo. Umbrella's plan was completely bankrupt in the first stage. Due to the queen's deterrence, the helicopter and aircraft carrier They hovered around at a safe distance, not daring to respond to the evacuation of the security forces, which directly caused the other side of the deck bridge to become a battlefield between Black Umbrella and Neo Umbrella. And now, Neo. Umbrella's ghostly zombies are going to release the BOW bought from Black Umbrella to deal with Black Umbrella's soldiers.

Monsters were rampant in the dense and chaotic container area. They followed the system's instructions and quickly passed through the maze of containers to the battlefield on the other side of the bridge. On top of the container, Li Yexing was holding a gun and biting. Baring his teeth, he jumped from the top of one container to the top of another container. His boots slammed on the container, making a dull sound. Hunter A, who heard the sound, turned his head. He bared his teeth and jumped into the air, but he didn't want to just As soon as he showed his head, he was met with Li Yexing's old fist.

With a miserable howl, Killer A, whose teeth were smashed, fell from the container with a mouth full of blood and howled miserably. ...Not paying attention to the sudden hunter at all, Li Yexing looked at the far away container opposite and cursed in a low voice. Then he stepped forward again, stepping on his head and passing by the T-03C Tyrant. His head soared into the air, and he made a tactical roll and landed firmly on the opposite container.

Dear, are you crazy?! Accompanied by the sound of high heels tapping against the container, Alexa, who was following Li Yexing, had surprise and confusion in her eyes. She tapped the toe of her high heels gently on the ground, He kept jumping to catch up with Li Yexing, while saying with some displeasure: Are you really not going to let me help?

I'm sorry, no matter how much work I do, how much salary I get. Letting sweat drip down his forehead along with the huge mental pressure, Li Yexing said stubbornly, I may not be able to afford your help. Speaking of this... Even though she was tolerant of Li Yexing, after being repeatedly ignored by Li Yexing, Alexa still felt a little angry in her heart. As the third young lady of the Ashford family, Black An The former leader of Brela, the real chosen queen, although she said she was not confident, in her heart, she always believed that as long as she hooked her fingers, Li Yexing would love her to death. But now it seems that Li Yexing She seems to be really not that cold towards her, no, in fact, there is even some inexplicable resistance!

As for the reason why Li Yexing resisted her, Alexa had a less certain answer in her heart. Li Youxing had mentioned before that he had some knowledge of the Ashford family, and from Alexa's father, - At the beginning of the election, it can be said that the Ashford family has a bad family tradition, with bad etiquette and music, and often chaotic rules. The father is kind and the son is filial. Except for the housekeeper, no one in the family is normal. Almost all of them are ruthless and unrighteous people! From this point of view, Li Yexing The person resisting may not be herself, but her surname! Damn it! The love strategy is complete, but she doesn’t want to be distracted by her family background. Miss Ashford doesn’t think she will say the wrong thing about Li Yexing. , blaming his failure in love entirely on his brothers and sisters who killed their parents and father, and on his father who dug graves.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and the more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she became. Alexa frowned slightly, the girlish innocence and innocence on her face completely disappeared, replaced by the cold and biting queen-like low pressure. Seeing another row of hunters in front of her, The killer wanted to surround her, but before Li Yexing could raise her gun, she raised her hand and waved her wine, firing out a scorching flame, roasting the hunters into charcoal amidst a burst of screams. Seeing the crisis, she was forced to Li Yexing slightly released the finger that had pressed the radio, and at the same time turned to Alexa and frowned: Miss Ashfuxi, I told you, I don't need your help. Oh, I am. Do you have any advice for me? With a cold and arrogant curve at the corner of her mouth, Alexa asked back angrily. Okay, please do as you please. Turning around, Li Yexing continued to run forward, while He whispered: However, I didn't ask you, so this is considered a free service. I don't care! Following Li Yexing, Alexa completely gave up thinking. She sneered and said: I helped you, but you owe me

Okay. Seeing that Alexa's tone was not kind, Li Yexing didn't dare to really offend her, so he could only nodded, but he didn't expect that the next second, his wrist would be firmly grasped. Feeling The warm touch brought by those white and slender fingers clasping his wrist, Li Yexing sighed helplessly, he turned his head and said with some frustration: Miss Ford, I can't understand something, you said it all My blood sample can be clearly marked with a price. No matter how bad it is, I won't be surprised if you steal it. But which song are you singing in like this? I Pay off the debt! You owe me! You are obviously no taller than Li Yexing. Tall, her stern orange-red snake eyes forcibly created a sense of looking down from the soul. Alexa's brows seemed to be covered with frost. She held Li Yexing's wrist tightly and sneered at the same time: Dear Yes, since you are really so self-aware, you should understand that I have no interest in the vulgar things in your hands. Don't try to fool me with those things. There is also the previous one-life is worth one life. If we seriously calculate it, we have no interest at all. It's not even, because I not only saved you, but also saved the sister who was infected by the parasite. You still owe me your life. Counting three years ago, if I hadn't taken action at the critical moment, you would have been killed. The BSAA troops that were tricked into attacking the Eastern European branch will be wiped out, and you owe me dozens of lives. B? Li Yexing was stunned when he heard Alexa's words. His eyes widened and he said, Are you trying to trick me? Chris said that the attack went well!

This time, Alexa was stunned. She didn’t expect that she had helped BSAA and Li Yexing.

Such a big favor, but Li Yexing didn't know about it at all! No wonder the favorability level increased slowly, that BSAA really doesn't know how to look at people's faces! If I had known this, it would be better to bury them in the Eastern Europe branch! On the other side, Alexa looked confused Suddenly, Li Yexing understood that what she said was true. It seemed that there were some things that Chris had not told him. Seeing that Alexa had calculated the accounts so clearly, Li Yexing couldn't help but frown and asked: You can pay with your flesh. Alexa sneered and replied, I will marry into the Ashford family and be my husband honestly. Other than that, I can't think of anything else.

Girl, you are still talking like this. Li Yexing flicked his wrist, but could not get rid of Alexa's jade finger. Li Yexing became a little desperate. He tilted his head and complained softly as if he had given up on himself. :' Damn it, how am I going to explain the complexity of love to an Ashford family clone? From the beginning, Li Yexing didn't believe that the Ashford family clones would produce normal humans like normal humans. After asking Alexa about the ultimate mentally retarded couple question and getting the answer, Li Yexing was even more sure of his thoughts, but now, he could clearly feel that this Miss Ashford seemed to Some people were stunned. However, to be honest, when Alexa took off her disguise, Li Yexing did have a wave of emotion in his heart. There is no doubt that at this moment, the unreasonable Alexa with a domineering sneer in front of him , much cuter than the hypocritical Amouklisa before.

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