What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-114. The fierce female queen can’t walk

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After confirming that he could not persuade Alexa to leave, Li Yexing was completely disappointed. Forget it if you don’t leave! I hired a powerful thug for nothing! Will I suffer a loss?! Because his wrist was grabbed, Li Yehang had to jump off the container and walk back and forth between the containers again. Monsters were rampant, but after Alexa completely let go, these monsters were unable to stop the two of them. In front of the terrifying flames that almost ignited the air, BOW's enhanced body was a joke. Walking quickly between the containers with complex terrain, Li Yexing and Alexa stopped talking. Although they were holding hands, their faces were not good-looking. It seemed that they were an awkward couple who had been together but refused to say they were breaking up. , until there were slightly fewer monsters around, Alexa suddenly stood up and pulled back Li Yexing who ran away.

It seemed that it was because he had not spoken. Li Yexing's mood seemed to have stabilized a lot. He turned his head, looked at Alexa who was standing there and refused to move forward, but even grabbed his wrist, and asked in a low voice. First: What's wrong? I'm tired. Alexa said expressionlessly with her orange-red snake eyes narrowed slightly. Are you tired? Feeling the pressure on her wrist, Alexa pulled her away. Li Yexing, who couldn't walk, raised his eyebrows and asked, Of course, I'm a woman, and I'm wearing high heels and a cheongsam. I've been running for so long, and I have to help you deal with the monsters blocking the way. It's not natural for me to be tired.

Really? Alexa seemed to be a little dissatisfied with Li Yexing's question. Alexa frowned slightly and said, Then what are you going to do? Li Yexing frowned and asked: We have wasted a lot of time, I'm afraid. I can't wait for you to rest. She grabbed Li Yexing's wrist tightly to prevent him from running away suddenly. Alexa's lips raised a sneer, and she used her low voice with a hint of charm.

Miss Ashford, I'm still going to shoot. Shaking his head, Li Yexing tried to use legitimate reasons to reject Alexa's unreasonable request. As long as I'm here, you don't need to shoot. Alexa raised her head slightly and said, Then I can look at you with my back... Li Yexing tried to do the next best thing. No, I'm wearing a cheongsam. It's too indecent. Alexa refused to give in. Okay, if you don't mind. To be honest, if Alexa can really protect Li Yexing's safety, Li Yexing wouldn't mind running away with Alexa in his arms. After all, if you don't talk about personal likes and dislikes, Ah Lexissa is indeed a rare beauty with a ridiculously good figure. Being able to run around with a woman like her is probably the lifelong dream of many men. Turning around, he opened his hands, lowered his center of gravity, and let his arms pass through Alexa's legs. Li Yexing hugged Alexa's slender waist and pulled her

Lifting it up little by little, on the other side, as her feet left the ground, Alexa let go of Li Yexing's wrist, and naturally wrapped her arms around Li Yexing's neck, regardless of the stains on Li Yexing's neck. His combat uniform and body armor rubbed against his hand-cut cheongsam made of expensive fabrics. Feeling Ruo Li Yexing's temperature from above, the faint smell of sweat, and the solid arms that passed through her legs and armpits, Alexa's snake pupils separated again, with a trace of mist, and a gentle kiss between her red lips Exhaling the warm and turbid breath, she squeezed into Li Yexing's arms, chose a comfortable enough position, and then said softly: Very good, let's move forward.

Hearing Alexa's words, Li Yexing did not answer, but just shrugged. He used a little force to weigh the girl in the princess's arms, and then ran forward quickly. It must be said that holding the girl in his arms Alexa's feeling was different from what Li Yexing had imagined. Although she has a tall figure and attractive curves, in fact, Alexa is not heavy and looks as light as nothing in her arms. But for some reason, Alexis, who is not heavy, does have a heavy feeling on her body. The texture made Li Yexing's arms immersed in delicacy and softness. As Li Yexing ran, the white calves hanging on the other side of Li Yexing's arms, the ankles and the jade feet wearing black high heels Swaying gently, they swayed together with the two soft flowers squeezed against Li Yexing's chest through the black cloth, with only half of the canyon exposed, forming some kind of harmonious and charming concerto. The soft blond hair fell from the fingertips and was rubbed slightly. The fragrance of roses was rich but not obtrusive. It spread gently into the nasal cavity. The warm breath brought warmth and gently caressed Li Yexing's neck in step with the rhythm of the Supreme Queen's breathing. The seductive body wrapped in the shiny black cloth was even more fragrant and sweet. Li Yexing, who was holding Alexa in his arms, slightly relaxed his brows and subconsciously tightened his arms, letting his fingers touch the body in his arms. The queens fit tightly together. Heh, I thought you weren't interested in my body... Feeling Li Yexing's tight arms, the queen's tone became more soft and mocking. She gently rubbed it with her red lips. Li Yexing's neck whispered softly at the same time: Sure enough, men are all beasts driven by desire. Even if they say they want it, their bodies will not lie. Even if they are unique like you, they are not immune. My tall and stalwart image has collapsed in your heart. You don't love me anymore? Li Yexing joked as he ran forward for a year. In my heart, your image has never been taller. After all, you have never been taller than me. I have been paying attention to you since the Pulus incident. You are greedy for money, lustful, cold, violent, cruel, despicable, and vulgar. As if dreaming, Alexa murmured to herself softly: But, there are also some The difference is that righteousness i. You are strong, determined, and persistent. You are very lucky and can always make the right choice at the fork in your destiny. Moreover, the more I try to understand you, the more I can see you. She spoke softly, with a hint of doubt revealed in her red snake eyes. Alexa whispered: My dear, you are so strange. You are so contradictory, as if you have brought a soul that you don't know where it came from. , put into a body that is suitable enough, although it is weird and

Extreme, but enough to be autonomous without appearing to be inconsistent.

Hearing Alexa's words, Li Yexing's heart skipped a beat. He bumped his left foot against his right foot and almost stumbled over. He almost threw Alexa out. Damn it! Are all the women in the Ashford family monsters? Wait, it seems like...

You're upset, my dear. Alexa felt a hint of dissatisfaction flashing between her brows as she sensed the affection coming from Li Yexing. She hooked her arms around Li Yexing's neck and murmured softly: Run. Be steady and don't be so hasty.li I'm in a hurry, Miss Ashford! Li Yexing frowned and said, He was about to say something else, but at this moment, the head tyrant suddenly appeared behind the corner of the container in front. It came out and glanced around. After seeing Li Yexing and Alexa coming towards them, it immediately walked up with fists clenched. Miss Ashford! Listening to the terrifying footsteps full of oppression, Li Yexing couldn't help calling in a low voice. Wrong call. No matter how close the tyrant got closer, Alexa hooked her. Li Yexing breathed out loudly on his neck. Lisa! In desperation, Li Yexing had to let go of his shame and shouted awkwardly. I'm here, dear. It seemed that he had deliberately changed the previous paragraph. After the unpleasant conversation was over, Alexa, who felt better because she was held in Li Yexing's arms, responded with a chuckle. Without even looking at the tyrant, she stretched out her arms and snapped her fingers at him. , the next second, as the dark green liquid splashed out and stained his head, the tyrant's bald head suddenly ignited into a raging fire. The tyrant who transformed into the Ghost Rider patted his burning head and followed towards the container next to him. He staggered, then fell to the ground with his head cut off.

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