What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-117. The tough butler’s attack

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When the helicopter rose to a sufficient height, the Harman steward who was driving the helicopter asked in a deep voice: Are we going back to Lanxiang? Miss? No, let's go to the nearest submarine oil field from here. Lying in Li Yexing's arms, raising her head slightly, Alexa replied in a low voice like a lazy big cat. Undersea oil field? After hearing Alexa's answer, Butler Harman made a slight gesture, and then asked in a deep voice, What are we doing there? Miss?

Go deal with the things N∈o. Umbrella left... She raised her head and stretched out her arms to wrap around Li Yexing's neck again. Alexa looked at Li Yexing who deliberately avoided her eyes and said softly. He smiled and said: Listen to my dear, the things left in the oil fields under the sea can destroy the whole world in just four hours.

Destroy the world? Never questioning the authenticity of Alexa's words, Butler Harman's tone became solemn and he said in a deep voice: Miss, this situation is a bit too complicated. Maybe we should call Yang. It's not necessary. She shook her head slightly, Alexis straightened up, buried her face in Li Yexing's neck, breathed gently, and then said with a smile, It's just a slightly bigger monster. That’s all. The defenders are just Neo Umbrella’s ants. My dear and I can handle all of this.

It seems that the treatment of Mr. Simmons and Miss Wang will be postponed. After a moment, Butler Harman whispered. It doesn't matter, let them dance again... After all, he couldn't help but put his finger on Li Yexing's neck. After pecking lightly, Alexa narrowed her eyes slightly, a hint of confusion and charm flashed in her red snake eyes, and she murmured: When my dear and I tear up all their trump cards, they will also reveal No more trouble. After saying that, Alexa opened her red lips slightly like a vampire and sucked Li Yexing's neck directly. Feeling the moist sliding hidden under the soft touch, as well as the occasional nibbling of her teeth , Li Yexing's breathing became slightly heavier, as if to divert his attention. He turned his head in the direction of the cockpit and said: Someone is already working on the matter of the Simmons couple. We just need to clear the bottom of the sea. Once the crisis in the oil field is resolved, this incident will be completely over. Hearing Li Yexing's words, Alexa's eyes flashed with light, but she did not let go of Li Yexing's neck because she knew that Butler Harman would ask her the questions she wanted to ask. Sure enough, in the next second, the Harman steward in the cockpit asked in a deep voice: Mr. Li, are you saying that you have already arranged the manpower in advance? That's right. He put his hand on Alekli. Li Yexing's expression became more and more weird, he frowned slightly and said: Don't worry, they can handle everything. They... After hearing Li Yexing's words, Butler Fenman understood. It seemed that Mr. Li not only hid the information from the Ashford family's intelligence network, but also rushed to attack Simmons and Ada before the Queen sent them. , Sure enough, a man who can be valued by a young lady is so resolute! On the other side, after sucking for a while, Alexa let go. Looking at the red mark left on Li Yexing's neck, she smiled slightly and said: Dear , It's Nao Hen. Yes, I need to explain. Li Yexing nodded, looking at the smaller and smaller aircraft carrier outside the window, he said in a deep voice as if talking to himself: Li 5. You are absolutely God sent him specifically to deal with me. God thinks my life is too comfortable... Sitting in the cockpit, listening to the interaction between Li Yexing and Alexa in the cabin, Harman's housekeeper was covered by a bandage. His expression became more and more weird. When he first saw Li Yexing holding Alexa, he thought that the two of them had opened their hearts and fell in love, and they were just short of giving birth to an heir for the Ashford family, but now It seems that Li Yexing's attitude is too ambiguous, or even cold? Vaguely, Butler Haman realized that the situation seemed different from what he imagined. Something seemed to be wrong.) After a moment of confusion, the elderly man's mentality The proud housekeeper Harman couldn't hold it back after all. He opened his mouth under the bandage and was silent for a moment. Then he asked Mr. Li in a deep voice, how pleasant it is to get along with my young lady? Very pleasant. Li Yexing nodded and said absentmindedly. The moment he heard Li Yexing's answer, Housekeeper Haman's heart sank. This is not okay... Hearing it, it means that the emotions are not in place and he cannot give birth to Ash. The answer from the heir to the Ford family! Really? That's really great. He said a scene, just like the old man next door talking about everyday things, Harman's butler-style conversation - redirected: Li Xian E, Miss He was a miserable man. He passed away when he was still young. A few years later, a disaster struck, and the eldest young master and the second young lady also left. From then on, only the young lady and I were left in the Ashford family. , life was already hard and difficult, but a few years later, the young lady was framed by evil people again, and almost lost her life. Fortunately, she got help from you, so she didn't end up dead in Fenye... Speaking of this, Butler Haman sighed heavily. In a somewhat sad tone, he said: My lady has been arrogant since she was a child, and she doesn't want to get close to others. She is willing to pursue suitors such as Qing Guojiang, but she is willing to take a look at Mr. Li. You are still young, so you may not understand my worries. I just see him. I grew up with Miss. She has neither the care of her elders nor friends of the same age. She is too lonely, which makes me very worried. Fortunately... you are here. I can see that Miss she is. I really like you. Having done enough preparation, with a glimmer of light in his orange eyes, Butler Harman finally asked the question he really wanted to ask. He asked in a relaxed tone as if he was asking casually: I'm a little curious, Li Sir, what do you think of the young lady? She has a good mind, is beautiful and has a distinguished family background, but she has no airs. Li Yexing looked down at the queen who was acting like a girl in her arms, and Li Yexing bravely replied in a serious manner. :' For a girl like Miss Ashford, her partner can only be from an equally prominent family,

Handsome looking, excellent character and ability

As soon as the voice of the man whose eyes were focused enough fell, Alexa, who was in Li Yexing's arms, raised her hand, gently pinched the soft flesh on Li Yexing's chin and twisted it hard. Suddenly, Li Yexing was hurt. That's it - a cold breath. The heart of Butler Harman, who was driving the helicopter, had sunk to the bottom of the lake. Just like Alexa, he never believed that any man could refuse the charm of the young lady. There must be something wrong! Mr. Li, there is no need to belittle yourself, the lady has always been very optimistic. In order to find the crux, Butler Harman changed the subject again. He smiled and said: i2, from the beginning of the meeting, the lady has been - I am leaning directly in your arms, Mr. Li. I must have talked about many young people's topics with you on that aircraft carrier before, right? I just don't know if it is convenient for me to talk to you. As soon as I finished speaking, Butler Fenman spoke again. Using a move to retreat in order to advance, he pretended to make amends after speaking rudely, and said hurriedly: Of course, if it's inconvenient, forget it, I just care about the lady. After all, I am old, and when people get older, it is easier to treat them. These things interest you, right? Haha, people become better with age.

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