What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-118. The Despair of the Macho Butler

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Heck, people become better with age, and they always mince words when they talk! - Alexisa gently pulled the soft flesh on her chin as if she was angry, and turned her gaze to the cockpit on the other side of the cabin. Li Yexing's expression It’s getting weirder and weirder. As a malignantly mutated T-Veronica virus-infected Butler Harman, it’s already amazing that he doesn’t have dementia. What’s even more outrageous is that his brain can actually run such deep calculations! Moreover, Or for that kind of Gua that is full of the atmosphere of the street aunt! At this moment, Li Yexing felt a hint of the atmosphere of the second uncle next door from Haman, the old butler who was severely mutated but still gentle. Facing Butler Harman's question, Li Yexing hesitated a bit. To be honest, he didn't want to answer Butler Harman's question. After all, even if Butler Harman was a normal person, from a standpoint, he was still Ah Man. A member of the Shford family. Just when Li Yexing put on a symbolic smile and was about to prevaricate the old housekeeper, Alexa in his arms suddenly sat upright. She put one arm around Li Yexing's neck and turned her side His face was pressed against her soft side peaks through the delicate fabric. At the same time, he turned his head to face the direction of the boat. He gently stroked Li Yexing's short hair like a cat and smiled softly: Steward Haman, Don't be like this, my dear, I'm a little shy. Yes, it's smooth and soft, and it smells like roses. Can you not be shy? I always feel that there is something wrong with the posture. Li Yexing pulled away slightly and wanted to withdraw, but unexpectedly Alek Lisa's arm was like an iron railing, fixing Li Yexing's head there, so Li Yexing's heart skipped a beat, and he pressed his mouth directly against it like a prank, while raising his head with the upper half of his face exposed, Staring hard at Alexa's side face, her eyes were like a demonstration. Being suddenly attacked, a faint blush appeared on Alexa's face, but for this queen, even if Even shyness could not tear her calm expression. Her orange snake eyes narrowed slightly and she responded to Li Yexing. Alexa's movements in stroking Li Yexing's short hair seemed to be more gentle. It was as if she was comforting someone who had lost his temper. Cat. Do you really not care at all? In the soft fragrance, he felt that the atmosphere was getting more and more like flirting between lovers, Li Youxing asked angrily as if he had lost. Feeling the hot breath that Li Yexing exhaled when he spoke penetrated the medical fabric and went straight to her heart, Alexisa suddenly felt dizzy as if she was drunk, so she crossed her legs on the chair, and then The weight of his body completely fell on Li Yexing. Relax, don't do this... There was a hint of embarrassment in his eyes. Li Yexing had no face to tell Alexa that he would get up if she continued like this, and Ah Lexissa obviously didn't care too much. She held Li Yexing's neck with her hand and stroked Li Yexing's cheek with her other hand. She lowered her head, pecked Li Yexing's forehead gently, and then murmured softly: This is what you owe me. Pay back part of it first, wait for the rest, and pay back slowly later. Will Mr. Li be shy in front of the lady? On the other side, the Harman steward who was driving the helicopter in the cockpit naturally He couldn't see Xiao Yanni in the cabin. Seeing that Li Yexing had no intention of answering, he could only smile and say, Where's Miss? Are you shy, Miss?

Of course I don't... Holding Li Yexing tightly in her arms, Alexa rubbed Li Yexing's forehead as if she was being poisoned by a cat. She turned her face sideways and stared in the direction of the helicopter cockpit with the corner of her eye. , and responded with a soft smile: In front of her husband, the women of the Ashford family have nothing to be shy about. So I am completely tied to you? To be honest, being held by Alexa like this , Li Yexing is indeed extremely comfortable. Even though he is being looked down upon by his own girls, Li Yexing still wants to know that Alexa is a rare beauty. She is as beautiful as a creation of heaven, and can even compete with Tilithis. Next, whether it was the extremely perfect figure, the pair of orange-red snake eyes, or the delicate mole under his right eye, they all perfectly hit Li Yexing's sensitive points. In addition, the sudden With a personality as pure as a girl and yet as domineering as a queen, for a moment, Li Yehang even really suspected that Alexa was sent by God to punish him.

A time traveler.

In front of Alexa, the macho man felt like an innocent young lady who had been pushed into a corner by her big sister, only to be ravaged. In the cockpit, after hearing Alexa's answer, Butler Fenman had a clue in his mind. It seemed that Mr. Li was more passive in the lady's relationship, but this is not surprising. After all, the lady is the chosen queen. , even if Mr. Li has a lovely wife and rich experience, he may only be passive and submissive in front of the young lady's passionate emotions. Could it be that the reason why Mr. Li resisted the young lady was because the young lady’s overly forceful expression of love had hurt Mr. Li’s respect? Trying to peel off the cocoons to see the essence through the phenomenon, Butler Harman pondered for a moment and continued to ask with a smile: Since Miss is not shy, wouldn't it be convenient for you to tell me about it? What did you and Mr. Li talk about? There is no doubt that as a housekeeper, such a question is a big deal, but as someone looking at Ah When Alexa grew up, the relationship between Alexa and him was more like parent-child than master-servant. Moreover, at this moment, Haman believed that the happiness of the young lady in the rest of her life was more important than adhering to the housekeeper's creed. My Lion, you really make me want to stop... Alexa whispered softly in Li Yexing's ear. It seemed that because of Li Yexing who had been sucking for a long time, her mood became more and more pleasurable, causing Li Yexing's cheeks to swell. Freed from the constraints of her sweet and fragrant plumpness, Alexa-Diandian slumped down and buried her face in Li Yexing's neck again. At the same time, she smiled and whispered to Butler Han Yan about the two men on the aircraft carrier deck. The person passed by. It seemed that she thought she was talking about an interesting topic. Alexa spoke in great detail. A trace of innocence appeared on the domineering and calm queen's face, as if she was showing off to her elders.

The little girl her boyfriend was passionately in love with, and Li Yexing, whose chest was pressed by Alexa, turned his head, frowned, and stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, so that no one could see his expression clearly. Finally, in this atmosphere that made Li Yexing feel extremely embarrassed, Alexis smiled and completely recounted to Butler Harman the story of the two of them on the aircraft carrier.

After listening to Alexa's story, the steward Harman who was driving the helicopter fell silent. Under the bandage, there was not a trace of smile on his face. Not only that, but the pair of eyes reflected on the windshield were visible. The red eyes looked extremely solemn. Miss. After a while, Butler Harman forced his voice to sound less heavy. He asked with his lips raised: Before, you said that Mr. Li asked you what you like about him, right? How did you answer? Are you going to do it again? There was no shyness on her face, as if she was still very proud. Alexa raised her head and proudly proclaimed her confession, Because my dear is unique. Irreplaceable! The only one in the world with high-strength universal virus adaptability! The only one who matches me!

In the helicopter cockpit, Butler Harman silently raised his hand and covered his face. It's over, miss...it seems like you really don't understand men or love...

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