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Not long after, there were roars in the night sky, and a familiar-looking helicopter slowly landed in the light of the fire, and then stopped steadily on the deck. Then, the helicopter door opened. Yinman, the royal butler of the Ashford family, who was wearing an oversized custom-made suit, stepped down and prepared to welcome his third lady on the plane as usual. However, as soon as he got off the helicopter and looked up, he was stunned. I saw my third young lady being held in the arms of a familiar man, with a sly smile on her face. On the other hand, the man's face didn't seem to be very good-looking. Miss. An irrepressible surprise flashed through his orange eyes. , Han Yan touched his chest with one hand, squirming his bandaged lips, and first greeted Alexa in his arms, and then pointed his current line at Li Yexing. He bowed slightly and used that A voice like a chaotic whisper respectfully said: I never expected that Mr. Li would be here. This is really a great surprise. Since we said goodbye four years ago, Miss and I have been thinking about you. Now, to be here in a place like this We met by chance. This must be Mr. Li and the 'green' of my Ashford family, right? On the other side, holding Alexis and looking at the respectful housekeeper Harman who was guarding the door of the helicopter, Li Yexing suddenly remembered, In Resident Evil Codename: Veronica, the butler of the Ashford family seems to be named Harman. Judging from the files in the game, Butler Harman should be the only one in the Ashford family - He is a normal person. In the commission he participated in ten years ago, his predecessor had acted with Butler Harman. T years ago, Butler Harman was still a thin old man with a stooped figure and was about to die. Now, Butler Fenman turned into a muscular monster in a plus-size suit with a physique comparable to that of a tyrant and a head covered with bandages.

Damn it, this is the second time he has spoken? What did Miss Ashford feed him? Li Yexing probably already had an idea in his mind as to how the Harman housekeeper became what he is now. If the prediction was good, , what is hidden under that bandage is probably plant-like dark green skin, which is one of the characteristics of the T-Veronica virus BOW.

After listening to Butler Haman's polite words, Li Yexing lowered his head and glanced at Alexa, who was still in his arms and refused to go down. When he saw Alexa smiling slyly at him, he sighed softly, Then he quickly walked towards the helicopter with Alexa in his arms. Although Butler Harman should be a normal person from a spiritual perspective, Li Yexing just doesn't want to have too much to do with the Ashford family. However, he has no choice. The security forces and ghost zombies are still there. On the other side of the fight, all the Black Umbrella helicopters had flown over, seemingly preparing to assist the security forces in evacuating. After all, whether they wanted to destroy the missile or recapture the missile, their mission was over. Centered on the bridge, the Ashford family's helicopters and the black Umbrella's helicopter group formed a strange balance where you don't offend me, and I don't offend you. Leaving behind the flames of the fighter jet explosion, Li Yexing hugged Alexa and approached the helicopter step by step under the watchful eye of Butler Harman. For some reason, Ye Xing always felt that Butler Harman's gaze was a little too eager, and was attracted by the strong Like a tyrant, Butler Harman stared at the words with orange-red snake eyes that were the same as Alexa's. Li Yexing only felt that there was something about the hair salon. I wonder if it was his imagination. Vaguely, he seemed to see the bandage. The covered mouth was smiling! Against Butler Haman's burning gaze, which seemed to be looking at his son-in-law, Li Yexing entered the cabin bravely, and then sat in the place where he had been sitting next to the window. As he put his arms away, Alexa hugged his neck and naturally sat on his haunches. Aren't you going to get off? Seeing that Alexa was still relying on him, Li Yexing glanced at Butler Harman who was boarding the plane, and then frowned slightly and asked Alexa in a low voice. The helicopter seat is too big. It's too cold. Looking into Li Yexing's eyes, Alexa raised the corners of her lips and said softly with a cold smile: It's just right for you, my dear, to be here. This cheongsam of yours isn't cheap, is it? Li Yexing swept his eyes along Alexa's curves and whispered: It's hanging on my body, isn't it all dirty? It doesn't matter, it's already dirty. Alexa chuckled and said: Besides, just throw away the clothes when they are dirty. If I miss the opportunity to sit on your lap, my dear, I don't know when the next time will be. Knowing that the other party was a monster who didn't understand love, but after hearing Alexa's words, Li Yexing couldn't help but blush. He turned his head, trying to avoid Alexa's sight, but found that Butler Harman was there. Standing on the other side of the helicopter, staring directly at him and Alexa. Meeting Li Yexing's eyes, Butler Harman nodded with satisfaction, his eyes almost slitted, he turned around and walked towards the helicopter. The cockpit muttered: 0 Haha, very good, very good... After a while, under the gaze of Li Yexing and Alexa, Butler Fenman entered the cockpit. Not long after, the roar started again. With a sound, the helicopter sail left the deck of the aircraft carrier and began to climb up a little bit. She sent away the housekeeper Fenman with her eyes, and immediately only Li Youxing and Alexa were left in the cabin. Because her housekeeper was not there, Alexa immediately became bolder in her actions. She moved her seat from Li Youxing's position. Ye Xing moved her knees to Li Ye Xing's thighs, letting her whole body press into Li Ye Xing's arms. Her two slender white legs were stretched straight, resting on the seat on the other side. She stretched out her hand and gently Brushing the side of Li Yexing's face, the moment Li Yexing turned his head to look at her, she moved directly towards Li Yexing's lips. Don't be like this... For Li Yexing, kissing is a sacred thing. It was a serious matter, so he gently stretched out his hand to cover Alexa's lips while frowning slightly and said: Miss Ashford, you shouldn't be like this. Wrong call again. With her mouth covered, Alexa's voice sounded irritated. Okay, Lisa. Gradually, she began to get used to calling this Miss Ashford by her nickname.

Li Yexing stared at the pair of orange snake eyes and wanted to explain love to Alexis, but when the words came to his lips, he didn't know how to speak, so he gently He sighed and put down his hand little by little. Alexa has always been good at seizing opportunities. The moment Li Yexing let go, she stepped forward again, but when she caught the fleeting irritability in Li Yexing's eyes, she slowed down. Then he gently touched the corner of Li Yexing's lips. It's very close to the lips, but it's not close enough to touch. You have officially met my family, and we have also kissed. Putting the tip of her tongue that had licked the corner of Li Yexing's lips between her red lips, Alexa narrowed her eyes slightly and said: You are mine. . I Lisa, this matter is very complicated. I can't understand your thoughts. Shaking his head gently, Li Yexing wanted to say something more to hide his inner shake, but saw Alexei Sha gently pressed her index finger on Li Yexing's lips. She chuckled and said, I understand, dear, if I want to be with you, I need the approval of my six sisters, right? Don't worry, I will make them fall in love with me. Tsk, even if it is just a false love based on interests, do I have to implement it so seriously? i\u003e-Time, Li Yexing was silent, he did not expect that the queen in his arms would actually be 0 this stubbornness.

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