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In the cockpit, the butler driving the helicopter frowned, worrying about his young lady's life-long event. Outside the cockpit, Alexa seemed to have completely forgotten the unpleasantness on the deck. Her posture had changed from sideways. Sitting turned into sitting astride, two slender and soft jade legs stretched out from the slit of the black cheongsam.

, folded and squeezed on the helicopter seats on both sides of Li Yexing, while Alexa herself was lying on Li Yexing's chest, her arms wrapped around Li Yexing's neck. Her eyes were as charming as silk, shining with a faint smile. Orange-red flowing light, red lips locked tightly on Li Yexing's neck, sucking and sucking, leaving delicate silver threads and light red marks surrounded by tooth marks on Li Yexing's neck. Lisa, are you trying to create a patch of grass on my neck? Li Yexing frowned slightly, feeling the wet and slippery touch on his neck. I really want to leave a whole circle of nagging marks on your neck, my dear. He let go of his mouth and let his fingertips slide gently over the skin he had licked, evoking a faint silver light. Lexissa said angrily and softly: But, for some reason, the hickeys left for you always disappear quickly. My dear, is your recovery ability a little too strong?

As she spoke, Alexa raised her head with slightly squinted eyes, her face flushed. She stretched out her jade finger that slid across Li Yexing's neck, gently pressed it against Li Yexing's lips, and then whispered as if in a dream: Come on, dear, open your mouth, ah- Looking at the jade fingers reflecting the faint light in front of him, for a moment, Li Yexing really wanted to open his mouth, but the next second, his reason failed. Helping him guard his joints, he stretched out his hand and gently pressed it on the back of Alexa's snow-white hand with light green veins floating on it, and folded the outstretched finger back between Alexa's palms. Li Yexing couldn't help but whispered: Lisa, there's something wrong with your state. Indeed, these words were not nonsense by Li Yexing. Alexa's appearance at the moment was really scary, regardless of the disguise. The girlish coquettishness and the queenly cold arrogance that comes from her nature have all disappeared from Alexa's body, replaced by a chill that makes Li Yexing indescribable. At this moment, in Li Yexing's eyes, she Like a very hungry snake, it was tightly wrapped around Li Yexing's body, ready to eat Li Yexing whole at any time. Li Yexing is no stranger to this state. After all, the girls in his family occasionally do this, but Tililith and Tililian are not like this. Kanan usually doesn't mince words. If you want to, just say it. Generally, they are relatively wealthy. The people who are most likely to be in this state are Rita and Mu Qing! Although one of them is a maid and the other is a secretary, one is the housekeeper and the other is the housekeeper, it may be because they are roommates. , so at some point, the performance of the two people will be surprisingly consistent.

And now, Alexa has also entered this state, but for some reason, she looks much more serious than Rita and Bai Muqing! My dear, take off your body armor... On the other side, Li Yexing After rubbing her chest, she seemed a little dissatisfied with the hard body armor that was almost being heated by her own body temperature. Alexa smiled and stretched out her hand, tearing Li Yexing's body armor roughly. Li Yexing saw Fu Xuan hurriedly reaching out and pressing the body armor to his chest. At the same time, he frowned slightly and said: Stop making trouble, this is a life-saving thing at critical moments! I'm here, dear, you don't need this kind of thing at all. Even though she looks weak and boneless, with water running around her eyes, in fact, Alexa's hands are bursting out with power that is completely unmatched by her slender arms. Under this huge force, even The connecting fabrics on the bulletproof vest began to moan in pain. Li Yexing's expression changed instantly due to this terrifying arm strength. He subconsciously grabbed Alexa's wrist, while glaring at him and said: Don't pull 7! It’s torn! “Then will you take it off or not?!” Alexa suddenly raised her head and asked with a sneer.

Take it off. Alexisa's aura was oppressive. After a while, Li Yexing finally made a choice. He shrank back like a petite young lady blocked in a corner by a female gangster, and at the same time he began to ruthlessly She reluctantly took off her body armor, but the moment the body armor touched the seat next to her, the smile returned to Alexa's face. She came up again, pulled open Li Yexing's combat uniform, and then directly pulled it off. His face was buried in Li Yexing's chest. There are so many scars. Hearing the slightly moist and confused sound of the urn in the urn coming from his chest, feeling the warm and slippery touch, Li Yexing turned his head and whispered He said: Stop licking, I'm covered in stinky sweat. Although he said this, maybe because he was used to it with his girls, Li Yexing subconsciously wrapped his arms around Alexa's black cheongsam. Wrapped slim waist. Feeling the pressure from Li Yexing's arm on her waist, Alexa could not help but let out a smile that was not like a queen, letting her blond hair stick to her mouth. She raised her head and looked at Li Yexing , swiping the red lips with her pink and fragrant tongue, and at the same time squinting her pair of mist-filled orange snake eyes and saying: You hug me so naturally, and you still insist that you don't love me? I'm just greedy for your body.. Trying to calm down, Li Yexing said expressionlessly: Yes, my love for you is so hot and real, but your response is so indifferent. You stubbornly refuse to acknowledge my love. You even want to deceive me into denying my love. You clearly refuse, but you are obsessed with my body. You can't even push me away. It's really despicable. There was a cold but charming curve in the corner of her mouth, Alexa. He whispered hoarsely like a whisper: Is it so difficult for you to admit yourself and admit that you also long for me? Dear]? I'm sorry, love may come from desire, but it will never There is only desire left, and I am not a stallion from somewhere. Even though he felt that his heart was shaking and being gradually disintegrated by Alexa, Li Yexing still forced himself to frown and said: Also, I tried to push away Come on, your strength is too much, you almost killed me

My head was torn off from my neck. Squirt was poked in the weak point by Li Yexing. Alexisa, who was clinging to Li Yexing and refused to get up, showed a trace of displeasure on her brows and stared at Li Yexing's forcefully With indifferent eyes, she suddenly smiled. She straightened up again and put her chest close to Li Yexing's. Alexa looked at Li Yexing levelly and brought her face closer until the tips of their noses were about to collide. Then she narrowed her eyes and murmured softly: Kiss me, my little lion, put down your stubbornness. Searching and probing in Li Yexing's eyes, she found that she could not expel the faint resistance. Alexa was not too frustrated. She put her hands on Li Yexing's cheeks and looked at Li Yexing's eyes as before. He pecked the corners of his lips lightly, and then smiled and said: It doesn't matter, dear, I still have patience. You will eventually pay me back what you owe me, and you can't run away. My head is dizzy, and my mind is as clear as day. Alexa, who had evaporated and was floating in the dreamy smoke clouds, as if she was drunk, was about to bury her face in Li Yexing's chest again. Suddenly, she heard Haman in the cockpit. The housekeeper suddenly said: Miss, we are going to the submarine oil field, and something is not right up front.

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