What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-120. The Weakness of the Strong Queen

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With Alexa's revitalization, the Queen's faction's development speed suddenly accelerated, and they frantically began to infiltrate Black Umbrella and all organizations that might have something to do with Black Umbrella. Completed instead, since there was no need to show up, Alexa had plenty of free time. From this time on, Alexa began to learn to read popular texts that she had never read before, and even began to read frequently. Go to Google. I want to know more about human beings and what real human beings should be like... When asked by Butler Harman, the queen who was born from the flames of genetic technology said this. Looking at this thing in front of her, it really doesn't look like that. A girl who understands people's hearts, Housekeeper Harman's heart is quite complicated. He wants to tell her that understanding the joys and sorrows of human beings and love cannot only be through reading books and surfing the Internet. She needs to go out and contact more people, but - she thought of Ah Lexissa's situation, he swallowed the words back in his stomach. It's still too early, that's all. Moreover, if the reason Alexa wants to understand human beings is just because she hopes to get closer to the mercenary, then there is no need to worry, because no man in this world can refuse her. With the power of the Shford family, no man can refuse Alexa's charm. In the view of Housekeeper Harman, as long as his lady is willing, regardless of whether she can understand human beings, the mercenary will only be the one under her skirt. Chen. Finally, another four springs and autumns have passed, and the time has come to 2009. In four years, many things have happened. For example, Alexa has become stronger and the power of the Queen's faction has become more solid. Another example is Alexa. The name Li Yexing was completely changed from the somewhat ambiguous Li to Dear, and... Alexa became more and more beautiful. Likewise, in the same year, Li Yexing encountered an unprecedented crisis in North Africa! In order to snatch Tililith, the European branch of Black Umbrella and Sanlian Pharmaceutical took action at the same time! In other words, Alexa The long-awaited opportunity to show off in front of Li Yehang has finally arrived! Housekeeper Harman... Before boarding the helicopter, Alexa still had a cold smile on her face. She walked from the snowy peaks to She took out her old small mirror, looked at the peerless face dotted with tear moles in the mirror, and asked in a low voice to the Harman housekeeper who was waiting for her to board the plane: Do you really don't need to put on makeup? After so many years, Would it be better for me to put on some light makeup? Miss, your face is perfect enough, any cosmetics can only cover your beauty. Butler Harman bowed slightly and said seriously. Butler Harman, do you think he will still remember me? Of course he will. Her eyebrows furrowed slightly, and Alexa recalled that winter night again, with that cold but cold face. But there is a face that I can’t remember the appearance of. In comparison, the man with the monster girls hugging him and smiling happily seems to be much cuter. Like a big cat, soft, gentle, and like a male. Lion, mighty, powerful... I always feel that he will not remember me. After a while, Alexa said with a complicated expression. At this moment, it was difficult for her to tell whether she wanted Li Yexing to remember her. So, In this way, Alexisa first took care of Director Durand Casimir, the powerful cadre of the Black Umbrella European branch who had dispatched the recovery team, on the plane, and then fell from the sky on a rainy night. Oka Liang appeared on the stage and showed off fiercely in front of Li Yexing. Kill Wesker randomly. Li Yexing thought for a while, picked up the girl with abdominal muscles lying on the ground and went straight to the plane. After asking her name, he didn’t look at Alexa again. That day, Alexis Lisa's mentality exploded, and so did Wesker's. It seemed that she was unwilling to do so, and seemed to hope that she could hear something she wanted to hear from Li Yexing. From then on, Alexa had to fix it every year She talked to Li Yexing on the phone at least once, and she specifically chose Valentine's Day. The meaning contained in this can be said to be obvious. However, for some reason, Li Yexing was a little cold to her, and even resisted her, which made Alexa Feeling confused and a little frustrated, she started studying on Google more frequently, gradually surpassing popular novels. After reading a lot of messy/\\bad things, Alexa became more and more confident. It felt like she had understood humans and men since 2. At this moment, Alexa realized that she had become a real love expert! Then, Alexa, who had evolved into a love expert, was defeated in the first battle and was inexplicably killed. Li Yexing was disgusted. Sitting in the cabin, ignoring the reluctance on Li Yexing's face, he lay on Li Yexing's body like a cat sucking him, rubbing against him. Although he didn't understand why. 2 Based on logical comparison and game thinking The perfect confession she refined would be rejected by Li Yexing, but she was so happy that she temporarily chose to put the unpleasantness of being rejected by Li Yexing behind her. After all, once she finished things with Li Yexing, she sent Li Yexing back to When around other monster girls, it would be difficult for Alexisa to lose face and get in touch with someone who rejected her. She would have seriously tarnished Ashford by brazenly competing for men with her destined future sisters even after being rejected. The honor of the German family, so at this moment, Miss Ashford, who was rejected, was thinking about taking advantage while they could still stay together.

Young people have their own young ideas. They still have opportunities and can escape. However, as an old man, Butler Harman cannot let himself go as calmly as Alexa. After all, he is still eager to take care of Ah. Here is the new heir of the Shford family! After listening to Alexa's retelling and confirming Alexa's answer to a certain question, Butler Harman instantly found the real reason for Alexa's rejection! The lady’s answer to Li Yexing’s question was too rational and too utilitarian! It was an answer based on a calm analysis of logic and interests. This answer was simply an answer for the sake of answering a question, and it should appear on the negotiation table. On, not between a pair of lovers! Alexa's answer was simply telling Li Yexing that I love you because you are useful to me. Damn it! So, what kind of answer is this?

!Miss, are you really a girl? !Shouldn’t girls follow their emotions properly when it comes to love? !Why do you have to throw love into a strict logical framework? !What do you think of Li? Mr.’s love, the kind of love that makes you stay up all night and roll around in bed with your quilt after talking on the phone on Valentine’s Day! Is it calculated using mathematical formulas?! As someone who has watched Alexa go through the past few years. Old housekeeper, Haman knew very well that Alexa's love for Li Yexing was absolutely genuine. When Alexa fell into a low point in life and self-doubt, and was madly denying herself, the relationship between Li Yexing and the monster girls The story tells her that her existence is reasonable). She is qualified to continue moving forward. Li Yexing's existence gives her a possibility, an expected sense of belonging, and the motivation to continue walking! This is how This is the real reason why Alexa loves Li Yexing! After witnessing that monsters who were abandoned by the world like her can be loved, she longs to be loved and affirmed like Li Yexing's other monster girls. That's all. That’s all!

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