What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-115. A macho man destroys his moral integrity

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Adding fuel to the fire to the tyrant who happened to be passing by, Alexisa, who was being held in her arms, suddenly said as if she suddenly remembered something: Speaking of which, my dear, you haven't answered my previous question? Are you in such a hurry? What are you going to do? Go back to Lanxiang?

My sisters are still in Lanyang, right? I've seen them all, are you so anxious to abandon me and reunite with them?

Of course I'm anxious to reunite with them. I haven't seen them for several days... She frowned and avoided Alexa's jade finger that hooked her chin.

Is it possible that you really want to save the world? Remembering what Li Yexing said before, Alexa raised her lips and said with a smile.

Neo. Umbrella has hidden a monster in the seabed oil field. Once it is successfully hatched, it will leave the seabed oil field and release C disease to the world. If Neo. Umbrella's research is not wrong, theoretically speaking, In just four hours, it can destroy the whole world. Li Yexing hugged Alexa's arms tightly to prevent her from slipping, and Li Yexing said in a deep voice while running forward: I'm going to go to the undersea oil field and make that damn thing.

-Dian opened her eyes wide, with shock in her eyes. After a while, she wondered to herself: Impossible, why did N∈o Umbrella want to destroy the world? After saying that, Alexis shook her head and continued to talk to Li Yexing. First: Moreover, my dear may not know that the person supporting Neo Umbrella behind the scenes is Derek C. Simmons, a partner of Black Umbrella, the leader of the hidden organization family, and also the national security adviser of country A. , their mission is to maintain the existing order of this world, how could they want to destroy the world? l I know everything you said, Ashley Alexa pinched her chin hard Li Yexing gritted his teeth in pain and changed his words: If this thing was a script written by a screenwriter, then the screenwriter should have his head blown off with a golf club, but the problem is, this is what we are facing The reality! The reality is that the leader of Neo. Umbrella wants to destroy the world! That female spy named King Ada? Alexis was slightly startled, and then asked in confusion: What is the motive?

Frustrated feelings? Alexa seemed to take Li Yexing's words as a joke. Alexa shook her head and said with a chuckle, What a refreshing and refined reason. Yes, it's really a refreshing and refined reason. Only by being It takes a golf club to hit your head to think of such an idea. Li Yexing frowned.

Looking at Li Yexing's serious side face, she realized that Li Yexing was not joking. Alexa's expression was stunned again. Just when she wanted to ask more questions, she heard Li Yexing suddenly say: Come out. Got it!'

As she started to drag, Alexa turned her head subconsciously, and saw that her whole body suddenly became clear. The night and the sea returned to her field of vision again, and the maze made of containers was left behind by Li Yexing. He was entangled with Alexa. After staying for a long time, he returned to the wide deck. Not far away was the runway that he had longed for, and above the runway, a strange-looking fighter jet was parked silently. Looking at the fighter jet on the runway, Alexa felt cold all over for some reason. She turned her head, frowned slightly and said: Dear, are you going to take that plane to the oil field?

.Wrong. Li Yexing raised the corners of his mouth and lowered his head. He met Alexa's eyes and said with pride in his eyes: How is it? A perfect plan is not

It's no problem to let it fly. Li Yexing answered while speeding up his pace. What about landing? My dear, how do you plan to land this fighter jet on the undersea oil field? Alexa asked with a slight frown. Landing? As if he heard some joke, Li Yexing's smile became more and more crazier. , he grinned and nodded: Why do we need to eject when we can land?

Seeing that she was being held by Li Yexing and getting closer and closer to the coffin in the air, Alexa stretched out her hand expressionlessly and gently snapped her fingers at the fighter jet on the runway. With a crisp sound, dark green liquid poured out. It splashed out from the fingertips and stuck to the fuselage of the small fighter jet. The next second, the white light lit up, and there was a loud boom sound. The fighter jet exploded instantly, and a huge fireball rose into the sky, reflecting the night sky. The sea was red. A strong shock wave shook the sea wind and almost pushed Li Yexing, who was holding Alexa, to the ground. Members of the security force who were fighting fiercely on the other side of the bridge rushed out.

The rising fireball was reflected in the dark eyes, and the sea breeze carried the sparks past Li Yexing. Li Yexing, who was holding Alexa, had his eyes wide open, his eyes were dull, his mouth was slightly open, and he made a meaningless Ah Baaba. After a long while, he lowered his head and overlapped his eyes with Alexa. Facing Li Yexing's dull gaze, Alexa showed her girlish innocence. She smiled sweetly and said : Dear, the fuel tank of that fighter jet suddenly exploded. Please hold me tighter, I'm afraid...

But she was still able to hang on him in a hugging position, with her arms around his neck, one leg hooked around his side waist, and she was in a yoga pose, hanging steadily on Youxing's body. Alexa smiled and said: 'What's the matter? Honey?

He said hysterically: Oh my god! How can we go to the undersea oil fields if you blow up the plane?! You were sent by God to mess with me, right?! The world is about to be destroyed! Miss Ashford! By Li Ye After the murder, the smile on Alexa's face disappeared. She glared at Li Yexing and said, Hold me. Are you kidding?! Li Yexing said with veins popping out.

Wrap me up.

Seeing Li Yexing looking hysterical, Alexa sighed quietly, and said in a deep voice: My dear, how do you think I got here?

Aircraft carrier]? Was it blown here from Lanyang?

Passing through the curves of his legs and armpits, Alexa also retracted her slender jade legs that hooked Li Yexing's side waist, and pressed them on Li Yexing's arms again. He took action, gently hooked Li Yexing's chin, and whispered softly: What should you call me? My dear?

Look at your worthless appearance. She seemed to be amused by Li Yexing's 100\\+ attitude change. Alexa couldn't help but cover her red lips lightly. She raised her hand and inserted it into the snow-white vagina. In the canyon, under Li Yexing's burning eyes, he pulled out his mobile phone, then dialed the number and said: Haman has finished his work, come and pick us up.

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